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At the door of a respectable restaurant, standing out for a gloomy facial expression against the background of young carefree mindless faces, stood a man of about fifty. Looking at him, one could guess that he had no experience and habit of being neatly dressed and clean shaven. Dear black suit and fashionable patent leather shoes looked somehow separate from him. Perhaps this was due to the fact that the careless elegance of the costume did not at all harmonize with the hunted eyes of the running and wandering eyes. It was immediately possible to determine the unfortunate person, it remained only to guess - which led him here, to an extravagant young crowd, anticipating evening joys.

... It is interesting that the whole gang thinks of me. However, most likely nothing - they just bypass me as an inanimate obstacle. A pity, damn it! Any rumor about my wonderful story leaked into this crowd - I would have looked at their faces! However, I would not meet someone from my friends now! Valentine, of course, earlier than half an hour is not necessary to wait. But Leshka could have hurried up - however, because the two of them will come ... Together and they will be late ... If they will be honored at all.

A man with a battered face began to walk back and forth in front of the door, bumping into people and apologizing, and causing pity for the doorman, who, at the end, asked, squinting familiarly:

- Is your lady late?

“I booked a table for three,” the man replied gloomily and turned away.

Today is the fifth anniversary of our wedding with Valentina. I really booked a table. Of all the tables at which people will gather today, this one will see the most senseless company. Although it would seem that something easier - a family celebration. Wife, husband and his brother. True, I rather remind Valechkina dad, and Leshka - so, the middle half. She, at twenty-five, looks no more than twenty and seems to be not going to grow old. Today, I’ll probably put on that golden dress that I brought to her from Austria, and all these brainless young goats will stare at Valechka’s eyes and think to themselves who of us and my brother are fucking such a gorgeous chick ... And, of course, nobody that wild situation which really developed will not come to mind.

The clock approached half-past seven, a crowd of young people swarming at the entrance gradually sucked into the restaurant doors, only the man did not enter. He just moved a little to one side and stood up so that he could see the clock on the neighboring house. The suffering on his face was becoming clearer.

She, a young girl of about twenty, never wanted to give herself to me, a forty-five-year-old wheeze, coming from sperm and saliva only from the single sound of her voice in the handset. I clearly realized that Valechka was indifferent as a man, so I tried to buy her with inconceivable French fragrances and American shoes of such softness that I wanted to kiss them like women's skin. Valechka could not but take such gifts: her whole being, created for bliss in exquisite furs and incense, the body igniting the simplest semi-precious stones, all this attracted the most expensive and comfortable besides Valechkina's will, or rather, generally accepted moral standards. And she, gratefully clutching to the chest another thin bag with a Parisian silk dress, looked at him with much more tenderness than at me. With a shy smile, I used to put a cheek at the entrance to my porch.

Then I made her an offer, adding a closed suede case to it.

Before answering me, Valya opened it. There was a thin carved ring with three diamonds. “Yes,” she said.

When in the evening after the wedding, we were left alone in the room with her, I presented her with a nightgown.Similar, captured, were used by wives of officers after a victory for exits to the theater, as ball toilets.

- Natasha Rostova's first ball! - exclaimed Valechka, threw up her hands and, slapping her bare heels on the parquet, rushed into the bathroom to put on a new thing.

"It will be necessary to buy her beautiful home shoes," - I decided to myself after her. While she was changing clothes, I managed to invent a thousand of the most seductive things that I would buy her in the near future, this was required to maintain her enthusiasm at the proper level. In my chaste Valechka there was not a drop of modesty. Without blushing, she allowed me to roll a newly purchased shirt on her chest and run her shameless fingers into her elastic virginity - my tired, tortured animal refused to serve me for this purpose. The valine sensations at that moment became completely indifferent to me, although she was tense and trembling, I managed to push my disobedient beast with my hands into the mink prepared for him. And then she let me down again: I didn’t have time to realize that by hook or by crook, nobly or not, but I still have my girl, like a mocking old lustful beast who pushed out of my control pushed the wealth I had accumulated ahead of time. My essence, sticky and sticky, flooded the newly opened girl's vagina and smeared on the buttocks of my girl-wife. While I was recovering from a short pleasure and shame, Valechka shook me off myself, like an arthropod that had flown in and, moving my knees, which had already slid together, rushed to the bathroom.

- Oh, sorry! - came from the hallway her voice. She ran into the hallway with my brother Lesha, who had gone out to the lavatory or was listening at the door. - Nothing happened - what could have happened!

The bathroom door slammed and the water flowed wildly. I thought about Lesha with displeasure: during all the months that I was courting Valya, I noticed traces of his sheep's views on her.

My brother and I have always been different people. And this is not only due to the difference in the age of seventeen. He grew up somehow unintelligent, he did not want to hear anything about the institute and, as he took up the shot put, he would continue this highly intellectual matter, obviously, until the end of his life. Before this, the nuclei flew off into the unknown, and the brother simply sat on my neck. This year I managed to attach him through my friends to the national team, so now he is gradually becoming independent. True, I will not say that I am in this terrible delight.

... That night Valechka returned to our bedroom very serious. I crawled over to her again with my saliva, but she, having thrown a round elbow behind her head - for my part, of course - quietly snuffled. I did not understand whether she was pretending or not.

The next night I waited like Calvary. Hoping to prolong the intercourse with his beloved wife, before taking her to bed, I swallowed six glasses of cognac myself and poured about the same into Valechka. After that, she did not move at all - obediently spread her legs, and remained. I again helplessly scummed it all outside. Then he raised himself in his arms, in the hope that she was in a state of insensitivity, but, to his dismay, he found out that Valechkin’s eyes were wide open, completely sober, hostile and mocking. It remains for me to just roll back and cover my face with my hands.

As on the eve of her, clutching her robe on the move and reducing slippery knees, she rushed into the bathroom. This time, before the door slammed and water flowed, a few minutes passed, and I heard a quick, careful whispering in the hallway. Then, almost noiselessly (but we all know the language of things and doors in our apartments perfectly), the door of the room pretended to be Leshina. I sadly lay in the dark, thinking about my plight. Time has somehow stopped. The water was still roaring monotonously, and it suddenly occurred to me that Valechka was crying in the bathroom under the splash of water. I decided to whine under the door and headed to the hallway.My task was simplified: the bathroom door was ajar. I walked over to her, trampled delicately and put my nose out the door.

Valechki in the bathroom was not! She was not in the dark kitchen either. For some reason I returned to the bathroom and ...

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