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The idea to fuck some glorious and innocent little girl long ago stirred mind. I have already tried myself with professional priestesses of love and once even with one swing couple, where I perfectly tore off the wife of one fat hubby with a short wick. But there the woman was aged and stout, albeit depraved and fascinating. I also wanted a young body, inexperienced, tremulous and languishing from the lustful desire to fill himself with a hot male member.
Visiting forums and thematic bulletin boards I could not find one that would be easy to process. Behind words and spontaneous sentences, panties held down by fear or just immature schoolgirls, who most likely would have turned out to be a major with shoulder straps and a chic mustache, were shackled by fear.

But one day I came across a strange announcement. "Requires a repeater." Moreover, in section 18+, which seems to hint. I decided to call. In general, it is dumb to call someone, just like that, without an agreement, but there is a guarantee that they will answer, and the correspondence is 80% useless.
Takes up Madame, the voice is well nifiga not a nymph, rather a full-fledged mother from the Red Light District. I say that the ad. The answer is more interesting.
- How old are you?
— 27
- Can you teach biology?
- Yes, I think I can, but to whom?
- Well, not me. Will you come?

And so, I went to an unknown lady with an unknown student who knows what, but it is not known how. I feel like a complete fool, but, having estimated that I don’t really risk anything, I continue to look at the windows of the metro. It would be something to look at. Here is my station. I go to the sleeping area. Noise from the highway, cold November wind. Here is the right street and poorly lit courtyard. Entrance With a sinking heart, I wait for the next step from myself and I cannot understand what I am doing here at all. Okay, call. A female voice asks "Who?"
- Tutor.
I feel not just a fool, but a clinical idiot, except that there is no help.
- Sixth floor.

Let's go. Although no, who knows what their elevator. I will go on foot. While I was walking, I heard the door opened.
On the threshold stands a short, plump woman, in jeans and a sweater, melirovanaya with a short curled haircut, about forty years old with a tail, with the tail size can be any. Painted, pampered. Full cheeks with dimples, eyes burning. If I went to an experienced prostitute, I would immediately understand that I was not mistaken. Smiles, invites. Clearly amused, looking at my confused and slightly dazed look.
In the corridor, besides her, there is a little girl. He is tall, but straight blond hair with a scythe up to the shoulders, chiseled eyebrows, a sharp look, neat lips, a thin high neck, a blouse and a blue skirt with a fold to the knee, black warm tights. Well, November. I try not to freeze, but I pass, as it is reasonable, I begin to fuss, try on the hanger. The bag from the hands (wine, fruit, a pack of tea) is picked up by the “schoolgirl”, the “mother” is pushed into the corridor, blocking the paths to retreat. Further in the rooms is dark and seemingly no one.

- You are not frozen from the road? Coldly?
- Yes, not really, the wind ...
“Well, come in, wash your hands with hot water and into the kitchen.”
- And where to?
- Here's a bath, straight.
Washing hands. I am heated. I think. There are three toothbrushes and toothpaste on the shelf under the mirror, there is no shaving machine, but the girls also use it, maybe in the locker? I did not search. Where did I get to? How old are they? Did they understand that I am not a repeater? Or maybe they are not there to place your ad? Here I am an imbecile cretinoid! Idioto Vulgaris!
- Come to the kitchen! - I hear a voice from the bathroom. I walk into the kitchen through a poorly lit corridor. In the rooms, it seems, no one. Like a moth, I am approaching the warm light of the kitchen, I come in. Table, tea with saucers. The student is sitting on the other side of the window, mom spreads tea bags and pours boiling water over them.

- You have a cozy here!
- Thank! This is all Tanya, she loves to bring order here. Are you with sugar?
- Yes thank you!
- What is your name?
- Oleg
- Very nice. Me Elvira, just Ale, and our student - Tanya. You know, I think we are very lucky, you are such a decent young man.
- Yes, I like it too!
“I'm a housekeeper here.” I help with what I can. Tanya's parents are very busy people, constantly traveling, so I took over her upbringing.

The tea was drunk, Elya quickly removed the dishes and sugar bowl from the table, and from the fridge opposite, removed textbooks and notebooks ... Then she sat down next to Tanya, so diligent that at least take and sign the photo - "the gymnasium's pride."
In front of me on the table was a textbook "Biology for applicants."
- Let's start with the simple. What did you do last time in class?
- Endocrine system.

Tanya's voice was high and cold. She glanced at me with her brown eyes, but did not dare to look at them for longer than a few seconds. Well, you have to play the role, the benefit of the cheat sheet on the table. I opened the book. Tea calmed me, I relaxed and decided, come what may. Nice people. Well, it will not work, maybe it is for the best. I still do not understand what game I got.
- The endocrine system is responsible for hormones. Hormones in the body control all organs. - I began to work out the script. I knew something, heard something on TV, had no idea about something and tried to speak in general phrases, looking for familiar and understandable letters in the book at that time. At the head of the endocrine system it was possible to lecture for a whole hour. Not that I was here as in the reading room, but what do you want from an amateur? For ten minutes I diligently broadcast everything I knew about hormones, and Tanya, even interested, listened. Then he decided to play questions.

- So, what remains is not clear from what I said?
- When will breast grow? - the pupil took right off the bat.
- Um. Well, the sex hormones begin to affect the chest and it starts to grow. I looked at the student's chest. It was not enough there, but the mounds were contoured under a light blouse. Returned a look at her, then at Elya.
- It does not immediately grow, gradually, year after year.
A woman's hand fell on the girl's chest. I began to understand the meaning of the action, although I did not expect such a professional theater.
- The more mature the body becomes, the more sex hormones are produced.
Elya looked at me, greedily squeezing the small chest of her ward, catching my every look and appreciating the reaction. She was pleased to seduce Tanya. The pupil looked at the table on the notebook, without raising her eyes.

- When hormones begin to change the young body, hair begins to grow, the voice changes and, yes, of course, the breasts swell.
Elvira lingered on the top buttons and opened the blouse's gate in silence. Appeared delicate thin skin on the body of a girl, dimples under the collarbone and ribs. She began to blouse with one shoulder and then with the other, and my eyes opened to a slender body with two lovely tender knuckles of breasts with round raised nipples.
- You have beautiful breasts! You are shy in vain!
She looked, not at all frightened, just wary, but then the look became softer. Elya continued to squeeze her breasts with her palms, but the girl looked at her, and she set aside her breast in peace. I could fascinatedly look at the young body, but Elvira’s hand continued to misbehave and went downstairs, stretching the blouse to the end.

I silently watched Elya take off her white shirt from a girly. Now one woman’s hand held the girl from the back, and the right one stroked her thin tummy and possibly lower, since the table hid the whole picture from me.
The member was already sticking out his panties and jeans with a stake, but I was sitting at the table and did not know how to continue.
- And thanks to the hormones, hair should appear on your pubic hair.
- Come, let's see? - El offered, getting up.

She led a girl from the table, she carried a blouse in her hands, bit her lips and silently followed the housekeeper into the room. The light came on.We were apparently in the bedroom, Elya went to the wide bed and threw the bedspread on the floor. ... Read more →

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