1. Unique collection. Part 1: Gift
  2. Unique collection. Part 2: Aperitif
  3. Unique collection. Part 3: What the doctor ordered
  4. Unique collection. Part 4: Stranger
  5. Unique collection. Part 5: Intercessor

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The day promised to be hot. It was still far before noon, but the sun was already hot. A short girl sat on a bench under the window of a village house and read a book. Somewhere very near the rustling of leaves, but even a slight blow of the wind was not felt. It was getting stuffy. Only the birds did not care: they frolicked and loudly chirped, sitting in a row on the fence.

From the open window, the captivating aroma of a muffin, which had recently been placed in a Russian oven, was already clearly reaching. Nina knew that Grandma got up today at dawn, in order to put the dough and bake pies and cheesecakes for her beloved granddaughter, who had come to stay for a vacation.

A sultry summer day was floating over the village. The meadow air, filled with the scent of flowers, freshly cut grass and home baking that ripened in the oven, intoxicated the mind. The girl wanted to suddenly put the book down and walk a bit to get back to the point where it would be possible to enjoy at least a small piece of grandma's pie.

While reading the next page in a half-nap, Nina was more and more inclined to want to take a walk, but her body was wadded from the heat, and she did not dare to get up from the bench under the window. Suddenly, the careless bird hubris died down, and there was a rustle of fifty wings, which hastily carried their owners away.

Putting, finally, the book and looking up, the girl saw that on the place of the fence, where several dozens of starlings had just sat, is now almost empty. Instead of a flock of small, long-accustomed birds, someone large and black is sitting on it, balancing awkwardly so as not to fall.

Nina wanted to come closer to examine a strange bird, but at that very same moment, uttering a vague exclamation: “Shraak!”, Nevertheless, she lost her balance and plunged into the grass outside the fence. Walking around to get behind the fence in this place was quite far away. Curiosity and laziness for some time fought in the minds of the girls. “Chraak! Chraak! ”The unusual bird cursed behind the fence and flapped her wings over the grass.

- Bah ... I am ... I guess I'll just go for a walk, otherwise I fall asleep for something! Good? - shouted granddaughter through the open window.

- Come on, go on ... Look - not for long! In half an hour everything will be fine with me! - Granny answered from the house, continuing to bother over the pies baking sheet.

“A strange bird ... It looks like a crow, but it caws somehow incomprehensible. And she didn’t sit on the fence ... Um ... Maybe she was sick? ”- thoughts swam in the girl’s head, until she, coming out of the gate, was slowly moving away from the house along a dirt road.

She was dressed in a simple straight sundress of light blue calico length just below the knees with short, barely covering the shoulders, sleeves. Only now, after a hundred paces, the girl felt that his fabric was finally detached from the sweaty body, and under it began to blow a breeze, carrying a life-giving coolness. In addition to the sundress of clothes on her were only panties in blue polka dots, in these went almost half the village, because others in the local general store did not sell.

Nina was already twenty, but her appearance did not correspond to her age at all. Short stature, short hair, almost flat breasts and narrow hips gave her figure some infantilism. Because of this, the guys did not take her at all seriously, probably taking her for a teenager.

Up to eighteen years, this fact did not bother the girl, but lately the lack of male attention has become increasingly upset. Some friends have already jumped into marriage, but she could not manage to meet that very one.The maximum that she has so far achieved on the love front is losing her virginity in a student dormitory during the winter session.

A dirt road circled a small hill. Immediately behind the village outskirts, on the left hand, the collective farm field began, and on the right - a luxurious meadow stretched, and if you cross it, you could be on the bank of the river. Nina loved to go there to spend some time in blissful solitude.

From the side of the village, insultingly humming with a weak engine and raising a column of dust, the GAZ-51 truck swept by. In his back sat several local boys and girls. One of them had a guitar in his hands. Under the inept sting of youth, filled with enthusiasm, on the move screamed the old, but still popular in the sixties, the song "Our locomotive, fly forward! ...".

In order not to swallow the dust from the passing car, the girl turned on the side of the road, and then completely decided not to return to the road, preferring to cut the way obliquely across the meadow directly to the river bank, where she was heading. There was no path here, so we had to go straight along the unmowed grass.

High sedge, cornflower stalks and many other meadow plants were tickled by the knee-bare girl legs. Despite the heat, these touches not only gently tickled, but also brought additional exciting coolness. Nina walked, reveling in the fresh air and pleasant sensations. With delight, she even began to swing both hands up and down, imitating the movement of the wings.

And she really began to think that she was flying, because her sundress was moving along with her hands. Dropping down, he swelled like a dome, and captured a stream of fresh air that slender legs, tummy and small appetizing breasts were blowing, now and then looking out from under a thin light blue takni. There was not a soul around, so now it was possible not to worry too much about decency.

When she reached about the middle of the meadow, Nina stopped and looked back at the grass she had just slightly crushed. She suddenly thought that someone was following her, but she didn’t see anyone, and, blissfully serenely, went further, waving her hands even more and forcing the hem of a sundress to fly so high up that she purposely flashed her panties on her beautiful little ass.

It was already quite far from the road, but there were still fifty steps to the river. "Chraak!" - Suddenly came from behind.

- Hey! Who is here ?! - The girl stopped abruptly and turned around, looking at the space behind her, but nothing betrayed the presence of someone else here besides her. Only the breeze chased the wave, quivering the tops of tall grass in the meadow.

After standing a little in confusion, the girl had already decided that she felt something, and was going to go further, when suddenly: “Shraak! Chraak! ”- already quite clearly sounded somewhere nearby. And a second later, the one who, having scared away the starlings, perched on the fence, later to crawl with disgrace, crawled out on the side of the grass from somewhere on the side, carefully looking around.

The grace of the creature is no different. However, it was also difficult to call him a bird: it was smaller than a crow in size, it had two wings, but at the same time it moved on four short legs. There was no beak at all, and the head was not at all birdlike, and the shape of its funny flat face did not allow it to be attributed to any known Nina species.

In school, Nina's biology has always been threefold. Probably for this reason she was not frightened, and was not even very surprised by this unknown science beast. In addition, his large expressive eyes, small funny ears and moving lips expressed so much emotion that it was impossible to not feel sympathy for him.

“Hey! ... So did you follow me?” How did you get here? - The girl spoke to him.

The animal did not respond, but, feeling a benevolent tone in his voice, he began to grimace even more ingratiatingly, turn his face, squint his eyes and coo gently.Such his behavior finally bribed a naive girl. She leaned toward him a little, leaning with one hand on her knee, and stretched the other toward him, as they do, wanting to lure the puppy.

- Do not be afraid! ... What are you pretty ... What is your name? Come closer, I will not hurt you ...

The animal is also clearly attracted to the girl, and he, unable to resist, as under hypnosis, ...

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