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already good. Perfectly entered. - Lesya said oar and went to the door. - Let's get dressed and come.

- Good. I'll be there in a minute. - I answered and nodded my head.

Lesya came out, I got used to the object in my hole. She reached out and touched her lightly. She shrugged her shoulders. I donned myself a pink warm bathrobe. He is almost to the ground. It looked not very attractive. I went out into the corridor. Freshness immediately swept the body. It became even easier to breathe. I took a few deep breaths. Now I well heard the smell of meatballs and then my stomach reminded myself. Although I swallowed a good portion of sperm, I still wanted to eat more. I slowly walked barefoot into the kitchen. Walking discomfort is still the same. I frowned. She wanted to pull out, waved her hand. Oh, let it be, I will suffer a little. I, because somehow wider apart, legs went into the kitchen.

Veronica is already at full speed. Max was already in a blue T-shirt and dark blue pants. On the table everything stood and smelled so delicious. My mouth filled with saliva, and I swallowed quickly. I somehow did not know where to sit. Toli on a stool, toli on the sofa to Lesa and Veronica.

- Sit down. - Max offered me and pointed to the sofa. - Girls can have some wine for the meeting. And I drink a glass of little white.

“Look, I just have a glass.” - Lesya threatened him and looked at me. - Let's sit down. Veronica, have you already eaten? Run to yourself.

- Yes mom. Why did aunt wash us? She asked, and so looked at me.

- Yes, you know. They have hot water turned off. Here she was washed. - Lesia answered thoughtfully and looked at me so lustfully. - Run to yourself. I will come soon and we will go to bed.

- I don't want to sleep yet. Still so early. You can still watch cartoons. - Veronica said offended and looked at her father.

- Good. You can see. But not for long. - Max agreed and stroked his daughter's head.

She smiled sweetly and ran to her. Lesia got up and took her plate to the sink. Max got up and put on the table started bottles of vodka and white wine. I already remembered myself a little, that I also asked my parents to watch cartoons. And now I was interested in other entertainment. I just sighed. Although I still love cartoons.

- Let's sit down. - Lesia led me out of my thoughts and put glasses and a glass on the table. - So, and you only one. Look at me.

I already smiled. Slowly walked over and sat up. So it was not very convenient to have to bend a little more. The subject moved in the gut and delivered not to say that the pain, but the discomfort for sure. Max poured us wine. And Lesya him a full glass of vodka and hid the bottle back in the closet. I sat down next to me, and so I looked, trying to look into my eyes. I got used to such a pose, and the cork almost did not remind me of myself. But I still wanted to eat. I put myself potatoes, took one chop and a little salad.

- Well, girls! For you. - Max raised his glass and drank half.

I drank some light wine. It nicely flowed into the stomach. I even looked at the label, it will be necessary to buy something the same. All began to eat. At first they only ate. It was quiet, only the devices knocked on the plates. It became somehow easier. Just chatting on different topics. About the last holidays, about my studies. Their work, about prices and products. Even a bit of politics was touched upon and, as was customary, our guarantor was criticized. Drank some more wine. I was just eating. Drank more wine. Max finished his portion of vodka. It was obvious that he wanted more, but he did not dare to ask for more, and maybe he just did not want to make trouble in my presence.

Lesya only occasionally looked at me. I guessed, but did not know, she said to Max about the toy in my ass or did not say. In this dressing gown, I even became hot. I wanted to unbutton him more, but remembered the child. We'll have to suffer. Sometimes, I looked at the black kitchen window.In the distance, the lights of the houses were visible, but why did they seem so far away, even though I really knew that the neighboring house was almost nearby. I ate, listened to Max's funny stories, as the police stopped him and tried to fine, and once agreed on a smaller bag, so they even surrendered the surrender from a hundred hryvnia. Then I laughed at such services of our law enforcement agencies. I said that I also went to study law, but I have little practical skills. On that Max offered to teach me himself in their car. So I do not know how much we talked for more than an hour.

- Oh, and we sat up. - Lesya shook her head and stood up. - I'll go put a little, and you sit here.

- Good. Run and call us later. - Max slapped Lesya slightly over the ass, she smiled at him and went to her daughter.

- Maybe I'll dry my head and go to the hostel. - I said quietly and removed the towel from the hair, straightening their hands.

- Yes, where will you go. You will stay with us. Not enough yet to get sick. - he looked at me so sternly, somehow reminded me of my father. “And your clothes are all wet.” We will spend the night.

I wanted to object, but from the expression of his face I realized that it was not worth it. His gaze was gentle again. He admired how I straightened my wet hair. I moved a little, and the toy in the pope reminded of itself. I tried not to make sudden movements. Straightened her hair. She put a wet towel on the couch. It was a little hot, I wanted to take off a warm bathrobe or put something easier on. Max got up, took some water into the kettle and set it on the tile.

- Do you want some tea? - He asked me, turned in my direction and began to put the cups in a row.

- I will not refuse. Although I'm hot, I feel like drinking. - I just sighed and leaned back a little on the couch.

- You can take off your robe. - Max playfully hinted and arranged tea bags in cups. - How much sugar are you?

- Two. - I thought a little and slightly stretched the robe from above, did not dare to remove it completely.

Kettle whistled disgustingly, throwing a thin stream of steam. Something was remembered films where trains showed and concentrating attention on this locomotive signal. Max put the cups on the table. From them, the strings of a pair of cute rose. I now looked at the dark window and introduced myself to the train. And through the window could be seen the distant lights of settlements. I slowly began to stir the tea in the mug. I had to bend, and the toy in my gut responded to such a movement, I frowned a little. Spoon some tea and try. Hot yet. I leaned back, noticing Mac poking at me. It became a little not cleverly, a light blush appeared on the cheeks. Although what I was embarrassed about, he had not so long ago been fucking me in the mouth and then I was not ashamed that I was naked and I wanted his cock. Easy excitement passed by the body. Pussy and so was wet, singled out another batch of their juices.

- Do not change your mind to train a car to drive? - asked Max and took a sip of hot tea.

- Yes, I'm just glad to be with such an experienced driver. - I made him a compliment and noticed a pleased smile on his face.

- I'll dial you. I think I will have time this week. I will teach you how I can. - he looked at me so lustfully that I understood that it would be more than driving that would teach me.

Then we drank tea, and he told me about the car and how to go right and best. I looked at him and tried to navigate. Although with minimal experience, I did not understand a lot of things. Just listened and nodded. I began to make small sips of tea, a warm liquid spread out on the inside. It got even hotter. Under the stories of Max entered Les. Looked at us like that.

- All laid. You can go to the gym. I prepared everything there too. And I'll clean up, freshen up quickly and come to you. - she said in a quiet voice and began to put dirty plates in the sink.

- Let me help you. So it will be faster. - I suggested and got up, the toy reminded of itself with unpleasant discomfort, and Max looked at my twisted face like that.

Lesya thought and nodded in agreement. She cleared the table and hid the products, and I washed everything. Max ... Read more →

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