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Scene one.


Lenka's call caught me at the checkout, buying groceries in the supermarket. Her voice was excited and changed the timbre from a secret whisper to enthusiastic squeals. Shaking out a trifle from my wallet and refusing the cashier’s offer to fold my purchases into a package, I didn’t enter immediately into the subject of the message, nor to the cause of her excitement, and apologized, disconnected.

Already sitting in the Colt, I typed it myself and asked:

- What's up with you?

- What-what, e & @ a number of gorgeous found! - In her delicate manner, Lenka said. - And I have not forgotten about you to worry.

- I'm lazy, well, I told you a hundred times, I do not need. I have everything regularly and with pleasure.

- This pleasure you, my joy, was not, no, and never will be, if you do not obey Aunt Lena. Aunt Lena will not offer anything bad!

- intrigued. AND?..

- I picked up the lieutenant of school. Handsome incredible, and hungry like a wolf cub. The squad leader serves.

- So you invite me to the third?

- It hurts, the very little. But he has almost thirty fighters - boys of the eighteen, even more hungry than him. And knowing your weakness for youngsters, I thought you would be interested.

- What are you, my friend, mind moved? Thirty you say? You obviously overestimate me. Thanks, of course, it is tempting, but no, I will not pull.

- Do not make a fool of me, I thought of everything! Choose yourself who you want, and get lost.

- Dreamer.

- Well, no. He leads them to the bathhouse once a week. There and spend a selective selection. He will lead the extra, and then you will go. Though zae @ is.

The picture suddenly took shape and became tempting.

- In the bath, yes?

- Clean - the guarantee of health.

- City? Do you remember this poor barn?

- Of course I remember. Uzhos Did you come from the rear? Not! And there is a wooden house under the bathhouse, with a swimming pool. I checked, everything is very nice. Repeatedly. - Hmnuku, clarified a friend. - Probably not going to rent for a couple of hours?

- I will not break. - I thoughtfully replied, but caught up. - But somehow dumb.

- What a dumb thing? A dream come true idiot, fuck yesterday's schoolchildren. Free, without obligation, without the risk of burning. They are sent off in six months. Again, you can repeat, until I get bored. It all depends on me!

- Oh, Lenka, you are a tempting snake!

- It would tempt anyone. You young x & nd show, you and legs apart. You can not even show.

I am silent.

- And why are we silent? Masturbate?

- Wash your mouth with soap! - I laughed.

“With your pussy, I will wash my mouth when you thank me for telling me.” You will talk for a long time, believe me, I do not intend to engage in charity. And booty, too, cook!

- Stop it, Lenus.

- I'm not even going. I have long been bored, a hundred years old in bed did not drink shampusik.

- This is yes. - I agree. - Lena is my old, and, perhaps, the only truly close friend. Before my marriage, we have smoked, but after, there was only a friendly talker under the shampusik or martishok. But rarely.

- Listen to my command. - Continues Lenka. - Bath day - Thursday. Time - 15:00. Meeting point - parking at the bath. Uniform - without panties. - And infectively blew.

- Yes, Comrade Lieutenant. - I replied.

Scene two.



I deliberately lingered a little so as not to stand in front of the bathhouse, like an unwashed idiot. Lenkin "Lexus" was in place and empty. I dialed her number.

- Ale. - yelled the tube. Lenka is a loud girl.

- Lena, hello, where are you?

- And who is it? - She zarzhala. - Girl, who do you want?

- Do not drive, tell me where to go.

- I do not understand what you mean. But if you rub the back, then go to the city bath, I will meet. - And turned off.

I entered. She looked out of the open door at the end of the corridor and waved to me.

- Meet.- A friend ordered when I entered a large, almost empty room minimally furnished, completely clean, but very sovdepovskuyu. An almost two-meter camouflage guy without insignia rose from the chair. Beautiful so masculine beauty, which may not be beauty in the classical sense, but very attractive at the level of sexual instincts. I would say - the face is courageous, but stupid.

- Andryukha. - he introduced himself and gave me his paw.

I shook her, looking into his eyes and saw in them my reflection, but already naked, standing crustacean and owned by him. Lenka, vigilantly following us, noticed something was wrong and weighed a squad to the commander, barely reaching the short shorn head.

- Put aside undress eyes of my girlfriend! She's not like that! She is virgin and immaculate for you. - And you, why did you wear out? Dressed to be more modest and would not be painted. All the same, go to the bath. Tempting the inexperienced. Okay, Andryukha, pour the champagne for an acquaintance, do not brake.

We sat down - I was in a chair, Lenka and my fiance on the sofa and took filled nebkals. There were only tall glasses in this glorious place.

- For my acquaintance with charming Yulenka. - Said Lieutenant Andryukha.

I nodded and we sipped. In the sense of me and Lenka. Andryukha simply threw the contents of the glass into his mouth and grunted.

- I, girls, with your permission, of course, go to the brandy. Lenusya doesn’t approve of the waterway, but I don’t care. Degree is one. And he took a VSOP out of the package “Hennesi” from the “Wine of the World” logo.

- Andrew, tie, you do not drink it like moonshine. A hundred times said - dissolve in the mouth - inserts quickly and gently. Drink small but rare sips. This is nice.

- As you say, Lena, as you say. - Pokladisto muttered it. - Do you want a joke?

- Andrew, come on later, do not see a friend as on pins and needles. Let's explain to her libretto.

- What?

- What we are going to do.

- BUT! It's simple. The fighters will wash themselves, then, instead of delivering clean linen, I will build them, and you will go to choose. With me, of course.

- And I? - Lenka was outraged.

- You have already chosen. - He struck out.

- What, just go and enter? - I was surprised.

- Not right. I grabbed a white robe in a medical unit, a hat, also a white one, and a gauze mask. You will be a doctor. Type of physical examination. Lice happen or what scab, mandavoshki, again. Need to check out the hike. So you check it out. Off?

- I told you, Andryukha will arrange everything. - boasted Lenka and kissed the guy on the cheek. - Well done!

Everything was just like mooing. And quite ... believable. Even mask provided.

I nodded.

- How long will they wash?

- Yes, with half an hour or forty minutes. I do not customize. Generally, 2 hours allotted. In short, have time for everything, yes, Lena?

- In terms of? - I clarified, catching a trick.

- You see, my dear, - Lenka cooed. - Andryusha will lead the fighters to the unit, and next time we will only see you on Saturday. And here there is no more room, you excuse me, sit with us, okay? I've bought some sweets for your loved ones, and a champagne.

- Not really, I'll wait in the car.

- You can not, Julia, there are a lot of people rummaging around. They will pass Andryusha, there will be problems. Sit down and watch a movie on the phone. You are welcome!

They did me a favor and insisted it was inconvenient, although the excuse was clearly far-fetched. Lenka just wanted my presence. I waved my hand - okay. And at the same time with my concurring gesture, Lenkin's hand unbuttoned the guy's pants. I did not have time to look away, as her head was already bowing towards the object to be extracted. I jumped at the phone, intending to immediately devote myself to watching the masterpieces of world cinema, but my head flashed: "Yes, what I never saw a movie?"

For a hundred years I was deprived of the pleasure of observing the sucking Lenka. At will, deprived. And this spectacle is exciting and beautiful - Lenuska loves to suck and knows how ....

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