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I put my mount forward, and she began to move her backside slowly at first, so that the gum would straighten out inside her, then faster and faster.

- You feel good? - She did not forget to ask at intervals of three to four times.

- Yes and you?

- Oh! And I, too ... just superb ... never before ... this was not ... wonderful ... Ah! You're all ... like a spring ... Oh! Oh! That's what it means ... young guy ...

Praise is what is called, "went to the bone." Now, the nomenklatura’s buttocks hit my stomach, and I had to make an equally vigorous counter-impetus to not rest my ass against the door. It turned out, like good pilers of logs, but she was pumping up and temping everything, and I, clutching at my trembling tits, cut fourth speed. And now not only the breasts shook, but the buttocks, the abdomen, and even the powerful hips. Everything was shaking with a shudder - so I was hollowing it. She lifted her head up, opened her mouth in a silent, voluptuous moan.

“So ... so ... my dear ... good," she said in short, jerky phrases. - Oh, my God! ... How good! ... And how long! ... I will die now ... from happiness! ... Ah! ..

“It may well die,” I thought. “To restrain such a temperament is not an easy task.”

- Oh ... how I like ... so young ... ma-boys-and ... how are you ... Do you ... he ... is so big ... good! Oh! Already ... the diaphragm ... is enough ... Ah! ... Oh, how sweet! ... Now ... I know ... what is ... a young guy ... Oh! ..

She finished a series of orgasms, which, obviously, contributed to the spurs of the condom. Then I hung around my neck for a long time, resting and whispering all sorts of platitudes. And caressed, caressed without interruption.

- It’s a pity that we are not in my office ... it's safe ... there is another way out. And what a sofa, come if you want ... We will do everything comfortably. Will you come?

I nodded.

- Just do not tell anyone, agreed?

- Of course, what a question! By the way, you don't really get carried away with spurs, you get uterine rabies ...

- Do not teach mother to fuck. - She giggled again, penetrating my lips. - I am very grateful to you, dear ... Sorry, I do not know your name. By the way what is your name?

- Nicodemus.

“I’m seriously asking,” she offended.

- And I say - Nicodemus. Dad and mom so called.

“Hmm ... a strange name, that is, I wanted to say, very rare and beautiful,” the nomenclature corrected. - And me - Valeria Mikhailovna. You can just call Leroy, I let ... You, Nick, I will allow everything!

Then she drowned a used condom in the toilet for a long time - hid evidence. She flushed and flushed, but he still did not want to sink. Finally, Leray was tired of messing around with an unsinkable rubber band. She buttoned and again took the official look.

- I will not hide, Nicodemus, I liked you. Very, - she said friendly and at the same time quite businesslike. - I would like to meet regularly. I think I can be grateful ...

“As at a solemn meeting he scratches,” I was amazed, “now he will hand over a medal.”

- You're a student? I have some connections. I think they will be useful to you ...

“Do not trust your charms. He wants to buy, well, well ... "

- We will agree on the contact time later. Here is my phone. - Valeria Mikhailovna with a kind smile handed me a business card and, lowering her voice, added:

- We will leave one by one. First I, then you.

- This is as usual, - I nodded.

- If everything is quiet, knock on the door.

And she flew away. The persistent aroma of expensive perfumes stretched behind her with a long train. A minute passed, another ... the fifth ... There was no promised signal ... I sat and thought that there was probably no more boring occupation than to sit idle in the toilet.

Unnoticed it became somehow gloomy. The cabin door was open, and the woman cleaning woman Galya came in, rattling buckets. Actually, this was the only way they knew her - Galya, in fact, her name was Galiya Makhmudovna.She stood on her crooked legs, holding a mop in a sinewy hand, and looked at me sternly and at the same time pitifully.

- They fucked you completely, the girls, then. Vaughn, already slept on the face.

Having scratched a large wart under a scythe and a mustache with a dirty fingernail, Baba Galya reached into a pocket of a dirty, torn robe, took out an oiled parcel from there and handed it to me.

- Na-ka, the girls sent you a message. Eat a little, and then, come, in the morning, don't be a jerk, just sit there.

Having executed the order from the will, Galiya Makhmudovna intercepted the mop into the working position, dipped it into a bucket with dirty water and began to scrub the battered tiled floor.

