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I was convinced that Fanny treated the Countess with disgust and total denial. I gave her all my tenderness, the most passionate caresses. But nothing could compare in the eyes of Fanny with the delight of her friend. Everything seemed cold compared to that devastating night.

I soon realized that she would not stand. From disguised or unsuspecting locations, I watched her. Often I saw her crying on the couch, how she squirmed in despair, how to tear off her dress, get up nude in front of the mirror m ... I could not heal her.

One evening, being at my post as an observer, I heard:

- Who's there? Angelica, is that you? Galiani ... oh, madam, I am so far away from you ...

Galiani: No doubt you are avoiding me and I had to resort to tricks to get to you ...

Fanny: I do not understand you, but if I kept secret what I know about you, yet the official refusal to accept you could prove your presence to me is hateful. Make mercy leave me ...

Galiani: I took all the measures. You are not able to change anything.

Fanny: But what are you going to do? Rape me again? Again dirty? Oh no! Get out, or I'll call for help!

Galiani: My child, calm down ... there is nothing to be afraid of.

Fanny: For God's sake, don't touch me!

Galiani: You still surrender ... I am stronger than you what is it? It's bad with her! I took you only out of love. I only want your joy ... your drunkenness in my arms ...

Fanny: You destroy me. My God! Leave me finally! You are terrible!

Galiani: Awful? Well, take a look - am I not young? Not beautiful? Can a man-lover compare with me? Two or three struggles plunge him into dust, on the fourth he is already helpless. And I ... I'm always insatiable ...

Fanny: Pretty, Galiani, pretty!

Galiani: No! Not! Listen ... throw off your clothes, be aware of your beauty and youth in a voluptuous fragrance, burn with love and tremble with pleasure ... take your body to the body, soul to the soul ... oh ... this is paradise, this is bliss ...

Fanny: Oh, spare me ... you ... you ... scary. Streamed into my soul you are terrified ... and I love you ...

Galiani: I'm happy. You are divine! You are an angel ... get naked ... quickly I have already undressed ... you are dazzling. Wait a little so that I can fill you in love ... I kiss your legs, your knees ... your chest ... your lips ... hug me, hold me tight ... what a sweetness ... and they barely joined. Each groan responded differently. Then there was a muffled cry, and both women stood still.

Fanny: I'm happy ...

Galiani: I, too ... will be filled this night.

With these words, she went to the alcove. Fanny threw herself on the bed and spread herself in a sweet pose. Galiani, sitting down on the carpet, enclosed her in an embrace. Love pranks began again. Hands again ran through the body. Galiani's eyes burned with anticipation. Gaze Fanny expressed the confusion of thoughts and feelings. Condemning this heavy madness, I was all excited to the extreme. It seemed to me that my strained and tense nerves would tear.

Meanwhile, tribazis crossed their hips with one another, mixing with the hair of their secret parts. They seemed to want to tear each other

Fanny: I'm expiring ...

Galiani: I wanted this ...

Fanny: How tired I am ... I am sick all over ... I only now understood what pleasure is. But how did you, so young, learn so much and so tempted?

Galiani: Do you want to know? Take it away Let's hug each other, hug each other and I will tell.

Fanny: I listen to you.

Galiani: Do you remember the torture that aunt subjected me to? Realizing the baseness of the act, taking with me all the money and jewels, taking advantage of the absence of my honorable relative, I fled to the monastery of redemption. The abbess accepted me very well. I told her everything and asked for help and protection.She hugged me and gently pressed to my heart, told me about the quiet monastic life. She caused me a great hatred for men. In order to facilitate my transition to a new life, she left me at home and offered to sleep in her chambers.

We became friends. The abbess was very restless in bed. She tossed and complained about the cold, asked me to lie down with her, to warm up, I felt that she was completely naked.

“Shirtless is easier to sleep,” she said, and suggested that I, too, take off my own. Wanting to bring her satisfaction, I performed it.

“My baby,” she exclaimed, “how hot you are and how soft your skin is!” Tell me what they did to you? Did they beat you?

I again told her the story with all the details. The pleasure she had experienced from my story was so great that it caused her an unusual shiver.

“Poor child,” she repeated, holding me close. Silently, I was lying to her. Her legs crossed behind me, arms wrapped around me. Pleasant, gentle warmth spread all over my body. I experienced a feeling of unfamiliar peace.

- You are kind. you are very kind, - I babbled, as I am now happy ... I love you now. Mother Superior's hands tenderly caress me. Her body moved quietly under my body. My lips merged with hers. The tickling caused by her fur tingled. I devoured her caresses. I took her hand and put it to the place that she so annoyed. The abbess, seeing me in such a state, came to the inebriety. In response to the kiss, she showered me with her fiery rain of kisses from head to toe. These voluptuous touches brought me into an unexpected state. But my gololva was covered by the thighs of my ally. I guessed her desire and began to bite the delicate parts of the body between my legs. But I still poorly answered the call of desires. She crawled out from under me, spread my legs and touched my mouth.

The agile tongue pricked and crushed, sticking and slipping quickly, like a steel stiletto. She grabbed me with her teeth and turned me on to rabies, I pushed her head and pulled her hair, then she paused, but then she started this weasel again. Just the memory of it makes me die of pleasure. What a pleasure! ... what a vastness of passion! I groaned continuously. A fast and stinging tongue overtook me wherever I ran. Thin and tight lips clasped the clitoris ... squeezed ... crumpled ... pulled my soul out of me.

Oh, Fanny! It was a terrible strain of nerves! I was dried up, although I was overflowing with blood and moisture. When I recall this, I again want to experience this insatiable tickling, all devouring and frothy ...

Soothe me, soothe me! ...

Fanny was meaner than a hungry wolf ...

 — « — «-»

Galiani: It will be! Will be! Oh, you devil!

Fanny: You have to be completely lifeless and bloodless so as not to ignite near you ... tell me more. Galiani: gaining experience over time, I returned what I took. I tortured a poor friend. Every tension disappeared. I learned that the sisters of the monastery of the atonement were indulging in the same love games with each other.

For this they had a place where they could indulge in joys with all the comforts. The infamous sabbath began at seven o'clock in the evening and lasted until the morning. When the abbess devoted me to the secrets of her philosophy, I was so horrified that at times I saw the embodiment of Satan in the abbess. But she jokingly dissuaded me, talking about the loss of her chastity. This is not an ordinary story.

She was the daughter of the captain of the ship. A religious mother and an intelligent woman raised her in the principles of faith. This, however, did not prevent the development of her temperament. At the age of 12, she felt an unbearable thirst, which she tried to quench in ways suggested by an innocent and absurd imagination. Unhappy with inept fingers every night exhausted her health and youth ....

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