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Well, of course, it was our first time.

Of course, until this day, we watched the group sex on porn and told each other our fantasies, giggling on the crumpled and wet sheets. And do not take the same experience for a trip to the Crimean sanatorium. There we met with the same easy and fun couple - we went on an excursion to the “Massandra”, were lying on the Yalta beaches. Even hit the road somehow on a nudist. But there was too much ... Too much fat, ugly and old. And we were still young and slim. They looked at each other, of course. I'm on a new girlfriend, a wife on a new friend. And they are also on us. But "Kokur" did not help that night, although they spent the night in the same room. Swatting on their beds, but they didn’t even talk about the exchange of partners. And have sex in their pairs, not having the courage to voice desires.

And that day everything turned out.

We left the city together with my wife. They took the car and drove to the river Belaya. Once upon a time there I rested as a kid - we walked, then caught on bamboo rods of minnows, swam in the short northern summer. Then, in childhood, summer seemed long. It now flies through the haze of events.

Therefore, it was decided to combine the matched weekend and take off to the White River. My wife has three days, I have three days - and these three days fell from Wednesday to Friday. Great! There will be no other people.

Tent, sleeping bags, mats, chair, kettle, kettle, ax: long list, but all that is needed. Including mugs and knives. And the meat on the kebab, and alcohol - drink down And a couple of kilometers away the village. You can run there - catch up.

And a pine forest on a small peninsula ... What a smell ... Pines. Bonfire Light wind. And no mosquitoes, they do not live in the pines. A stray blows away.

And the sun.

Those who live in the south cannot understand what a sunny day is in the northern strip of Russia. And to hell with swimming trunks and swimsuits, I want to absorb summer with all my skin. And today is Wednesday, today there is nobody here.

Me and Lenka, no one else.

While she was bathing, I made a fire, then I cut the meat.

Cutting meat is a male erotic job. Under the knife, the meat spreads out like under the vagina petals.

And the sun on the wet skin, and the breeze through the hair - tell me, isn't it erotica?

She came out of the water, naked, droplets of water glistened on her nipples. A few seconds and now she is sitting in the chair, and I make her kuni, wiping her hands bloody with meat from her thighs. Lenka holds my hair and presses me to myself, so that I have nothing to breathe. I growl, grab her by the sides and draw her close. She moans, out of habit, in a whisper. Here you can shout, but the habit is the same - the children in the next room. Today, children have a grandmother, you can shout, but unusual.

The tongue slides along such native and always new petals.


She has sweet juices, which cannot be said about those who came before her.

At some point, I felt that they were looking at us.

I tried to break away, but she wheezed:

- Finishing now ...


And finished under my tongue. I hardly broke my nose - but this is nothing compared to the orgasm of your beloved woman. This is not even noticed. Then she held my hair for several minutes, and I was kneeling in front of her, trying to understand - does it seem to me or do they look at us?

A member was standing. It stood like two towers - steel Eiffel and crooked Leaning. A pair of hand movements and he would have exploded a white fountain.

Wait, I croaked. - Wait, I'll cook the meat.

She lay in a tourist chair, eyes closed, enjoying the arrival of an orgasm. She waved her hand - go, they say.

I looked at her lips and thought that I had to finish on them. Instead, for some reason, he stepped into the bushes, holding up his boxers.

Made a semicircle around the parking lot. My head was noisy after Cooney. Yes Yes. Men like Cooney, too, like.

But intuition was not wrong. When the semicircle was completed, I saw two boys. They stood in the bushes, throwing fishing rods, and looked at my naked wife, lowered her shorts.

And jerking off their tools, with might and main looking at the sinful beauty. A gorgeous third size breast, thighs spread apart and light fluff on the mound between the legs. Porn on the Internet? I beg you, life is much cooler than the Internet.

Lenka suddenly got up from her chair, turned her back on us, took a cigarette out of her bag and lit it. Truly, the woman is beautiful on both sides.

The boys froze, enjoying the view of the neat convex buttocks. And I said in a whisper:


They shuddered, turned around and twitched, but I stopped them:

Quiet, scare the woman!

They froze. Their Kadyk went back and forth, the guys swallowed saliva. And I also kept one hand in my boxers' pocket, holding the member torn into a woman.

Like? - Said in a whisper and nodded at Lenka. Language cox from unknown anticipation.

- D ... Y-yes, - they answered with more gestures than words.

- Want to try it? An adult woman? - Lenka and I did not agree on anything like that, and I didn’t know how it would all end.

Instead of answering, both of them nodded simultaneously. Still they would not want. I would suggest someone like that at sixteen.

So, I said. - Follow me. Wait for the signal - I will look at you and nod. And get out of the bushes. Clear.

They nodded again in sync.

And yes, leave the fishing rods, you will not need them. And from here they will not go anywhere.

And Lenka, bending down, at this moment poured herself a plastic glass of cherry beer. Sometimes she wanted wine, sometimes brandy, today beer is fine. Why bind yourself to a single choice when there are a lot of them?

Having made another semicircle, we went out to the path leading to our clearing, where the fire was smoking and there was a red tent. Lenka again sat in the chair. I went out. The boys stayed in the bushes. Dropping the boxers, I walked over to the chair. Breathed out, as before the attack on the tank:

- Lenka?

- M?

- Your turn to please me. Blowjob - I threw the boxers and my dick jumped out a fighter, almost hit her in the face.

“Yes, with pleasure,” she laughed. - Where did you run off then?

I did not have time to answer how she took the head in her cherry mouth. Like an electric current hit along the spine. She slowly, but without a doubt, gradually took my dick into her mouth. Then she slowly took it out:

- Yes, you're wet without me, husband.

- BUT? - what man thinks when his lips slide over his penis?

“You have so much lubrication,” she continued. - As if for the first time.

And again she took it in her mouth, slightly smacking it. And she opened her hips, I saw her juices running under the sun, flowing down onto the blue fabric of the chair. There was already a dark spot. I started to move my hips, fucking my wife in my mouth and at the same moment turned around. Two pairs of eyes looked out of the bushes, not blinking. It seems the guys are jerking off on us again. The moment of truth, yes. And I nodded to them.

Young moose rushed from the bushes, crushing everything. From, shkolota, I hoped that they would come out quietly and quietly join, but ...

But Lenka, in fright, broke away from my penis and jumped up, closing her hands:

- And who is this?

Nothing better than how - the blood was drained from the brain - I could not answer:

- Yes, that's ...

And they were already standing bare-chested, wearing only shorts, young rural apolons, even without a hint of beer-drinking abdomen, like mine, forty years old:

- Hello ...

“Ho, hello,” there seemed to be no blood in my brain. But a woman in such situations, apparently, is guided much faster. I do not know what she understood there, but she did everything in our ...

My wife took two quick steps forward:

“Hello,” she repeated, and with her hands took up the bulges on the shorts. - I'm Lena, his wife. And you?

The guys did not have time to answer. In one motion, she pulled off their shorts - underwear for them, of course it was not - the farms of the boys jumped into her hands. And such ... Not small, yes. Heavy eggs, heavy swollen trunks in the hands ...

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