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The man dropped the call on the phone and angrily threw him aside. How he was tired of these constant cavils of his wife: he did something wrong, he didn’t say so ... Not only did he eat his brain at home, he also calls him to work to say what a goat he is! Oh, those constant family problems, each time new, but no less problematic. Now they call my son to school, they don't take another to the garden, and his wife asks for a fur coat! That is because the bitch is selling, in fact, like all women! Some people take sex for diamonds and cars, so his wife demands more and more for her “best years” and sons ... As if she gave birth to them only for him!

And from all these problems, Robert Viktorovich loved to relax in the arms of pretty women. Well, who doesn’t go on a spree if the family seems to be hell ... He liked well-groomed women, all of them were plastered, nails are a masterpiece of art, fragrant for a kilometer ... Yes, he especially liked the aroma of women intoxicating, intoxicating, exciting. For his sake, you can allow a woman a lot ...

Robert was a middle-aged man, a little over forty. Inflated, brutal, with lively blue eyes and a beautiful smile. Well, straight Vin Diesel, copy. So friends told him.

The man sighed heavily and, picking up the phone of the landline phone, asked:

- Kirill, magazine in layout? All regular? Or help?

“Yes, everything is ready, it remains only to cover the title page,” answered the technical editor of his journal. - In half an hour I will send to print ...

Well, at least at work everything goes as usual. Robert Viktorovich dropped the call and dialed the journalistic department, inviting everyone to discuss the topics of the new issue.

He was the owner of an adult magazine and part-time editor-in-chief.

The next hour, the man talked to journalists, offering them topics for articles, listening to their suggestions.

The last was a young journalist, only from the university, which he had recently recruited. Robert Viktorovich usually did not hire inexperienced, preferred by professionals in the work, but this girl conquered him. She didn’t have a bright appearance: extended nails, a bright make-up, long legs “from the ears” in a short skirt - everything that usually attracted him to women. She was of medium height, pretty, slim - nothing special ... But here in her radiant eyes of the color of azure leaped devils jumped. This immediately caught the man, he really wanted to know her better, and he took her on probation.

Later, he was not disappointed in the girl. When she first came to him to discuss the topic of her article, sat down beside him, Robert felt the aroma emanating from her. The smell of perfume was unobtrusive, with citrus notes, and through them the man could feel the intoxicating taste of the girl’s body. I wanted to eat her right away, just grab an armful, tear off her clothes and dig into her elastic, young body! Lisa noticed her devouring gaze and looked down in embarrassment, only her lips smiled slyly.

The man himself was a little taken aback by his own emotions ... He rarely had to deal with young girls, or rather, for the last ten years he had not exactly. Bend? Is it possible that a young girl will covet the old rake ?! Unless, again, because of money, career ... Yet they are, these women, first kiss and love, and then demand in return ... well, in general, the standard set of a happy woman: a car, an apartment, a trip, diamonds. Robert frowned at the thought that this pure girl would be like that.

Then he did not show his interest in Lisa, but here she is again, sitting, wrapped him with his tantalizing aroma, and the desire rises by itself in his body.

- So what is the topic of my article for the next issue ?! - Apparently, Liza is already asking again about the boss. Robert smiles at her and looks at the monitor.

- Oral caress ... - gives a man and looks into the girl's eyes, anticipating to see the embarrassment.Lisa really flashes to the roots of her hair, but does not take her eyes off. He even read something like a challenge in her azure eyes. The girl is afraid of him, shy, but the temperament burns in her eyes. - Cope? He asks sympathetically. - Or help?

In his view, the proposal, and she understands this. Lisa looks at him with a long thoughtful look, studying and checking whether she has read in his eyes. Yes, Robert Viktorovich wants her! Curiosity and confusion fight in it.

Liza from the first moment of meeting with the head experienced a strange excitement, he seemed both gentle and rude at once. Strange impression! And from his gaze the girl felt the bliss spreading over her body and languor. Like now ... He looked at her almost gently, expectantly.

Oral caress ... Yes, he mocks? Lisa, except for the blowjob, which is often demanded by her ex-boyfriend, knew nothing. Yes, and how to call it affection, if this strange illogical act brings pleasure only to a man! But there are also the caresses of a man - a woman ... The girl rested her gaze on Robert's lips, clearly defined, tough. And what they can be gentle? On her body, her lips ..., on the most tender skin areas ..

Lisa tried to throw off the obsession, blinking several times. Robert smiled, as if everything she thought he had read on her face.

- If you have questions, come up. I will gladly dedicate you to the topic ... - he was waiting for her to decide to stay.

- Thank. I can handle it - finally the girl said, getting up. Again, a wave of her fragrance hid Robert with her head. Yes, she seems to be a little excited too ... Mmm, a cut-off hand for the opportunity to taste this sweet girl. But, apparently, she is afraid of herself admitting that her body craves for skilled caress.

Lisa came out, accompanied by a predatory gaze, devouring her elastic ass in a tight skirt. No, she can not, does not want this man ... And if you do not want? Why not admit to yourself that you have long wanted to know the caresses of an experienced man!

There was no one in the department; everyone had already gone home - the end of the working day. Liza sat up, pressed her palms to the flaming face, and a nervous shiver ran through her. What if she comes to him now ?! He, a voluptuary, will not refuse to feast on her ... In his eyes there is so much promise ... Yes, and what should she lose? She will only acquire ...

The girl abruptly stood up and confidently walked to the office of the chief. Faster, so as not to change your mind!

She knocked and immediately entered without waiting for an answer.

- Robert Viktorovich, I ... I am not sure that I can reveal this topic ... Sorry, I do not have enough journalistic experience ...

- What is the difficulty? - the man smiled in greeting and gestured to sit on the sofa. - Come in, chat.

“I don’t ... I don’t know what to write about ...” she stuttered, she admitted, sat down, crossing her legs and squeezing her fingers tightly into the lock on her lap. Robert approached her, the gaze of the girl kept a close eye on his large figure. Wide shoulders tight shirt unbuttoned on top of two buttons. With all his appearance he expressed strength and power. The man crouched beside him and covered her clenched fingers with his palm.

- Calm down, girl, let's discuss ... - Lisa nodded, looking into his eyes. They were gentle, tender, inspired confidence. - Let's just be frank. Agree? - again nod. - What exactly do you not know about this topic?

The girl looked away, shrugged.

- Yes, I do not know anything ...

- Quite ?! - surprise slipped over Robert's face. - Well, theoretically you know something? ..

- Yes, affection for a man - blowjob, affection for a woman - cunnilingus ... - she frowned when she said “blowjob”, frowning slightly. This is not gone from the eyes of men.

- Did you make a man a blowjob? He asked almost in the affirmative.

- Yeah. But ... I didn't like it ...

- Apparently, the man was a terrible egoist, - smiled Robert. - Weasels should bring pleasure to both ...

Lisa raised a surprised look at him.

“How is this possible? ... And you ...” she faltered. - Do you like giving a woman oral sex?

Boldly. Well done ... And the girl is able to quickly learn ....

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