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Dear readers in my 18 story, I will continue to describe my sexual adventures that happened to me. Already many have probably read at least one of my stories, but for those who first decided to get acquainted with my work I will remind myself in a few words. My name is Ilona, ​​now I am 23 years old. And so I am an ordinary girl from Ukraine. Of medium height, the chest of the second size, slim, with dark hair, is quite attractive and seductive. And now go to my story.

I already studied in the second year of economics. It was the first month of study. Student life went on as usual. Although already got some depraved cases that are remembered for a long time. Approaching the end of the next week of study. The scholarship was delayed again. At that time, somehow it was paid with delays, and it happened that one department received, and the second had to wait. Although there are so many of those scholarships, just what used to go home on the weekends.

Usually in the first month of study they conducted a disco for students. This year did not change the tradition. And here it was decided that the students would be less indignant through scholarships and invited a local rock band and some DJ. Across the university hung posters about the disco. Those discos that were in the first year were no different from discos in a country club or school, where they played a regular tape recorder or a music center there. And then something new. All over the university have already discussed the future event.

That day, the three couples went as usual. Together with Yanka, I was returning from uni to the hostel. Well, that was not far from the hostel. The weather has stood out this autumn. It was cool, the wind was blowing and an unpleasant such a fine rain was falling. In large audiences it was already so fresh. It is good that our room went to the south-west. I wanted to quickly be at home and drink hot tea. We were moving along the path to the dorm. Exchanged a few words about school and what is cold.

- Ilonka! Well, let's go to the discourse today? - asked Yanka and pulled me by the sleeve of the jacket. - Maybe today will be cool! Have fun, listen to music. It will be a rock band and a DJ. There will be a lot of guys.

- I do not even know. - I replied and looked at Yanka. - Whom they could invite there. The scholarship has been delayed for a week. They have no money for normal artists. Now it turns out that there will be students like us. He is from the school of culture or as he is now called there.

- Well, why are you so. This is what the sponsors paid for. Elections are coming soon!

- You are not interested in politics? - I asked and opened the door to the hostel, skipping Yanku ahead and went herself inside a little shuddered from the temperature difference. - The concert will be at the weekend at the stadium, it will be possible to go there, and if we are sent here so the cheapest.

- Well, I know that the election. Advertising on TV reminds. - Yana growled in displeasure. - So you will not go?

- Well, there is still time until 18 to think. - I said, pushing through the turnstile.

In the everyday bustle of the dorm room, we got to our room. Dressed in casual clothes. I admired so little how Yanka undresses and dresses. A light wave of excitement passed through the body. The room was already not so warm, so she did it quickly. I also quickly changed my clothes, caught on myself a few lustful glances of Yankee, who clearly enjoyed how I tightened my tight jeans and had to bend over and wriggle my ass. But the body became shaky and did not want to stand bare for a long time. I quickly pulled on my sweatpants, jersey and sweater. It did not look sexy, but it was warm and practical. Janka only squeezed my butt a little bit when I got out potatoes and carrots from under the bed.

Next day was quite measured. We cooked a soup in the kitchen, a snack right there. Then boil the kettle. And returned to her.We had an electric kettle and a tile, but it was impossible to properly insert new devices into the old outlet. Had to use adapters, which for some reason often burned. The Chinese specifically did such that they sell more. Although they cost a couple of hryvnia.

We made hot tea in our room and we settled down on our beds. I learned English, and Yanka stuck the headphones from the phone and listened to some music. under which she managed to sleep. I did not touch her. The weather has not improved. Moments of gust of wind poured into the glass with a drizzle of autumn rain. From the trees the wind tore the leaves, they beautifully scattered. I remembered how we cleaned them up in physical education last year. We were sweeping, and the guys were loading everything onto the truck. It is good that this year we have liberation.

I wrapped myself in my sweater, quietly watched nature outside the window, repeating to myself the new English words and their spelling. Which had to be learned to spell in Ukrainian manner, otherwise the dictation is not to write. Different sounds came from the neighboring rooms. Yanka herself calmly drifted. The room grew darker, evening was falling smoothly. Yanka will sleep through the whole evening and miss this disco, I thought, as she managed to sleep with headphones in her ears. I quietly stood up on the bed and pulled the statistics summary from the shelf.

She settled back in her bed again. Just opened the abstract and began to read it, as someone began to pull the handle. It was closed. But then there was a knock at the door. From which Yanka already shuddered. It was so fun to watch her wake up. She realized that she had fallen asleep and was now trying to understand how long she had slept. A knock on the door again.

- Yana! Ilona! Are you at home? - I heard the uncertain voice of Marina, she studied in the first year and lived in the next room.

- Yes, now I will. - I shouted and got out of bed.

I slowly got out of bed and opened the door. Yanka sat down on the bed and came to herself, rubbing her eyes and sinking. Marinka entered the room and sat down on a chair standing at the table. Inspected us. It seems to have thought that we fell asleep, although I did not sleep, but apparently I looked sleepy learning English.

- Girls! Do you go to the disco? - she asked cheerfully and looked at Yanka, then at me. - They say there will be a DJ and a rock band.

- Yes, I know Marinka. - I replied. - Somehow it's cold and I don't want to climb out, it rains all day and the wind.

- I persuade her too. And she does not want. - Yana said with displeasure and looked in my direction. - Are you Marin going?

- Yes, I'm going. Even Oksana agreed, although she does not go anywhere. Only cramming all the time. Even the gathering has already begun, at least another hour and a half before it. She wants to meet anyone there, or she suffers without sex. And you sometimes have good concerts here. Let's girls go! Together will be more fun! - Marina insisted.

I sat on my bed. I exchanged glances with Yana, although the walls here are thin and if we moaned louder, we could be heard behind the wall. Sometimes we included music that it would not be so noticeable. It can be seen just heard how the guys kneaded us after the stress in the shower and tap.

- Yes, I agree! - Yanka affirmatively nodded. - Give Ilonka! Come do not break. If you leave before. Until the day of the student, nothing else will happen.

- Oh well! - reluctantly agreed. - Let it be your way. We must then begin to gather. And then to the sink do not seize it later.

Everyone agreed to get ready and dress, what would have time to start. After the procedures in the sink, where there were already a few girls. Which were also going to a student disco. They made fun of us a little and then because we arranged here. We went back to our place. Immediately there was a new problem. What to wear. The choice of wardrobe was not so big, although I wanted to dress more elegantly. Yanka and I stood at the open closet and sifted through my meager student wardrobe.

I wore pink thongs and bodice, black tights, black short skirt and red blouse under the neck with long sleeves, so it should not be cold and take the jacket. Yanka dressed flesh-colored tights and a dress in a multi-colored

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