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saddled. But suddenly my ass felt a naked man, who knows how to find himself among us. His priap managed to be in me and I screamed terribly. This cry disengaged the hellish round dance and the nuns rushed to the unfortunate. Each wanted to experience it for themselves. However, he was quickly exhausted, numb and looked very unsightly. When the turn came to me, I still managed to achieve something. Lying on the bomber and putting his head between my thighs, I so diligently sucked his priap that he quickly awoke and I proudly, with sweet feeling, sat on the conquered turpentine. With bitterness, I accepted and delivered whole streams of love moisture. But this last torture of passion ended the man.

Convinced that nothing more could be achieved from him, the nuns decided to kill him and bury him in the cellar so that his monasticism would not discredit the monastery. One lamp was removed and in its place our victim was pulled in a loop.

I turned away. But now, astounding everyone, the abbess flies up on the bench and, under the mad applause of the nuns, copulates in the air with death ...

The rope does not stand up and breaks. The dead and living fall to the floor so hard that the prioress breaks her legs, and the hanged man, whose strangulation has not yet come, comes to her senses for a minute and begins to choke the prioress. We scattered in horror, considering what had happened as a joke of the devil himself.

This event could not remain without consequences. To protect myself from them, I fled from the monastery that evening.

For a while I was hiding in Florence. The young Englishman, Sir Edward, felt a passionate attraction for me. I have not yet been tired of vile pleasures. My soul has awakened from the magic and pure words of love. I experienced inexpressible and hazy, poeticizing desires for life. Edward's strong soul carried me along to unprecedented heights. I was filled with anger at the thought of bodily pleasure. Edward surrendered first. Tired of platonic passion, he could not overcome his feelings.

Once, when I was sleeping, he took possession of me. I woke up in his arms and in selflessness merged my bliss with his delight. Three times I was in heaven and three times Edward was a deity, but when he was exhausted, I was horrified and disgusted. It was a man of meat and bones. I jumped out and his embraces, an unclean whiff extinguished a ray of love ... the soul no longer existed. I returned to my old life.

Fanny: Have you returned to women?

Galiani: No, I decided to try all the comforts that men can afford. With the assistance of the famous pimp, I used the services of the most powerful men of Florence.

One morning I gave myself 32 times and was still thirsty. One day, being with three associates, I decided to take them all at the same time. I asked the strongest to lie backwards and while he cradled me through the backside, the second lay on top of me, and my mouth owned a priap of the third.

Will you understand this pleasure ?!

Absorb the masculine power with your mouth, in an insatiable thirst to drink it, swallow jets of hot and sharp foam and feel the double stream pouring into two other openings, diverging through the insides and penetrating the whole body.

My colleagues were incomparable, but still they were exhausted ...

From that time I felt cold towards a man - only one thing gave me pleasure - to crawl naked with the tender and trembling body of a young girl, shy and naive.

Fanny: I'm in a terrible state, I have a monstrous desire. Everything, all of you have experienced - torture and pain, suffering and joy. I also want to experience everything now, this minute ... you can no longer quench me ... my head is burning ... I'm afraid to go crazy!

Galiani: Calm down, Fanny, I will do everything for you.

Fanny: Take me now with your mouth, drink your whole soul, then I ... oh! ... That ass, he tortures me! Let him break, let him crush me! ..

Galiani: Mad! No, I will satisfy you ... my mouth is skillful ... besides, I took with me something like a donkey's priap, look here ...

Fanny: Oh, what a monster! But he will not enter!

Galiani: Lie back ... stretch yourself, spread your legs more ... lift your legs up. Spread your hair, put your hands free ... surrender to me without fear.

Fanny: Yes, yes, rather ...

Galiani: No, this is impossible! Patience ... remember, whatever you do, you must be still. Accepting kisses, do not give them away, put everything up to the last moment.

Fanny: Yes, yes, I understand you, I'm yours, come.

Galiani: How good you are! This is a desire, because it is a pleasure in itself. You know, let it not seem wild to you, but I would like it so that it looks like you're dead ... I want to light you up and bring you to the heights of sensual life.

Fanny: Your words are already burning ...

Galiani picks up the interfering hair and, putting his hand between his thighs, rubs the tender parts of Fanny, then rushes at her and with his lips, opening the scarlet mouth between Fanny’s legs, with the tongue deepens into pleasure.

Seeing these two naked and immobile women, one could think that between them there was a secret and silent mixture of souls. little by little Galiani separated and rose. Her fingers gently played with Fanny’s breasts. Kisses, tender bites showered her from head to toe. Fanny was kissed, crumpled and erased ... she cried out from the pinch, but quiet caress poured peace into her. Galiani squeezed his head between the legs of his girlfriend. Her tongue was spreading or nibbling, or sipping two pink lips of Fanny, climbed into the cup and slowly consumed sweet bliss.

Carefully watching the increase in the frenzy into which its victim plunged, Galiani stopped and doubled the suffering, then removing them, then bringing them closer. Spooky Fanny felt the crisis of her enthusiasm.

Fanny: That's too much! ... I'm dying! Give yourself!

Galiani: Take it!

With this cry, Galiani gave Fanny a bottle half-drunk to herself.

- Drink, this is an elixir of life! All your strength will rise again! ..

Fanny, relaxed and unable to resist, swallowed the liquid that Galiani poured into her.

aaaaaa Galiani cried out - now you are mine!

Her eyes lit up with hellish glitter. Kneeling between Fanny's legs, she put to herself her terrible priap, at the sight of which Fanny's passion reached its apogee. It was as if an internal fire engulfed and infuriated. As soon as this torture began, terrible convulsions seized her.

Fanny: Ah! He burns me inside! Ah! ... Gnaws at me ... evil witch, you took possession of me. Aaaaa ...

Galiani, not sensitive to these screams, has doubled her impulses. She tore Fanny's body. But she also convulsively wriggles ... there is no longer any doubt that she and Fanny drank a potent poison!

In a fright, I rushed to the rescue, broke off the door and ran in. But alas. Fanny was already dead. Galiani still struggled with death.

- It's horrible! - I cried beside myself.

Galiani: Yes, but I knew all the extremes of feelings ... it was only the last thing ... to know if you could enjoy the agony and agony, mixing them with the agony of another woman ... this sweetness is terrible ... you hear ... I dying ... pain is excessive ... I can not ... oh-oh-oh ...

And with a long moan from the depths of the soul, the terrible dead fury fell on Fanny's chest.

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