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Dear readers in my story 30 I will continue the further description of my sexual adventures. I have already told a lot about myself, but I will remind you in a few words. My name is Ilona. I am 24 years old, an ordinary girl from Ukraine. Slim, with dark hair, a chest of the second size and an attractive figure. Most men always pay attention to me. And now I will begin my next story.

Passed the last days of November. I then studied in the second year of economics. The students were already feeling the approaching session and gradually began to sip their studies. I have never had a problem with it. I tried to do everything on time. Many asked me to help. I did not refuse to the majority, if I had the time and opportunity, I always helped classmates and students of my stream as well. Thank me, who as he could. I did not try to demand something from someone. At the same time, and improved their knowledge.

That day the study went on as usual. Normal gray student day. There was a boring lecture in which I was dreaming. Then they wrote another test in higher mathematics. There were no difficult tasks. The last pair was English. Where is our teacher, a woman already aged. Once again, I sawed all that we did not want to teach him. I was going after couples to go to the hostel. The day was pretty cool. Moments fell a little snow, which was beautifully twisted gusts of the cold north wind. One was glad that the dormitory was quite close. That day I dressed quite normally. Navy blue jeans, a white blouse with blue and black stripes, long sleeves, black boots with a small heel even wore black tights under the bottom, as well as black thongs and flesh-colored bodice.

After a couple Dima approached me, he was a quiet calm guy. He did not go anywhere with the group and was not particularly friendly with anyone. He is of medium height, thin with dark hair, they covered his ears a little. He was wearing blue jeans and some gray striped blouse. Yes, especially nothing distinguishing. I rarely spoke with him. He studied so-so. He offered to help him with the course. I did not agree for a long time, but I felt sorry for him and decided to help the poor guy.

I had a short jacket, and the weather of that day didn’t attract anywhere to walk. It is good that there were not so many people in the minibus. During my studies I was not used to public transport, and in my small city I usually walk on foot. All roads were covered with a thin ball of snow and it was quite slippery considering the frozen puddles. On the way, we almost did not chat. So a few common topics, somehow the conversation did not start. I even began to regret a little that I agreed to go. I sat by the window admiring the flying snowflakes. I wanted to get out on the street and just play around with snowballs or make a snowman like in childhood.

Dima lived with his mother. His father constantly went to work and was rarely at home. She was a pretty caring woman. Even through mindful of the only son. Immediately we sat down to lunch. I somehow did not expect. Then she had to talk about herself for half an hour. Only then did we manage to find ourselves in Dima’s room and do what we went there for. The apartment itself was not large, but the furniture and repairs are quite expensive. After two hours we were engaged again. His mother again lured me into the kitchen to drink tea with homemade cakes. Long time since I did not eat. At least something nice. Although it all took time. It was already dark outside the window. I sat over a cup of tea and looked at my reflection in the kitchen window and enjoyed eating freshly baked homemade cakes with different fillings. In the air, the aromas of fresh home baking were so nice. It even seemed to me that I had eaten, but his mother tried to please the guest. The girls in their house were not often.

So another hour or two went by.I even decided to type the text on my computer myself, I did it faster. What dictate to Dima, who did not have time to write for me. Somehow we managed to fix it. His mother again sat us at the table for dinner. I have not moved away after baking. But she ate potatoes with gravy. So already knocked and 8 pm. It was necessary to gather back. Yanka already called me, and I told her where I was. Dima's mom collected a bag of her pies for me on the road and handed me 100 hryvnia. I did not want to take the money, but she said that it was too late and it would be better to take a taxi, which should be at the supermarket. I thought and decided to take the money. Although for the delicious and homemade food, which was so lacking in the hostel, I was grateful. They thanked me for the help. I got dressed and went out to the porch. At the door, she began to straighten her hair under the cap.

- What a nice girl. Do you want to meet with her? - I heard the voice of Dima's mom. - Invite her to us again. And then you sit at this with your computer.

- But Mom! - I heard Dima's exclamation.

Then I did not listen to their conversation. The time was later and it was necessary to get to the hostel. I went outside. The frosty evening air immediately engulfed the body. I already started. As I tried to wrap deeper into my jacket. I decided to save money and not go by taxi, but go for 2 hryvnas on a minibus. So I moved vigorous step to a stop. There were no people on the street. Mostly I almost fell. It was very slippery. I began to take smaller steps that would not fall. The snow no longer fell, rubbed only blew it from the trees and buildings and it seemed that he falls further. I went to a halt. There was nobody there. I looked around. In the evening city there were few people and cars in the area. They rarely drove by, illuminating the stop. But the bus was not. Standing still was cold enough. I tried to move from foot to foot, so as not to freeze. I already stood 10-15 minutes, but the bus did not arrive. I already began to doubt, can still go to the supermarket. I didn’t even know how long I stood, but I didn’t want to get the phone out of my purse. Well, that dressed tights, not so cold with them.

Time dragged on so slowly. I looked at the neighboring houses, at the light in the windows. I tried to see someone there. Some watched TV. Some girl did her homework with her mother, she smiled, I used to sit like that with my mother in junior classes. Then a dark green Audi stopped near me. The front window has opened.

- Girl! - a female voice brought me out of my thoughts. - Where are you going?

- I would be up to technical uni. - answered and tried to consider a woman in a dark cabin, I just heard that she had talked with someone else.

- Sit down for a ride. She shouted again and waved her hand to me. “In the evening, there are minibuses every hour.” You will freeze while you stand.

I went to the car. The window has closed. I opened the back door and sat on the seat. The car smelled of some vanilla flavors, floral perfumes, although there was a slight smell of alcohol in the cabin. From just could not determine from whom he was. I did not want to go with drunk. But as soon as I closed the door, the car started off.

- Good evening. - I said hello.

- Good evening. - the man behind the wheel answered me, and the woman also greeted quietly.

- What course do you study at? - the man asked quietly and without taking his eyes off the road, although he did not drive fast.

- On the second. At the Faculty of Economics.

The man looked like he was 40 years old, his companion seemed to me younger than him by the age of 5 for sure, and maybe it looked like that. He was wearing a black down-padded coat, of dense build, at first glance it was difficult to determine the height. With short dark hair. A dyed blond woman with twisted white curls in a light coat. In the dark cabin it was difficult to determine the color. Pretty face, a little sharp little nose, slim.

- Do you live in a hostel? The woman asked me and turned in my direction. - I learned how I lived there.

- Yes. In the pair I live. On the third floor.

- And I lived in treshka for 5. Is it scary right now?

- Repair a little, but still a lot of work. - answered and somehow a little ...

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