1. Lyuba Love. Part 1
  2. Lyuba Love. Part 2
  3. Lyuba Love. Part 3
  4. Lyuba Love. Part 4

Page: 4 of 4

Lyuba is gone! Fool, even the bed to wash did not guess - from there for a kilometer carries the flowing smell of your ... slutty girl! And where should we now look for Luba and our grandson? O Lord, what a punishment! I thought I had a smart, good son, because Lyubasha, an ideal wife, fell in love with you! You were behind it like a stone wall, and now, with your unlimited lust you destroyed everything!

Having much shouted and hoarse, Anastasia Makarovna left, finally slamming the door so that a whitewash fell from the ceiling. Sergei sat staring blankly at the wall. He was crushed. This happened to him for the first time in his life ... Most of all, he was undermined by Luba’s departure. His beloved (?) Wife, so gentle, loyal and familiar, fled from him as if from a plague from her own apartment! Where is she? What with her? Where to find her? Sergei was in the head with hundreds of questions, and from time to time he groaned like a toothache ...

Of course, the guy had some idea where to look for Luba, but he was firmly convinced that she would not only let him go to the threshold, but would not even talk to him ... What should I do? Send mom? But this is his family, and he is not a little boy to hide behind her mother's skirt! Yes, and there will not be a mother for him to put up with Anyone - she is not to blame for anything, except that she has brought up such a worthless son! Okay, there will be a day and there will be food. Tomorrow he will definitely come up with something ...

The exit was unexpectedly prompted by Vartan Georgievich - the owner of the company, where Sergey was working on repairing electronics. When the gloom of grief after a long questioning told, finally, what happened, the elderly Armenian said:

- Uh, daragoy, wait a minute cry! Do you know where your girl is now? Do you know And what's the floor there? Trety? So what is the delo? Televizor you watch? They showed there: such a vilyubny jigit climbed onto the devykty floor to the girl! How did you get up? Avtovishka know? Do you know So rent this avovishka and go to your girlfriend! Flowers ne forget it ...


Sergey and Lyuba silently stood against each other. Everything happened in the big room of that very apartment of Lyubina, the girlfriend of basketball, where they spent many happy hours and days. The order of a disheveled bouquet of roses was lying under the table. A yellow cradle of an autotower loomed ridiculously behind the open window - the term of its lease was not yet over.

Sergei dejectedly looked down, Lyuba glittered eyes and angrily inflated nostrils. She opened her mouth to say something angry and offensive again, but suddenly she gasped, fell to the floor and closed her eyes. On the light carpet, a dark stain spread under the woman’s body. Sergey rushed to his wife, grabbed her hand and shouted:

- Lyubushka, what's wrong with you? Just do not die, please, I will not survive this!

Lyuba slowly opened her eyes and whispered in a stranded tongue:

“You're already a big boy, Seryozha, and you carry such nonsense.” I am on the drift, my waters are gone, I give birth, my unfaithful husband! Call the ambulance, now the fight will begin!

They went to the hospital together. Lyuba, only recently ready to tear her husband to pieces, now did not want to let go of his hand. So, holding his hand, Lyuba and got into the maternity ward - her contractions began in the car. All the time while giving birth, Sergei held Luba by the hand, and with the other hand he wiped sweat from her forehead with a napkin. The young mother safely (and rather quickly) gave birth to a strong boy (weight 3900).

There were no pathologies, stretch marks, and even less tears - the young mother carefully watched herself and the trained pelvic muscles stood the test for "excellent."

Lyuba, again in violation of all the rules, begged to let her go home not on the third day, as it should be, but right today. The official statement can be issued and then ...And she again went to meet - do not leave the same in the department of a young husband, whose wife firmly held her hand. By tradition, they were already brought home in an ambulance carriage - the cost of solidarity of doctors, not otherwise ...

At home, Sergey made a fresh bed, laid (or rather, sat) his wife on her, placing three pillows under her back. The cleverly wrapped baby was already lying in its crib with bars and silently snuffling in its sleep. Having finished with the troubles of arranging his wife and son, the young husband kissed his wife in the corner of his lips and rasped in a hoarse voice:

- Here is Lyubushka, and you are at home ...

Lyuba could not hide a bitter smile:

- And I was right, Seryonka! Remember, I said that you can not force a man to endure for a long time - his wife will grow horns ... So they grew up!

Sergei opened his mouth to say something in his defense and immediately closed it - there was nothing to say ...

He was silent for a long time, then asked timidly:

- Lyubushka, you're not going to divorce me? ...

Lyuba, already openly and slyly, smiled and said in an unexpectedly stern tone:

- I'll think about it, my unfaithful husband!

Then, looking at the sour face of her husband, she openly laughed and said in a normal tone:

- Seryozha, because you found me then, after the camp, and insisted on continuing our relationship (after all, without this there would be neither this marriage nor our child) I forgive you ... But only this time! Big horns my poor head will not stand!

Sergey was startled, but then he looked upset again, thought about something and, overshadowed with a thought, said:

- And let's never part! Not for one day! Even if you go somewhere, together too, to rest together too ...

Lyuba smiled: her husband's ardor, explained by youthful maximalism (the guy was barely twenty!) She liked, but ... "He is still very young, my Seryozha ...", thought the young mother. "But I could not not respond to his impulse - because I love him so much ...". And she, slyly grinning, tried to “precipitate” her spouse:

- And how am I going to give birth - mom and dad want more grandchildren, so we will have to make them at least the second baby. Yes, and you guarantee from the army will be legal and iron ...