“Ponazrali, ponazrali,” she repeated in her raspy voice, wielding a rag. - The intelligentsia is crap, Allah take them ... Come on, pick up your legs, look at the tuta ...

I ate a dry sandwich and thought about sitting here, apparently, right up to my death. Agree, it is not very pleasant to spend all your life in the toilet! And the women here are some weird. As if they do not come different, but they are the same - only every time everything grows older. Strange, I thought, as the years go by, she grows old, and for some reason I still remain young.

The cleaning lady finished washing and tiredly leaned her hand on the mop stalk.

- Well, now you can relax. Well, you, our lover, was supported by a little-little?

- Yeah, thank you very much, Baba Galya.

“So, thank you you will not get off,” answered Baba Galya in a disgruntled voice. - Teperecha, give me ... I also want ... I haven't tried it for a long time ... Zhvra — I already have become boring ...

She unzipped her shabby robe and began to pull down huge, pink, bleach-stained briefs ... When I saw the chlorinated briefs, I shouted in a wild voice, rushed about on the toilet and ... woke up! Buckets rattled near the sinks and someone with the voice of Galia Makhmudovny shouted: “Well, here I’m flowing ... I’m wallowing to wipe ...” - “Yes,” answered the man’s voice, “you have to cook here.” You can't do without welding, right, Fedya? ”-“ That's right, ”confirmed one more voice,“ pour. Baba Galya, washed glasses? "-" Maybe you still have glasses to get? Not a master, maybe you won't die. ” - "It is truth too. From this, no bacteria will survive, beside us ... "

After some time, unknown subordinates Valerie Mikhailovna began to knock on the pipes with something metallic. “We will not cook today, today is a short day, and tomorrow is a day off. So let's start from Monday. ” - "Duck flood after all until Monday something." - “Do not flood. Wait, we will block the stand, we will lock the toilet, and on Monday we will do it with a fresh head ... ”

I was rushing around in the cabin like a ferret locked in a hen house.

No, I don’t survive until Monday. There was only one thing left to go out and surrender! Let them tell their parents, to the institute - not to die, after all, in this toilet! However ... There seems to be a way out. You just have to get together and, as the actors say, enter the image. And I entered ... I took a notebook out of my pocket, pulled out a pen, gave the person a corresponding official expression. And, busily repeating: "So, so, that means, how ...", moved to the door.

- Everything is in order there - these were my first words in the wild. - Heating pipes do not flow, do not smoke ...

The glasses froze in the hands of the amazed locksmiths, the mustache under Galia Makhmudovna’s nose lifted upright. It was necessary to develop success. And I developed:

- And on other floors, heating is normal?

“Uh-uh,” said Baba Galya, “seem to be alright ... And who are you?”

- I'm from the boiler inspection, inspector, so to speak ... We check the readiness of the systems for winter conditions.

- Yes, it's summer, fall ...

“Prepare a sleigh in the summer,” I joked, smiling sourly. - Where is your cauldron? In the basement?

“We have central heating,” answered Baba Galya, picking a wart near the nose. - There is no boiler at all ...

- No, not so. Ours is easier, - I said, writing something down. - Then tell me, comrade, how can I find the deputy director for AHC? It would be necessary to issue documents ...

- So you are to our cavalry Mikhailovna? ​​... It is our main one according to Ahoch.

“I saw her,” said Fyodor, a mechanic. - I rode along the corridor, as if she had screwed her backside.

- Euyny office on the first floor. Wait, I'll show you ...- The cleaning lady followed me up the stairs, where our farewell took place.

Shortly thanking Baba Galya for cooperation, squinting at the mop, squeezed in her hands, I decorously trodden down the corridor.

- Look, you, inspector ... and he is so young, - the babigalins of the farewell flew into my back. - And where did it come from? Ay climbed through the window?

- They are nimble now, - Fedya laughed. - Pour it ...

Instead of an epilogue. I walked through the streets bathed in the summer sun. He smelled the scent of trees washed in the rain, flowers in the flower beds and rejoiced, rejoiced at the newfound freedom!

Yes, dear friends, life, ultimately, unprecedentedly beautiful thing!

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