1. One tenth of horsepower. Part 1
  2. One tenth of horsepower. Part 2
  3. One tenth of horsepower. Part 3
  4. One tenth of horsepower. Part 4
  5. One tenth of horsepower. Part 5
  6. One tenth of horsepower. Part 6

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tensions of tears flowed down her face, mixing with sweat and falling on the load.

Acne was pleased with Irina's diligence and watched with pleasure as she strained and relaxed her muscles rhythmically, correctly guessing the moment and thereby reducing the duration of the electrical effect on her electrodes. By the end of the fourth approach, the hub barely held in her ass, partially held by the natural tone of the sphincter. Nurik was going to turn off the system and finish the training, but Vitaly stopped him with a gesture:

- Turn off all but Ninth, Seventeenth, Sixth and Twenty-second!

He turned around in surprise, but did everything as the coach said.

- Now add the rest according to the standard and switch to manual mode.

Irina did not believe her own ears. “The fifth approach !!! She can't. She definitely can not !!! Bastard, goat, specialist fucking !!! To fuck you withered, with. ka! ”The thought curses addressed to Vitalik were interrupted by the trainer's hated voice:

- Come on!

Electric current hurt my chest again ..

She automatically stiffened and, breaking off at the cry, pulled the load.

- Hold, hold, Hold !!! - Vitaly shouted terribly.

She senselessly waited for the signal in the buttocks, not realizing that the automation was already turned off and the signal would be a voice. It seemed to her that the sleeve, having swollen to enormous size, was about to tear her anus and jump out, and mentally prepared herself for a fine in a delicate place.

- Omit! - Vitalik shouted and the shot in the buttocks seemed to her the most wonderful feeling in the world. She relaxed and the load sank. - Thirty seconds rest ... We breathe, breathe, do not forget!

After half a minute the specialist again gave the command:

- Come on !!!

Again the load is raised and again endless waiting. Irina’s strapped legs were numb and shaking, her veins were swollen around her neck and it seemed to her that the pipe into which she clutched her palms would now collapse like foil. At the last moment, she already felt that the sleeve stubbornly crawled out of her anus, but Vitalik’s saving cry did not allow her to fall out completely. She lowered the load and heard the roar of the platforms, almost at the same time the descended platforms of the remaining women for an additional exercise. Her sphincter continued to be in a tense state, and the sleeve was still held inside, only a small hemisphere bulging out of the athlete's redden ass.

- So, Nurik, understand? See what effect. Nine has thirteen kilos already. Next time the same. Bringing to thirteen and stop. And for the fourth time again, the fifth approach is manual.

Nurik nodded knowingly and rushed to help his assistants to unfasten unfortunate women from the bars. They were smeared with some ointment anus, and then taken to the stall to rest.

Irina, cursing the visiting specialist, lay on her back, unable to rise and take a sip from a bowl of water. The anus continued to burn with fire and she had a crazy idea that it was better to be fucked by two members in the ass than half an hour to sit on the fucking poles of a chicken and try not to tear down a huge metal egg so that you wouldn't make chicken tobacco out of you. .. She liked her own joke and she gave a soft laugh.

- What are you laughing at, bitch? - rang out from behind the wall, - Roof went chtol?

- Shut up, Shmara! Zadolbala already climb to all! - Someone more talkative responded for Irina, provoking a new verbal skirmish in a darkening stable.


Morning training was given to Irina with great difficulty.She constantly stumbled, clinging toes not comfortable sneakers for pebbles sticking in the ground and sprouting weed. Her legs continued to buzz for a day because of the increased loads and she barely kept the specified speed more often getting painful discharges in the nipples. By the end of a two-hour run, however, she, like all other athletes, could barely move her legs. And after breakfast, she was horrified to think that she would not be able to endure another marathon in harness. However, the training did not take place. It seems that management decided to give athletes a break to avoid unwanted overload.

After lunch, she was harnessed to a regular gig and given to one of the camp workers, who moved around the camp for several hours, continually tying her from another building or facility while he was doing his own business. By and large, she spent more time waiting for the rider than on the road. Life in the camp became more lively than on the days of her arrival. Affected by the increased number of working "horses", arrived on the same boat with the Doctor and Vitalik. Freight carts were everywhere.

New freight "horses" differed light, not yet had time to gain tan, skin. Their carts were loaded in half to avoid a sharp load on the body of women. The driver at them was obligatory. Blackened from the southern sun, they were fully loaded and most of them moved autonomously, knowing the right route. They carried out shuttle flights from the port to some warehouse. Recently, a lot of cargo has accumulated on the quay. As a rule, first of all, perishable foodstuffs and medicines were transported to the camp. And in the second place it is already fuel and various building materials.

“I wonder where electricity comes from? “- Irina suddenly thought, standing once again at the administrative building and watching a long string of carts filled with boxes of frozen meat. “The same should be stored in refrigerators! Anyway - the lighting on the island, the hotel, in the end! ” She remembered the wind or solar power station under construction somewhere. But, because it is being built ...

An old creaky cart with a big black oily tank, which was dragged by three women, was slowly dragged past. Irina felt the smell of diesel. The women were like a strong build, but it was clear how hard they had to carry the unbearable weight. The silent driver drove a little twig on his back wet with sweat. Having caught up with Irina, he mockingly looked at her and winked. She quickly looked away and found herself wondering how lucky she was that at one time her father, a former champion skater, had given her to athletics in the hope that she would someday become an Olympic champion.

A fussy man with a sad face, whom she drove today, walked out of the administrative building and, untiing her from the post, got into the stroller. to overtake the empty cart wagging ahead of her, and she cautiously descended downward, leaning slightly backwards and semen with her feet resting on the path in order to keep the aiming boy from rolling forward with a man.

At the pier there were two boats, from which they unloaded various cargo. The movers piled up the cargo in empty carts that replaced each other endlessly. Among the multitude of people, there was one tall man who noted something in his tablet and constantly checked the amount of cargo received with accompanying documents. Seeing Irina's rider, he waved his hand to him and he, dismounting, headed towards him. After a quick conversation, the tall one handed over to the trainer two weighty sealed containers.

A minute later, Irina was already returning to the camp, slowly climbing up the slope of the road and dragging along the heavier carriage with a man. The next stop was a medical hangar, where on the bench at the entrance they were waiting for lazily smoked Zhorik.He took both containers and disappeared behind the door, and Irina continued to move around the island with her rider, meaningless for her.

Toward evening, he once again disappeared into the administrative building, tied it to a pole, and after half an hour a young man came out of the building, and sat down in her carriage, quickly drove her to the power unit, where she was straightened and, taking out the control module, was returned to the stall . Irina stretched out on the floor, and arched, pulled ... Read more →

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