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more than two months. Soon the chief of the company retired, instead he came young, and Svetlana lost her only defense. Now she was completely dependent on the will of Ed Ard. Everything went on as usual, only Edward stopped using the drug. Without her drug, her sexual feelings were visibly dulled, but she could no longer live without sex, although she tried as soon as possible to meet Edward less often and soon their meetings stopped for a while. She was looking forward to the return of Jura. While still in the hospital, she got used to calmly look into his eyes and, remorse of conscience did not choke her so much. Tired of the long wait, one of the Saturday evenings in February, Svetlana invited Edward home. He exulted. He specifically for the time broke off her sexual relationship. He wanted to completely subjugate her to his will.

That evening, as usual, having covered the coffee table, Svetlana was waiting impatiently for Edward, but he did not go. More than an hour passed and, tired of waiting, she quietly fell asleep. She had a dream-like dream, the dream of their first night, which was held six months ago. Like at that time, the pleasant warmth and languor spread through her body, which took possession of her excited mind, carried her into the unreal world. Svetlana was close to a climax, as the bell rang in the hallway.

- Finally!!! - taking out a wet hand from her panties, with a happy smile, she rushed into the corridor.

Going to the door, she straightened her hair and, straightening out an absolutely transparent short robe, opened the front door.

- Yura!!! - only she could utter, clinging tightly to him. Tears of joy streamed down their cheeks. Inside, everything exploded, dizzy, the forces left her. Sobbing like a child, she hung around the neck of a seemingly healthy Jura.

He, as if quite healthy, easily lifted her up in his arms, kissed her wet lips and lifted her into the hall. There were no words, all the words were gone. I haven't seen him for too long. Yuri was sitting on a soft di-van, firmly clinging to Svetlana, tears of joy from both flowed down his cheeks. Finally he is at home. Everything is so familiar here. As if only yesterday he left his house. It does not matter that the situation has slightly changed, many new things have appeared. So, clinging to each other, they had been sitting for about a quarter of an hour. Coming to her senses, Svetlana spoke first.

- Yurochka! When did you arrive? Why did not you send a telegram? - without waiting for answers, I fell asleep with questions of Light.

- I arrived today. I wanted to make a surprise. How I missed you! I love you, Sveta, - Yuri fell to her wet lips, but at that time the bell rang in the hallway.

- Who is it? - Yuri's glance fell on the covered coffee table. - Are you waiting for guests?

- I completely forgot. Natasha must come, my friend, - Svetlana did not lose her. Edward flew out of her head. - "What to do? Surely this is it. If the door opens Yura, Edward will understand and leave. Yura never saw him. If I open it, Yura will understand everything, Edward will immediately embrace me. ” - Yura open, please, the door. I'm not dressed.

A tall, handsome brunette, in a black suit with a bouquet in hand, had already taken a step forward, as Yury remarked in time.

- Excuse me. Does Oksana live here? - embarrassed smile, not confused Edward. - “This is in trouble.”

- Yura, who is there? - Svetlana appeared in the doorway, his eyes indicating that Edward would leave.

Yura, without blinking, looked at the late guest. Some kind of vague excitement invaded him.

- Sorry again. I guess I was wrong. Is this the twelfth house?

- No, the twelfth is near. The houses are very similar, you made a mistake - standing behind Jura, nervous, Svetlana was driving Edward’s eyes.

- All the best, - somehow the stranger smiled badly and pressed the elevator button. Svetlana is from the heart. - “We need to be careful. Hope it doesn't come in handy anymore. ”

- What's the matter? - Svetlana kissed her husband, noticing his confusion. - By chance you are not jealous, eat?

“No,” answered Yura guiltily and kissed his wife too. The unpleasant aftertaste from the late visit stayed on the soul.

- Sit down at the table. Now I call Natalia. Something she is lingering, - Svetlana poured wine in her glasses and took the phone.

“Natasha,” she chirped in a joyful voice. - Yura has arrived! Are you not going? We are waiting ...

The conversation lasted no more than a minute. All this time, Yuri, with his eyes closed, was sitting on the couch. He enjoyed the comfort of home, the conversation worried him the least.

- She won't come. He says that we need to be alone, - Svetlana again fell to the lips of her husband. How long she waited for this moment, and here it is. The long-awaited home furnishings, a glass of fortified wine and the proximity of a loving wife, a dark precipitate was dissolved in the shower. Yura forgot about the late visit forever.

The first night after a long separation did not bring the expected result to Svetlana. Worn out, Yura tried as best he could. He was suffocated by the aroma of Svetlana’s body, the closeness of a loving person. Their bodies were near but souls separately. Its far away, somewhere there in the clouds, and her here on a soft bed. She could not understand what was happening. After all, she waited a long time, she really wanted to. There is no joy of unity, there is no insane sweet dream. At first there was pleasant warmth, unstoppable passion, but then everything disappeared without a trace. Could there be a consequence of injury? He is still weak. After all, the central nervous system is affected. But, he is active, it can not be contained. Perhaps the problem is not in it. No, there is something wrong here. Svetlana is tired, she wants to sleep. But how to say about this beloved, because he waited so much. So having washed away almost until the morning, only at dawn, she quietly fell asleep.

Sunday was a happy day for both. There were many friends, many acquaintances. Covered with a festive table. Svetlana beamed with joy. From the outside, life seemed to have reversed. So it seemed to Jura. But at night it all happened again. To the limit, excited Yura did not notice a change in his wife. Or passion captured him or Sveta played. She played as an artist of the Bolshoi Theater, that even he, a loving husband, did not notice the substitution. This went on for about a month. For Jura, everything went back to normal, and Svetlana was hungry. Every time, lying in bed, she waited for a dream dream. Mad dream of a distant summer. But he did not dream so. Soon sex with Yuri became a reason for her. She was afraid of bed, she was tired of playing. Exhausted, she sought advice from her friend Na-talye.

- Light. Well, turn to a sex therapist, to a psychiatrist. Well, in extreme cases, make a lover. Vaughn, Edward breathes unevenly to you. Everything is normalizing. Perhaps separation is to blame. You haven't had a man for a long time. Everything will pass, you will be happy together. Believe me, a friend soothed. She still did not know about the office romance.

Svetlana started at the words of her lover. She was thrown into a fever, dizzy. She was shown that Natalia knows about him. She was ashamed. In vain she shared anxiety with her friend.

- Lover ... With a live husband?

- What's wrong with that? I have a lover for over a year.

- How? - the girlfriend was surprised. She was struck by the ease with which she uttered these words, as if about something ordinary. - And you so calmly talk about it. And you are not afraid of her husband?

- Well, I do not advertise my relationship with Andrey.

- How? Andrew? - during the conversation for the first time Svetlana smiled. She presented a little puny kid next to a gorgeous blonde. - You're lying ...

- That lie to me. He is a great man. Well, nothing that growth is small. But in bed ... - a romantic smile spread across her face. “At first there was Edward,” the smile slipped from her face, she became sad.

- But, he soon found another, began to forget me. I think he went into it with his head .... Read more →

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