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- Hello! Easy to speak of. Just today I remembered you! Where did that go? - I greeted my former young worker Pashka, with whom I had not seen and talked for almost a year. And then he suddenly decided to call me today.

- Zdarova, Semenych! I'm glad to hear you. Here it is, such a thing. You should meet - said Pasha in the phone.

- For what reason? - I asked.

- Nuuu - Pashka hesitated - I would not like to discuss it on the phone -

- Scribe, what a mystery! - I grinned.

“Yeah,” he said, “can we meet somewhere today?” -

- Today? - I thought - Actually, I'm on a shift now -

- What day are you working? - He asked.

- Second. Then the weekend - I replied.

- Generally fine. Let's meet you after work, go to the eatery, which you always went to after work? Half a day we will talk and talk, he suggested.

- Come on, no problem - I agreed - You yourself like that? Where now? -

- In the evening I will tell. All Semyonych swept. In the evening, we will meet you at the gate and talk - suddenly Pashka hurried up - Come on, I need to run -

- Come on, until the night - I smiled and turned off the call.

A couple of years ago, Pasha came to our shop to work from an outsourcing company. They were constantly sent for works at hand from all regions of Russia. They worked on a rotational basis, for a month. There were a lot of those who first came to us. Then a part was driven out for drunkenness, for absence from work, someone himself was blown away. As a result, there were very few such workers. But there were those who had not come for the first time and worked normally not as an assistant in the pickup.

Lived such migrant workers in a hostel. For them, they repaired some sort of two-story barn and allocated free hospital beds to them there while they were working. As soon as they were driven out or the watch ended, the next day they were evicted, making room for others. They were paid a thousand rubles for a shift, plus a free hospital bed in a hostel. And they plowed six days a week and a full twelve hours. Someone at night, some at work, and someone worked day after day, getting paid within a day, as in two shifts, as I, as a master, was comfortable, so I set them to work.

Pasha was a naughty kid. What I liked him. He worked normally, he was always on time for work, what he had to do, he was not noticed at work from a hangaver. Young, only he served the army and immediately got to work like that on a watch. He said that they have there in the Samara region, somewhere near Togliatti, generally ass with work. And if there is work, then they pay five to eight thousand a month, and then with a delay of two months or more. That is, you will work two months first, only then you will get some money. And these two months are also necessary for something to live.

In general, he worked a month, got the rest of the money and thoughtfully came to me.

- Semyonych, I heard that you can officially get a normal salary here, and not for a shuffler for a shift? Damn, twenty-one thousand gave and the advance was given four pieces. Total twenty five pieces for twenty five shifts. Here those who officially work, two in two plow, for twelve hours, and get thirty-five

- You can officially, if there is a desire and housing - I shrugged my shoulders - those who work during the shift are considered qualified personnel. And you are auxiliary workers -

- And what, the hostel will not give, if officially get settled? - he was surprised.

- No, of course - I smiled - this is only for cheap labor -

- And how then? Take off? - He looked at me.

- Maybe. I like that on the drum such questions - I shrugged my shoulders - these are the difficulties of those who came and settled down to us. Yes, now full of such. Work, shoot, and live. Ask Petrovich, ask - I nodded at the man standing nearby - he, too, as you started, is now officially working, probably about a year now

Pasha looked at the man - now I find out - But in general, Semyonych, will you take, if anything, to your shift? -

- I have a go, if that! - I laughed.

In general, he settled for us officially, the first shift worked fine, and the second went sluggish.

We, after the second shift, before the weekend, a small company of proven cases and time, sometimes came to drink one hundred rubles, to communicate informally for half an hour, to the eatery that was on the way from work to transport. Who was on the bus, who was on the train. And I lived not far from the bus stop. I do near.

And after the second shift with us, Pashka went along. Well, we did not drive him, so that kind of guy intelligent, but at the same time to find out from him what happened to him today, where the meteor disappeared from the ass.

They drank ryumashka, ate a simple snack, so I asked him what was the matter.

He sighed - he sent almost all the money home, just left for food, there was nowhere to sleep. I spent the night at the station, and it was closed at night to do the cleaning. All kicked out, up to six hours. That did not get enough sleep at all -

“Uh, brother, you won't be able to last long,” Petrovich smiled, entering into our small company, and you will expose Semenycha and us, with such work.

- I'll think of something - answered Pasha.

- Where are your clothes? - I asked, watching as they poured another one.

- In the hostel, I asked the commandant there in the back room to put it yet - Pashka said sadly.

- And in the hostel did not try to stick up? - asked Petrovich.

- I tried, the dead number - Pashka sighed - the commandant from those like me, was beaten up, holding onto the place. He has a room there, he lives there with some kind of chick. He says there will be permission, I will settle, and so not. I asked in the personnel department, they said that they were not supposed to and could not help -

- Sucks - I grinned - let's do it until you get paid. I have an air mattress for such cases. Relatives sometimes come, well, in general, it happens in different ways - I waved my hand without becoming detailed - you live a bit, you get money, you take off a corner

- You are a good man, Semyonitch - raising a glass, said Timofey, who also works under me - let's drink for you -

- Neher for me to drink. Come on for the end of the shift and go already - I replied, also raising a glass.

- Thanks Semyonych! - quietly, with gratitude in his voice, said Pasha. We drank, ate and left the eatery.

So Pasha was in my odnushke. Several years ago, I divorced and my wife and I exchanged our treshka, for a two-piece and this odnushku, of course, with an additional charge. My wife and son stayed in almost the same area, but I moved to that place. There were cheaper apartments. There was an option, a double room and a room in the same area, but I refused. At the same time, I changed the job, got a job here as a master and do not bother. I see my son, help him. The mattress was bought for me when I took my son to me, then I put him to sleep on the couch, and he himself on the mattress. And when somebody else comes, excuse me, they are sleeping on a mattress.

About a month he lived with me. I cleaned the apartment when I was at the weekend. I fed him so that I wouldn't sit on one doshirak. Money is a miser, he lived normally, no problem. And after the salary he moved out. He said that he had rented a room somewhere, in several stops on an electric train, there is already an area and housing is cheaper.

He worked with us for about a year, and then he said that he quit his job, found another job, they should pay more there.

- See for yourself - then I told him - everything is clear, day after day, everything is debugged and checked, and there it was written with pitchforks on the water -

He left anyway, and neither hearing nor spirit. And today with Petrovich remembered him. It turns out that Pasha met him a month ago, he asked for a loan for a week. Petrovich took him, because of his old memory and kindness of his soul, but Pasha did not return.

In the evening we met with him, he didn’t come up to the rhinestone, waited for the men to leave.

- Zdarova, Semenych - he extended his hand to me.

- Hello! - what a sad ...

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