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Tired like a dog. It is already past eight o'clock in the evening, the working day is over at six, and I am still sitting at the papers ... Work, work, work, and, after all, one cannot get anywhere, as they say, from a submarine. It is hard to imagine that just a year ago I was happy that I had found a wonderful job, and in my specialty, also very close to home. In reality, everything turned out to be not so rosy, as it seems at first to a young energetic specialist. Work, over time, became just work. Nothing surprises and pleases. The quagmire. Yes, I earn good money, but what is surprising is that there is no time to spend it.

Vasily Karlovich - the head of our department - the old stump, he does not live, and does not give to others. Is he sleeping in the office? Or at his retirement age do not sleep? Irritation grows inside me, and from this it begins to ache even more in the temples. I lean back in my chair, close my eyes, and in order to distract myself a little, I remember my first days at work.

Yes ... it began, of course, everything is promising. A cozy office, clear and not hard work for me, a good salary and bonuses. And even unequivocal hints about promotion in just a month of work from the leadership. What can I say, one team was worth only that! Fourteen people, of which only three are men. One of them is “Stump” - the head of the department already known to you. The other is my colleague Nikolay, and the third I am a young twenty-four-year audit specialist, Max. The remaining eleven people are young, lovely, beautiful and smiling employees, of whom only three were married. Imagine my feelings when I was the only bachelor in this bouquet? But very soon I realized that there was nothing to count on office romances. Our "Stump" just does not leave time for it.

- Well, nothing, - Once again, mentally repeat myself. - Another year and a half, gain experience and experience, and goodbye office!

Please, the calculation, labor and characteristics in your pocket, and what I will do with pleasure before leaving - I will tell Karlovich that he is an old stump. And then I will call all the girls from the department to sit in the cafe, because Stump at work does not welcome corporate parties. From the first day I wanted to get drunk in this fun company! Although there are girls in this company who have never smiled at me, I will invite everyone. Even Nikolai (although his wife, most likely this invitation, will hack to pieces). Yes, the married Marina and Lyubasha just will not come. Family, after all! It's a pity. What is one that the other very interesting personages. I would be glad to talk with them, so to speak, closer. On the other hand, even if they do not come, in our department there is someone to pay attention to. The same Milan - the third married employee of our department. It seems that both the family and the child are with her - he saw the photograph on her desk, but in fact, she is also a bitch. Decollete is a must. Except in a miniskirt, I don't see her in anything else. Even in the winter. And what should be noted - the figure allows. And the birth of her child did not spoil her at all. Although ... how do I know what she was before? Constant smiles and jokes on the verge of vulgarity. Where does her husband look? Or is she a good girl at home? In the extreme case, if our married refuse, there are free girls. Kira, Katya, Svetlana, Masha, Lera. All different in character and appearance. But what unites all - beauties. You can dream of each. Even in the department we have: Karina and two whole Lena: Orlova and Sorokin. They are joking about them - little birds, because of bird names. But these are cool with me. And I don’t hope for their company. Although the so-called specimens are still those. Eh ... I wondered something ...

- Maksim! - this is my calling Svetochka. The owner of a smart bust of the third number (which is necessarily emphasized in her outfits), an expressive eye, and in combination, is one of the logistics control group.- Vasily Karlovich asked you to go to him.

I reluctantly open my eyes, sit in a chair straight, and as compensation for the failed five-minute rest, I look at Svetochkin's ass, which is removed from me along the corridor.

- What to capture? - I ask, until Svetochka has gone into the common room.

Svetochka turns on the move and drops: - He did not say anything.

- Is that so? - I think - Strange. So that Stump doesn’t demand any papers ... well, let's go and find out. I leave the office, walk along the corridor to the exit to the common hall of the building of our company and knock on the door: - Did they call, Vasily Karlovich?

- Pass Maxim. Sit down - Stump takes off his old-fashioned glasses, puts them aside and looks at me. “I have news for you.”

I sit in the chair and prepare to listen carefully. And only now I manage to be surprised that he is dressed in outerwear, the table is clear of papers and his leather briefcase is assembled. Does he postpone work until Monday, and the whole department will not have to sit at work for a few more hours? There can be ... joy, and only.

- This afternoon was a meeting with the CEO. Results of the quarter, reports, personnel policy. The audit department was separately noted by the auctioneers and the CEO personally.

"Stump" makes a significant pause and looks at me. And I show no emotion. What's so surprising? Only in our department the head is a despot. Even today, on Friday evening, only our department works until night. The whole office went home. The building is empty. Only security on the street in his house at the parking lot, but the audit department injects.

Vasily Karlovich taps his finger on the table and continues: - The Director General ordered the personnel changes. I’m being transferred to our Northwest branch by a manager. You are appointed to my position. You will receive an appointment order by the secretariat on Monday morning. Our department worked very well this year. I especially noted your success before the meeting. I hope you will not let me down and you will justify your hopes.

From surprise, I had a lump in my throat, which I swallowed with effort.

And Stump continued: - I have already gathered my affairs, and transferred them to the clerks. You are familiar with current projects. Do not delay! How to get an appointment - immediately take them under control. So on Monday, start taking business. And this office, - Stump pointedly held the keys in the palm of your hand, - now it's yours. You can start moving even today.

He put the keys in front of me on the table, took the briefcase in his hand and walked to the front door. Holding the doorknob, he stopped and added: “I think you will declare your appointment yourself.” I need to urgently get together and leave. Good luck, Maxim.

After Vasily Karlovich left, I still came to my senses for about five minutes. What a twist! Can not be! I? Head of Department? I got up, walked around the office, sat down in the leather chair of my already former leader. He ran his hand over the table, tried the smoothness of the writing-box, mechanically pressed the keys of the keyboard, and could not understand how my life had just changed. My eyes fell on the remote, and I automatically pressed the power button. On a small monitor the picture from the surveillance cameras installed in our office was lit. I looked at my colleagues who worked in the common room and thought that now I had to get up and go and tell about the changes in our department. I wonder how colleagues will perceive my appointment?

I already got up and went to the door when a happy thought came to my mind: why don't we roll out a corporate party about my appointment, eh? In the end, now I'm in command here! Smiling broadly, I walked around the office, pondering the details of the upcoming party. It is clear that half the team will immediately run away to their homes, taking advantage of this opportunity, but will someone remain? Or maybe smiling, I thought, to force them? I looked at the monitor: the entire department faithfully pored over the papers, dug into the electronic depths of their computers,and only Lyuba was talking on the phone - probably with her husband. Again explains that we have a park ...

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