1. Futanari and director. Part 1
  2. Futanari and director. Part 2

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Note: All heroines of the story are 18 or more years old.

Jessica was not like other girls. She was tall enough and, like her mother, was very blessed in the thoracic region, two slender melons could not be hidden under the baggy shirt that she constantly wore. And if she didn’t hide her body, most of her classmates would envy her athletic figure.

Her slender arms and legs were restrainedly muscular, and her ass was firm and rather beautiful. Her stomach was mercilessly devoid of fat, showing a good press. So why is she not like other girls? Is there something wrong with her face?

No, and although her high, thin cheekbones, combined with arched eyebrows, gave her a slightly stern look, she was still beautiful. Despite the fact that she rarely dyed and collected her dark brown hair in a simple tail.

What makes Jessica different from other girls?

This is a fat 30-centimeter member, who usually jumped out of baggy pants when she wanted to relieve tension and a pair of large smooth balls under him, filled with lots of sperm.


Mary Irons exhaled wearily as she spun around in her office chair. She caught four high school girls in the women's locker room, hearing the moans and screams emanating from there. The doors were suspiciously locked, and after she opened the door with her key, she saw what she did not expect.

After talking with the three girls, Mary would be afraid to blame any of them. One father had a big shot in the city council. The other was also an important person, one of the most popular athletes in school.

Then the woman remembered her niece, Alison. Undoubtedly, her father as an investor has invested a lot of money in school, and he would not want to know that his “sweet girl” was punished.

Thus, there is one more “girl” with whom Mary was supposed to talk. But she was thinking about something else ...

The headmistress was thinking about sex. Hard, loud, sweaty sex. Mary's husband worked abroad, but even when he was at home, the old fart did not touch her, despite all the work she did with her figure. Of course, without a bra her heavy breasts sagged a little, and maybe her ass was too big, but she ate healthy food and did yoga every day and was even always shaved ... there, especially for him. Mary wondered if he was cheating on her again. Once she caught him, and then he promised that it would not happen again.

Now her thoughts returned to Jessica, more precisely, to what was between her legs. This fat member looked almost twice as large as the husband’s dick, and was covered with thick veins that supplied the beast with blood. Not to mention the two large hairless eggs that were under it.

While fantasizing about girls with big cocks, Mary slightly lifted her skirt, revealing thick hips, and a mischievous pair of laced dark purple panties that were not able to completely cover her plump, wet pussy. However, before she was able to fully enjoy her imagination, someone knocked on the door.

- Who's there?! - Mary asked, her voice was mute annoyed.

“Mrs. Irons, this is Jessica,” said Ft, her voice hollow in the door.

Mary felt her pussy shrunk with desire when she realized that the young girl she had fantasized about was about to enter her office, and gasped.

“Ah, yes, come in,” she said, lowering her skirt.

After a moment, Jessica entered, closing the door behind her. Mary's heart began to beat a little faster. Now the girl was at least dressed. Although the first narrow shirt she was wearing was obviously not the right size. Her hard, athletic belly and thin waist were in sight, although Mary was confident that the girl's press would be ignored.

Breasts nearly the size of a melon stretched a tight, olive-green T-shirt. And while Mary wondered how Jessica's nipples had not yet drilled holes in the fabric, her eyes quickly dropped below. Unfortunately for her, the girl covered her crotch sweatpants with both hands.

“Sit down,” said the headmaster hastily, pointing to a chair in front of the table, realizing that she was openly staring.

After Jessica sat down, Mary cleared her throat and looked into the eyes of a young girl.

- So, what happened in the locker room? Asked the headmistress, trying to keep her voice soft.

“I, uh, we were ...” Jessica stumbled before she shut up and looked away.

Fine, - thought Mary. - She also does not want to talk.

The headmistress had no idea what happened. Obviously, four girls had sex there ... but she was worried if they were all there of their own free will. Of course, her niece was known for sleeping with everyone, but the other two and Jessica did not usually get into trouble.

- Jessica, someone made you do what you did? - Mary asked, trying to seem good, but apparently it did not work out because Jessica nervously squirmed in her chair.

“Uh ... Alison said ... I ..." she murmured.

“So Alison made you do this?” - quietly asked Mary, looking at the girl over his glasses.

Jessica nodded slowly.

“Please ... don't tell her that I said that.”

- Why not?

- She will tell everyone ..

- About what? - asked Mary and involuntarily squeezed her hips, knowing that the "girl" was talking about her big cock.

“You have already seen ...” answered the feet in a thin voice.

- You mean a penis? - asked Mary. - So you're a boy?

- NOT! No no no! - screamed Jessica. - I'm a girl! Just ... I have both genital groups, she added.

- Indeed? - asked Mary. She smiled when Jessica nodded, and then, without thinking, blurted out: - Can you show me?

- What!? - Jessica almost shouted, eyes wide.

Gruzdev called himself get in the body, - thought to herself Mary.

- What will I tell the janitor about that mess in the dressing room? - She asked, - If you can prove to me that you are a girl with some ... additional parts, I can just say that there was some student with them.

“Are you blackmailing me, Mrs. Irons?” Asked Jessica with a bewildered expression.

“I'm just trying to satisfy my curiosity,” said the headmistress with a sly smirk. She knew that everyone considered her a cold bitch, so why not use her reputation?

Jessica seemed to be trying hard to answer, but finally she mumbled “good” and got to her feet.

Mary's pussy trembled when the girl grabbed the belt of her baggy workouts and pulled them down. When the headmistress saw a thick, flaccid penis and large eggs, she had to stifle a surprised sigh. A member of Jessica was already more than her husband Mary, and yet the fleshy rod had not even stood up yet!

- Is that enough proof? - Jessica asked sharply, lifting eggs to show her pussy to the headmistress.

“Well ... I don't see from here,” said Mary, “Why don't you come closer?”

Jessica sighed, but left the workout and walked around the table, standing in front of Mary. The headmistress turned to the sports schoolgirl and looked briefly at her pussy, before her eyes again rose to the penis and the balls. Mary began to breathe slowly and deeply. Hot breath tickled Futanari's dick and made him swell.

“Sorry, Mrs. Irons!” - Jessica squeaked, feeling like a member is growing, and tried to turn away.

But it was stopped.

“Oh, don't worry, my dear,” said the headmistress, “This is a completely normal reaction when you are in the presence of a beautiful woman,” she giggled slyly before wrapping her pen around salami.

“I ... I don't understand,” Jessica whispered, when Mary was slowly pulling off the skin on the swelling member.

“Then I will explain,” answered ...

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