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and is about to sink completely. Well conveyed the expression of frantic passionate group photography. Natasha lies on the table with her legs apart. I kneel in front of her and kiss her on the crotch, and Lia lies under the table and sucks my dick. There were a lot of photos where my partners were half-dressed. It seemed that they were in such a hurry, so they did not have time to undress to the end (however, it was in reality). Stockings that were not completely removed, the remaining bra, the half-robe robe, simply the raised hem of the dress — all this gave the photos an intimate character and intensified the erotic influence. A few photos depicted us after the end of sexual intercourse. Osba was well on one of them, Leah, splayed limply on the crumpled sheets of the bed. the legs have not sang yet to move, the arms are spread around the sides, the head is turned on its side, the mouth is half-open, the chest has risen in the last breath, a drop of clear liquid flows down the thigh. There are many more photos of how we dress, undress, bathe, kiss, sleep or just lie around, hugging intimate caresses. Looking at the photos led to the effect that Natasha was counting on. Our feelings awakened. Natasha turned to me and pressed her lips to my lips. We exchanged a long passionate kiss. The head of my member was looking for Natasha's entrance.

- Just do not hurry - Natasha poproosila.

I did not hurry, just turned Natasha on my back and started slowly ... her Natasha was lying quite still, all giving herself up to sweet sensations. I deliberately sent a member a little higher than necessary and he, as with a slide, rolled into the hot depths. From time to time we froze, tightly pressed to each other. It was very nice and I felt that I could for a long time. Natasha's vagina became spacious and my dick entered it almost without resistance. I had the impression that when I nim it, an open hole remained there. I decided to believe it. He put his hand between our bodies and put a finger into Natasha's vagina. No, the hole still closes. Suddenly I heard:

- Deeper, Alyosha.

- Natasha, the other fingers are not allowed.

- And you and the rest.

I uncertainly put Natasha palm. She hardly moved inwards, pushing the elastic walls apart. Inside was not very smooth. The walls were like corrugated. I was afraid that I would make Natasha hurt, but she was silent. An advanced palm met an obstacle. I gently felt his fingertips. The obstacle was convex, and in the middle of it there was a small hollow. I tried to insert the tip of my finger there, but Natasha stopped my hand:

- Alyosha, do not, because this is the uterus.

I pushed my hand back a little and began to stroke the vaginal walls with my fingers.

- Natasha, it hurts you!

- Not.

- Is it nice?

- I myself do not understand, somehow strange, unusual. Sometimes you touch something with your finger, so my languor rises to my throat. Enough Alesha.

- Why did you need it, Natasha?

- I wanted to check out what Leah felt.

- So what?

- Probably, she had it somehow differently.

I started again ... Natasha, but I felt that I was not satisfying her. The man feels good. Too much was all for tonight. To satisfy Natasha, something else was needed. And then she helped me. “Wait, Alyosha”, I stopped.

- Alexis, can I do one thing? You will not then scoff at me?

- What are you, Natasha, you and Leah can do everything, don't you know?

Natasha kissed me, promptly jumped out of bed, mi nita dodged in the dressing table drawer and approached me, hiding something behind her back.

- Alyosha, close your eyes and do not open until I say.

I closed my eyes and felt that Natasha's hands were touching my dick and wrapping him with something soft. Then I felt that she was wearing a condom gum for all this.

- Now you can open your eyes.

I looked down and saw that my penis was two times thicker and one and a half times longer.

- Alexis, don't you think that I miss yours.

Just today something happened to me, I can not

cum, and without it, I'm afraid it will be with me too, as with

Leah. Forgive me.

I assured Natasha that I understand everything, I am not offended at all, and if she thinks that she will be better off, then I don’t mind. My member did not feel anything, through the layer of flannel and Natasha herself was sending him to herself.

“Natasha, if it hurts you, let me know.”

“All right, Alyosha.” Do not be afraid, come on.

Now Natasha was not lying motionless. Her body shuddered in my tact, her light moans broke through clenched teeth, nails dug into my shoulders. What happened to her was the same as with Leah. Also, the body began to tremble and convulse, the groans turned into extended screams. I could not stop. Natasha screamed for the last time, her legs squeezed my hips humbly and she spread out motionless beneath me. I came to my senses, pulled out a member and ripped off everything from it. Sweat - horned Natasha's face. Tears flowed from her eyes.

- Natasha, what's wrong with you?

- All is well Alyoshenka. Lie down next to me quietly for a moment.

I lay down next to him, began stroking Naashi’s body. Natasha opened her eyes, sat on the bed and laughed happily.

- Alexis, how I feel good and calm now. My dear, what can I do for you, because you have not finished yet?

Frankly, I have not thought about it. I have had enough - but, I rejected Natasha's offer. Fatigued, fully satisfied, we lay on the bed, hugging. Natasha, falling asleep, whispered to me:

- Alexis, how good you are to me now ..., I have never felt such complete satisfaction, I want you to ever be like that again. My dear, for the sake of it I am ready for everything, do after this with me everything you want, only ... me.

1 comment
  • December 13, 2015 20:24

    this is my favorite story on this site


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