Sergey still thought, then brightened:

- And we will lie together, in the same room, opposite each other! You know, there are such clinics, paid ones, they allow it there ...

- A paid clinic needs a lot of money, but you and I are not millionaires ...

- And I will not buy the car as I was going to. Let the money lie in the bank, and we will need a paid hospital, and we will spend it!

Lyuba looked at her husband for a long time with a slight smile, then stretched slightly like a lazy cat and said:

- Well, no need for such victims, my caring husband! Do not forget Seryozha, that I am still the deputy head physician of the whole district hospital. So I can provide you with a separate ward without any special expenses. True there will be gossip, but now I don't give a damn about it ... You're right: you should not let go of yourself far away from yourself! As well as forcing to endure! Kiss your little wife, Sergei, a good kiss ... And now we take the stress off your ... boyfriend! Love me in the mouth of Seryozha, you probably already forgot how it is done ...

A few minutes later, the young husband's member was already in the mouth of Lyuba, he was holding her tightly by the golden strands of hair, putting his wife's head on his end with a stake, and shameless gurgling sounds were heard around the room. Having swallowed the husband's sperm and having licked predatoryly, the young wife requested water and a basin - wash and rinse her mouth. Then, looking at the wall clock, she told Sergei to go to the hallway:

- Now dad and mom will come, I have thrown off their SMS while they were driving ...

And to be sure - barely Sergey came to the door, the bell rang ... Having walked in the hallway, put on slippers, the parents picked up the bags brought with them and finally went into the room. Anastasia Makarovna rushed to Lubin’s bed from the doorway:

- Lyubasha, my dear little daughter, how are you, all right?

- Everything is fine, Mom, I just will not get up for a couple of days ... I hope my spouse will serve me somehow ...

Anastasia Makarovna looked at her son so that he shrank and tried to move to the farthest corner of the room.

- Let him try not to serve! Are you like Lyubasha, will you let him sleep in the room, or is it better on the door rug?

Lyuba laughed and made Sergei come up, took her husband by the hand and said:

- Mother, father! Seryozha and I talked seriously and decided to live on together ... But - at the suggestion of my husband, never to be separated for a long time. And ... I forgave him - this time ... But there will be no second time!

Anastasia Makarovna once again ominously flashed her eyes on her son and rushed to the bed:

- And how is our granddaughter doing? How does our little one feel? She picked up the baby in her arms, touched her lips to her tiny forehead (wasn’t she hot?), “Puked” a little bit and brought the child to Luba:

- Feed it is not time already?

The young mother looked at her watch and said anxiously:

- Yes, perhaps it is time ... Mom, give it here. Seryozha, help me get my chest ...

The blond smiling mother and the puffing smack enthusiastically smacking of her swollen, but still beautiful breast looked so beautiful that after a couple of minutes, tears of tenderness began to sparkle in the eyes of the parents ...

The next day, Sergei, in the transition between the corps, waylaid Milan. She tried to sneak past, but he caught her hand and pulled toward the "smoking-room" hissed:

- Listen, "dear beauty", you need to talk!

- What are you doing, what do you want from me? If anything happened, then passed! "Passed love, withered tomatoes" - Milana laughed and tried to pass.

Sergei made her way.

- Why did you do that? Just do not about the handsome champion, you're lying, as you breathe!

- Handsome - also said! Saw more beautiful ... "Why did you do, why did you do ..." - you did it, not me!

- But you yourself ...

- What is it yourself? What is herself ?! Yes, I argued with Lenka "Red Pigalitsa" ten mowers that I put you in bed for three days! And, as you understand, won! And the rest of the times it is for your own pleasure - you are a bull!

Sergey was breathing heavily and playing with nicks.

- Well, you and bitch! However, it was clear to everyone, and now it became clear to me ... And then why did my wife write a record to my wife? Also argued with someone?

- And no! Just to you, dog punish! Oh, you, take it into your head from a pregnant wife to walk! Who knows how you turn the ass in front of you or wave it! It was not necessary to marry, just do not know how to hold back! So, now let her - your wife - and tear off your lustful process to you!

Sergey stood, stunned. He did not expect such a meanness and baseness from Milana ... She herself seduced vilely, but now this slut still reads his morality! And she, mockingly grinning, sang in a childish voice:

- Will you beat, uncle? So we can't beat children and women here - just bring up the words ...

Sergey stood for another minute, drilling a grinning face with heavy eyes and clenching his fists, then spat at her feet and walked away.

  • little child (a guest)
    March 21, 2019 8:26

    from the kindergarten series, the second group:
    - And as I will hurt - mother and father want to get more than my grandchild, so that at least the second child we will be to them to do. Yes, and your guarantee from Armenia will be lawful and ironic ...


    • Rating: 0
  • GUY (a guest)
    March 21, 2019 13:18

    ... worse than a woman - there is no beast !!!


    • Rating: 0
  • March 21, 2019 22:31

    I wanted to comment, but accidentally sent it to the author, alright, and so it will come down. the point is that little porn


    • Rating: 0
  • March 24, 2019 4:46

    I agree, there are few specific descriptions. The fact is that the idea of ​​the story belongs to a certain person who appreciates drama more than sex ... Treason of a previously positive character like Sergey, I honestly find it unnatural ... Could they and Anyone somehow get out ... She could not a day or two to get home, to satisfy the husband orally or anally ... And Milana would remain in the "span". But ... what is written is written. Read, and if sex is not enough - speculate ...


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