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Dear readers, I have already told you about many of my sexual adventures, now in story 14 I will write another story. For those who will read my story for the first time in brief I will remind myself. My name is Ilona, ​​now I am 23 years old. And so I am an ordinary girl from Ukraine. I am of medium height, dark hair, slim figure, chest second size. Now I will begin my story.

Began studying in the second year. In fact, couples were only one day. On Saturday, we did not study. My roommate Janka went home to her on Friday night. She lived in the district center just 20 kilometers from our regional center and the minibus went there quite regularly. Yes, and things she had to take, since she took almost nothing, unlike me. I decided not to go and spend the weekend on the spot.

Especially I did not build any plans. But I wanted to walk around the city. Maybe go to the club. Most of the students either left or didn't even come for those two days of study. On Friday, Yanka and I went to the polyclinic, where we underwent medical examination and received certificates that we could not go to physical education. I wanted to spend Yanka on a minibus, and then take a walk in the evening city, but the weather turned bad. It got cold and it started to rain. The desire to walk was gone, if so decided to sleep.

The sound of loud music woke me up. I opened my eyes, felt on the floor lying mobile and looked at the time. It was only 8-15. That's who can not sleep so early. The rain continued to knock on the window. It was cloudy, the wind was blowing. Droplets of water flowed beautifully through the window. I wanted to sleep further. It is clear that I was not alone. After a few strong words, the music subsided, and I quietly fell into a deep sleep.

A knock at the door woke me up again. I opened my eyes again. It was cloudy, with only a few droplets left on the window. The second time someone knocked his fist on the door.

- Yana, Ilona! Is there anyone? You there?

I glanced at my mobile again. It's almost one in the afternoon. Well, that managed to sleep. And then the pancake wander from such individuals, interfere with sleep, then cut in the music, then he burst. I did not immediately recognize who it was by voice. But decided not to open. And then I slept in a T-shirt and some shorts, and I already wanted to go to one room. Knocks and knocks I thought. Again three punches on the door. This time they were stronger even a little plaster crumbled. I heard a few swear words outside the door and:

- Here's a pancake and these whores dumped home and fuck a certain one here. So many chicks and no one there. Here is bad luck.

By the voice it seemed to me that it was Orest from the 4th course. Steps were heard that he dumped. I got up, wore shorts, changed t-shirt. She looked at herself in the mirror. Well, after sleep, the view was not very. I took a towel, brush and paste and quietly snuck into the shower. Then she returned to her room. I drank milk with a loaf. She looked out the window. The asphalt was wet, even though there was no rain, there were puddles on the sidewalk. Left to take a walk, and the weather is not important. I decided to go to the next room, girls were settled there from the first year. Still nothing to do, but there was no one there. Neighbors from another room, too, was not. This is exactly where all faded.

I went back to my room, closed the door. Turned on the laptop and sat down for communication in contacts. It is good that in the age of high technology one can always find a companion, albeit a virtual one. Time flew by. I did not have time to come to my senses. As it was almost 4 o'clock. I made my way quietly into the kitchen again. She cooked a Mivina, nobody ate me. It was heard that students walk, but they are few. I went back to my room. On the phone there was one missed call from Svetka. I wonder what she wanted, I thought. I sat on the bed and dialed her number. Instead of beeps, a familiar melody played.

- Hi friend! Did you want something? I went out to the kitchen and made myself a snack.

- Hello Ilonka! And I thought you didn’t answer.Let's go for a walk. There is no rain, and then it’s boring to sit in a dorm all day. Have some fun. What do you say? - in a cheerful voice on the phone suggested Sveta.

- I do not even know. Isn't it cold outside? In general, I also miss the hostel. Where do you want to go? - I twirled my hair around my finger.

- Let's go for a walk in the park for a start, then you can drop in at any club? And on the street is normal, I recently came from the store. Just a comfortable temperature for walking in the fresh air. What do you say?

I thought a little. Somehow I did not really want to go to the wet park. But again, sitting alone all day is boring too. Yes, and stretch my legs did not hurt b. Sveta asked me again. It is clear that I thought with the answer.

- Well let's go for a walk. But it still has nothing to do. I slept half a day, and I spent the second part on the Internet. How long are we going and where will we meet?

- In an hour you have time to get together? - asked Sveta.

- Yes, it should. A little in order to bring and get dressed. What is there to gather then.

- Well then, wear whatever be sexy and go to the main body of the uni. And there we will decide where to go. What do you say?

- Everything suits me. Do not linger too. OK Bye. - I said in the phone.

- Good bye then.

I got out of bed. She put the phone on the table and looked out the window. It was cloudy, the asphalt was already dry. Only places were puddles. The wind was not visible. We must not pull and quickly get ready. I went to the shower, slightly refreshed there. Returned to her room, closed the door. She undressed before the goal and began to choose clothes for the evening. Sveta asked to wear something more sexy. She is definitely dressed up as a slut, although I didn’t really want to wear something very frank, but I was not going to be shy either. I have not even hung out all the things yet, part of it remained lying in the suitcase.

I got it out of the closet. Immediately took the new tights, those that still bought in the summer in our shopping center. Pleasant memories flooded. But this is not the moment to relax. Time went by and it was necessary to gather. I took out a red set of linen thong with small laces on the edges and a bodice with small inserts of lace. I decided to wear a burgundy dress with short sleeves, a mid-neckline and it did not reach the knee 20-25 centimeters. I did not hang the dress, and it was a bit crumpled in the suitcase. That damn need to go ironing or can and so will.

I put on my underwear, pulled on new black tights. Quickly wore a dress. She spun around the mirror hanging on the wall. Well, damn crumpled on the back. We did not have our iron in our room, we always took it from our neighbors. And they can not hear all day. Go look for it and it will come down if you put something on top. I liked this idea, and I pulled a light black jacket out of the closet. I put it on myself and looked in the mirror again. So you can't see anything, and the evening may be cool. Miraculously, it now remains only to do makeup. It definitely took me 10-15 minutes. I looked at myself in the mirror again. She looked with flowing black hair quite attractive and seductive. I think that men will definitely pay attention. I got out of the closet my black shoes on an average heel, I didn’t take them home and stood there all summer. I thought that they should not rub the new ones.

I took a small black lacquer bag, even though she was a Yankee, she still does not have and will return only on Monday morning. And what will happen to her. I threw my wallet, keys, condoms, pills, a pack of wet wipes, a phone, lipstick, and I got an almost complete handbag. And I almost forgot the pass, I remembered him at the door.

There was no one in the corridor, only the music was heard, then someone was watching TV. On the landing I met two guys from the 3rd year. They conducted me with a look, it means that the dress is what we need. Squeezed through the turnstile, the attendant also held me a glance from what she thought, seeing I do not know.

It was not cold outside. The air after the rain was really fresh.From our hostel to the main building of the uni minutes ...

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