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You cry, yes?

Cried not Sveta ... It seems I already cried. Silently, hopelessly, writhing scary-prestrashni faces ...

- Light, do not cry, please. And do not be silent, otherwise thinking is not good ... Oh, Sveta, what are you thinking? Do not you dare, Svetka, do you hear!

And here it happened. Familiar fingers invaded my territory, and after them chestnut curls flew up above the booth wall and wide-open brown eyes appeared. “Wow little face,” I fix automatically, but then a heart-rending cry came out and the “face” disappeared as suddenly as it appeared.

- Aaaa! - screamed, “alien”.

“This chick should not be let out!” - a lightning flashed through my head, but at that very moment the next door opened with a hell of a roar. There was only one thing left: with a screaming mouth sealed with the palm of your hand, drag everything else into my cabin. Sharp teeth immediately pierced the hand ...

- Oh, mommies, rape! Aaaa ... um, um, let go, you scoundrel! ... bastard! ... A-gmu-mm ...

But my hands firmly held this crazy girl: one - in the girth of the chest, the other - under the chin. Breasts, by the way, she had good ones. Big, plump and very pleasant to the touch!

- Quiet! What are you yelling for? - I croaked in her ear. - You cut, or what? I'm not going to rape you ...

“Ah ... shhhhhh, you're doing it here, ss-bastard ...” the stranger hissed through clenched teeth.

- I am a new one, I made a wrong toilet ... What is there with this? Can you understand it or not ?! You will calm down now, and I will let you go. Fuck I need you ...

The last phrase clearly offended the “stranger”, and she again made an attempt to escape and answer something, but the front door slammed again! And my captive had enough tact (I am not afraid of this word: who, after all, is the hunt to become the laughing stock of the entire library?) To quiet down.

Two persons, talking to each other, occupied the booths. They poured together, without interrupting the lively conversation. Oh, women! They cannot keep their mouths shut even where silence is befitting - to every individual. Thinking about it, I pressed my prisoner’s chest even more tightly, which made her sticking her back to my chest, and her ass pressed against a member that started to move, and I had to warn someone else:

- Pick you - I will drown in the toilet!

She was not offended, but, on the contrary, somehow went limp. Ladies, meanwhile, came out of the booths and headed for the sink.

“You say you made a mistake on the toilet,” the “alien” asked suddenly, quietly. - Why then spied on me?

- I - peeping ?! - sincerely offended, - Yes, where did you get ...

- There, the broken mirror lies ... Eh, you.

Exposing only increased my excitement. The captive guessed that she was not a killer maniac, but a completely safe asshole reader and ... radically changed her attitude towards me, becoming some kind of "more personal."

“It seems that they have left ...” murmured the “stranger”, by no means in a hurry to get out of my embrace.

Fortunately, someone again went into the toilet. We froze, huddled close to each other.

- Damn it ... - weakly indignant girl. - So they will never run out ...

And then, without even waiting for it, the whole girl on the cheek. She jerked, her thin eyebrows crept up, but then they sank down. With every second of the sacrifice, my captive turned into an accomplice, and this brought us together ... So much so that I was shamelessly kissing those sweet lips. And then my tongue wandered (quite by accident, of course) into a pink ear, it began to melt like a candle ...

"Alien" trembled when I pulled up my skirt and crawled under the panties. Her tummy turned out to be so cool, but between the legs, on the contrary, it was unusually hot and wet. I wonder how long she sailed? Our kiss was horribly delayed, then she pulled her tongue out of my mouth and asked:

- Kiss ... there ...

From the kiss "there" she squealed, slightly scratching the wall of the cabin and my nape with her nails. Of course, the chestnut hole was not a lesbian, but some experience of such a relationship with her, apparently, still formed.The girl leaned back farther, until, having thrown her hands behind her head, she did not rest on the wall. It turned out a sort of half-bridge or elegant arch.

Hips were widely spread, and I easily, almost without aiming, drove a member where necessary. She rubbed the gap up and down, and I pushed the trunk back and forth. Everything was pretty synchronous. The caresses of my tongue, apparently, had not yet been extinguished in the vagina, because the "alien" soon soon began to end. She finished and still could not finish, lamenting as instituted:

- Oh, mommy! ... Oh, how good! ... Ah! ... Honey! ... Like a deputy-me-chat-flax-oh! ... Oh, God! I want you to that-oh con ... chi-il ... Oh! Come on, dear ... chorus ... my ...

I also finished, but she did not get off the penis until he himself fell out. And then she wanted to pee.

- Turn away ...

But I did not obey, admiring how a bright trickle is fired from lips pubescent with delicate hair.

The “alien” did not close, probably not to spoil my pleasure. Wetting the puss with a piece of paper, she straightened up and pulled on her panties.

“And you, in fact, with perversions,” she stated without a shadow of condemnation in her voice.

“Probably everyone is a pervert to some degree,” I retorted.

After a little thought, she suddenly laughed, holding her hand over her mouth:

- Indeed, if half an hour ago someone had told me that I would give myself to the man in the toilet ...

- And you yourself do not crack, and so your tongue has already let you down. Svetka for some reason offended.

- Oh, and do not say! What is I still talker. I burst out without thinking. Where is she now running? ... She keeps everything in herself. Although you can understand it: Sveta is ugly, so she is afraid that she would not be beaten off, but this Seryoga came to our hostel. Svetka was not. Why, to whom he came - does not say. And immediately he got to kiss me.

- Insolent as I am.

“But you are skillful,” she appreciated, “but he didn’t succeed ... He couldn’t. Complete disharmony. Yes, and I did not want ... Oh, okay. By the way, let's get to know each other.

- What for? So even more interesting. Abstract man meets by chance with an abstract woman ...

“... and performs abstract sexual intercourse,” she continued. - Understand. So to say, pure sex, but in a dirty place ...

She extended her hand and introduced herself:

- Luba.

“Vitaly,” I answer, shaking a narrow palm and ceremoniously bowing my head, as if they were not in the library outhouse, but at a reception in the Palace of Versailles.

- 3nat, Vitalik, I liked you. If you want to meet again, call. Here is the phone. - “The Alien” took a piece of paper from the drawer and scribbled the number with the pen.

I hid a piece of paper and made it clear that it was time to scatter.

“We will leave alone,” she said the phrase already familiar to me. - First - I, then - you.

“Yeah,” I nodded thoughtfully. - If everything is OK, you cough.

- No, coughing is unreliable. I'd rather whistle softly, like this ...

And she, half-whistling, half-whistling, quietly deduced the first bars: “Get up, damn stigmatized ...”

“Agreed,” I nodded, and she left.

Here the "alien" and tied.

- Aha, debauchery, then we are engaged, - said someone's female, but very harsh voice. - Where? Wait! Speak last name, course, ad-es!

Immediately my powerful fist shook my booth:

- Come out, you bastard, right now the police call!

The situation appeared before me in all terrifying clarity. Some kind of ... Read more →

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