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turned the faucet. In the ensuing silence some new sounds were heard. I quickly realized that it was the rhythmic squeak of the fraternal couch.

Then I jumped into the corridor in one leap and opened the door to his room so that the chair, which was attached to it with a back, flew off to the battery. In the green light, bursting out with me from the corridor, I saw on the right of the couch two white legs of wondrous beauty, raised up and stretched out; when I appeared, they immediately spat and lowered themselves. From the couch, my naked wife and my brother, who tried to cover with two hands (their size was not enough) with their sports equipment, reaching the navel with their hands, jumped up. I, the old idiot, rushed to them and, by the hand, pulled Valechka from the sofa onto the bare floor under my feet.

“You ... you ...” I panted, then hissed the first word that came to my mind: “Brutes! ..”

- And you yourself! - Lesha cried, successfully covering himself with a pillow. - Brought a woman to a screech, finished her and - sleep? And she - what?

His arguments were so compelling that I could only get out. Then my wife came running to my bedroom. She, as it should be, sobbed:

- Will you turn me out? Will you drive us out now? But I could not, could not stay like that! Imagine - everything has already filled up and opened and - so it remains! This is beyond the power of men!

She choked.

- Have you ever finished? - I asked.

She instantly stopped crying and, amazed, sank into a chair.

- Yes ... - she squeezed.

All the feelings in me faded away except for one pain: do not let it go! Hold on now!

And I knelt before her:

- Do what you want, just do not leave me! You are my last ... I am without you ...

I understood that words must be supported by deeds. The next morning I found among the different rubbish that accumulates in each family, a chrysolite air pendant in a gold frame that belonged to my grandmother. Mother punished me in due time not to let the jewel out of the family, but I should not have let Valechka out into the street that day without appealing to her. I was terrified that she would not return.

Valechka returned. She came back to my bed every night, and after my nightly attempts to extend my blissful blissfulness, to which the record was no more than half a minute, she heard our apartment moaning, breaking off and, no longer hiding, rushed to her brother's room. After a minute, her shouts of relief were heard from there, and I, covering my head with a pillow, thought that if Lesch had not lived in the next room, Valechka would not have been held by any gifts ...

The day came when I broke my record for another minute. I was already triumphantly winning: Valya, with her eyes wound up, was already rushing around the pillow and groaning with restraint, clinging to my shoulders with sharp claws, her back was dancing on the sheet. But when she began to suffocate, as it were, before death, my ever-premature flow rushed into her, and my beast immediately went limp and died.

Valya hysterically shook me:

- Well! Well!

I averted my eyes, she rushed off to the side in disgust and called out in a wild voice:

- Lesha! Lesha!

In response, a stomp was heard from the hallway (did he wait for her, masturbating at this time?), And Lesha appeared on the threshold. I flew off to the wall, and Valechka, with a forced wheeze, stretched out to him all four limbs, which she hugged him with, when he, not paying any attention to me — not before him, poor man — rushed at her.

Valina's face was distorted beyond recognition, she bared her teeth and roared predatoryly through them, sweat ran down her face, from which her hair fell on her face ... I turned my eyes to my brother, but he turned away from me and I could not see anything except his muscular ass and powerful dark-haired knees, with which he shoved up her obedient hips.

They shuddered for the last time, and Valechka, lifting her hands from my brother's shoulders, covered her face with her hands. Tears flowed copiously between the fingers.Her whole banged. I tried to gently pull away my hands, but she began to scream without words and everything pushed me away. Sitting on the bed, my brother watched this scene with concern.

- Bring water, idiot! - I snapped at him. He brought a cup and began to support Valechka while I was drinking. Having gotten drunk, she lay back. I gestured for my brother to get out, but Valechka dragged him by the arms to himself, and he, like a calf on a chain, reached for her.

“Turn off the light ... It cuts your eyes ...” Valya murmured murdered, and I immediately obeyed. She put my hand on her fur pubis, while she held the hand of her brother on her chest with both hands.

Experienced shocks were too heavy for me. The body obviously needed a blackout. I quickly failed somewhere.

I woke up before them. We all lay under one double blanket. I was pinned to the wall, and my wife, curled up in a warm glomerulus, was asleep, turning her back to me and putting her nose into Lesha’s shoulder. He also snore musically, opening his mouth and throwing back his head. I shook with painful laughter.

And so, every day we go to bed in one. The first word is mine. When I run out of steam, and it also happens instantly, my brother completes what has begun.

Yes, his business is positively going up the hill. Recently, in the national team he was given a two-room apartment, today issued a warrant. So I ordered this table for three today to celebrate a peculiar anniversary of our strange union and at the same time wash its order ... Only now, most likely, Valya and Lesha are now happily dragging things into his apartment, glad that they finally got rid of them from the old satyr-impotent ... So I’ll go better, the people are already looking askance ...

The man kicked the lacquered shoe into the nearest urn and, without looking around, walked away. At the same moment, a taxi slowed down at the restaurant, and from there a girl jumped out in something golden, with her - a young man in a bright sweater.

- Yes, there he is! She shouted to a friend. - There he is! Igor!

The man turned around, saw them and rushed forward. When he came up, the girl began to say something to him quickly, cutely pouting and touching the lapel of his jacket with her palm. Then she picked up both her companions under her arms, and all three of them, laughing and talking, quickly went to the restaurant.

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