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I was going home from work. Pouring fine snow. Gusts of wind beautifully circled before the eyes of white snowflakes. I put on the hood and looked at my feet. Mostly puddles froze and lacked more will fall along the road. It is good that now the holidays and the students did not spoil the mood. Yes, and preparing for tomorrow is not necessary. I will prepare dinner for my husband and it will be possible to watch a couple of hours or watch something on television or sit on social networks. My husband will still return from work only after 18. I stopped at a traffic light and looked at the red eye across the road.

I inhaled the frosty air and thought again. It is good that the holidays coincide with the holidays and it turns out to relax. And there is no one to spoil the mood. I never thought that I would become a teacher, but it happened that I ended up at school. It was possible to enter the budget only on the teacher. I can’t believe that I have been teaching history and law in one of the local schools for three years, but I wanted to become a lawyer. And I had to be in school. The green light came on and I slowly crossed the icy road. She looked into the distance. 10 more minutes and I'll be home. I straightened the hood that had fallen into my eyes and walked on. An unpleasant prickly wind blew in the face. I was wrapped in my dark green down jacket. At school, heating was strained to a minimum through eternal savings, although it was dressed warmer anyway.

Broke with some man. I almost hit. I did not see him at all. We must be more attentive. I looked at the road in the vicinity of no one, looked again at the pavement white from the snow, and, as if following the signpost, was walking along a trodden path. There was a light in many windows. And I wanted to be in a warm apartment and drink a cup of hot tea. I just sighed and a couple of clubs immediately flew over the wind. A slight tremor went through the body. As I go home I will make myself a big cup of tea. And then still not enough to get sick. And so many students were sick before the holidays and some colleagues went to the hospital.

- Good afternoon, Olga Mikhailovna. - I heard a male voice and looked up.

- Good day. - I replied and peered into the male figure.

- And I'm going home. I think you or not you. And how close came immediately recognized you.

I did not immediately recognize him. In a hat, in a dark blue jacket, buttoned almost under the neck. This is Artem. Immediately and did not know. Changed over the year and a half, as he graduated from school. Even this light stubble made him older. And the student was not bad, always the report asked to be prepared and did not create unnecessary problems in the classroom.

- Do you work or study? - I asked and slowly moved on.

- I study in Lviv on legal. Already in the second year. Now on vacation. And how are you? How is school? Nina Petrovna is also working or retiring, otherwise she said from the 7th grade that she would go to her, otherwise we got her. - he smiled and walked next to me, grimacing from the cold under the gusts of the winter wind.

- Yes, Nina Petrovna cannot be expelled from school. She will still work and work, even if she is over 70. A day later she threatens to retire. - now I smiled and rubbed my hands. - So what do you say. Come to school and see what could have changed. Yes, and I gradually got used to it. At least right away, when I returned home, I told myself that I would go tomorrow and write an application for dismissal. Give such as Taras and Yaroslav from your class could go crazy. Do you know where Angela entered?

I just sighed again. From the cold air shiver passed through the body. Got accustomed to Artyom. Above me half a head, though I am not so small almost 171. Cute gray eyes are oblong nose. During this time, that I did not see him only matured.

- Did you get cold? - He asked carefully and looked at me so intently. - Let's go to the cafe. I'll tell you everything. And even the most cold.

I thought for a moment. I especially had no hurry. The husband will be back in the evening. And I certainly would not refuse to get warm. I glanced at the large windows of the cafe. There were almost no people.He continued to look at me inquiringly and rubbed his hands nervously.

- Good. - I agreed and nodded her head. - We go here?

- You can and here. I treat.

- Thank.

It is good that a cafe is a few meters away and you don’t have to go far. I just started once again to correct my hood falling off my eyes, as I felt that I was losing my balance. The foot slips. I managed to separate my hands. Like someone grabbed me hard. I looked up and saw Artyom. He firmly held me by the shoulder and waist. The touch of his hands seemed so pleasant. I myself did not expect such a reaction. Heat excitement passed throughout the body.

- Carefully Olga Mikhailovna. There is one ice. - He poked his foot into the sidewalk and began to raise me.

- Thank. I did not have time to notice. Good that you were there. - I just got up and gradually recovered from an unexpected maneuver. - Thanks again.

- Oh, what's wrong with that. Well, I managed to grab a hundred, but then you never know ...

I stood on my own feet, but his hands held me like that. I glanced at him, he was a little shy, he blushed and with a moment removed his hands. Although his actions were not so agile. Slightly straightened clothes, and we went to the cafe. Artyom opened the door and motioned me to go inside. I smiled at him and entered, he came right behind me. The cafe is almost empty. At one table sat the girls schoolgirls and looked at something on the phone. After another, a loving couple and a lonely man with a big bag quietly in itself missed most likely while waiting for a train or a bus.

Quite an ordinary interior is not conspicuous. I just took off the hood and unbuttoned my jacket. And then immediately from the street in the room seemed very hot. We sat down at a table near the wall. Artyom also unbuttoned his jacket. He slipped his hat into his pocket and quickly smoothed his brown hair sticking to the sides with his hands. I just smiled at his gesture. She rubbed her hands and tried to sit comfortably. I noticed his views on myself. A little embarrassed. Although I am 27 years old, quite attractive, slender, dark hair to the shoulder, second-size chest, which was emphasized by a red woolen jacket in tight, and black jeans were covered with elastic ass and complemented my image.

“So you asked for Angela?” - He asked and turned toward the counter to call someone from the staff.

- Yes, I asked. She wanted to enter the singer at the University of Poplavsky. And her voice is good. At all the school holidays she sang.

- Yes, she did. But her father made me enter the Dnieper customs university, and they say that she graduated there a year and left everything. I quarreled with my parents. He lives there in the Dnieper, sings in clubs and corporate parties. And I do not know anything else. A couple of times she wrote to her in social networks, but she did not answer.

- Yes, and it happens. - I just sighed and straightened my hair. - Pretty same and finished school with a medal.

- Yes, all the boys in the class were staring at her. And not only from the class.

Finally a girl in a plaid shirt came up to us. She handed out a battered folder with a menu. I didn’t really want anything, even though I was hungry after school, but somehow I didn’t eat with my former student. I quickly turned the pages on the drinks. There was no big choice.

- I have a black hour with lemon. - I made my order, closed the menu and handed it back.

- and everything? - in a hoarse voice clarified the waitress and looked at me disgustedly. - And you are a young man, what will? Order your girlfriend?

I almost giggled. We have 8-10 differences. So I still look good, since she took me for his girlfriend. I just smiled. And Artem so intently leafed through the scuffed leaves of the menu.

- And I have a cup of espresso, two sandwiches with ham and cheese, and from sweet, let's give two slices of Kiev cake. - ordered the guy and handed the menu back.

- Wait. I'll bring everything for a couple of minutes.

She pulled out a piece of paper from a notebook and wagged her plump booty into the utility rooms. I felt even more awkward. We went only for tea, but here comes more. I rubbed a little ...

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