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Whether fantasy does not allow me to live in peace, or modesty does not allow to live to its fullest. Often these two things are very different. I felt this again just recently ...

Being on vacation in a warm country, I decided to go on a tour. It was a tour not like that, look to the left, look to the right, look around you and ... admire someone's culture, architecture and blah blah blah. No, for some reason this was not desirable. And I wanted entertainment, sensations, emotions. The excursion was called something about the culture and life of a mountain village with a tour of the ancient ruins (as without it), wine tasting (and without this, where in the country, where the sun shines 340 days a year!) And participation in national dances ( after wine you can dance). And the highlight of the event is riding a donkey! Unusually, interesting.

I will miss the description of the way to the village. Mountains on the one hand, the sea on the other. Beauty and more! Fresh air waves the hair and stirs the blood, groves of fruit trees with citrus and nut trees that can be cut off, only a hand reach out, and much more that our “northern” eye did not see.

And here we were unloaded in a mountain village, where a table with a light snack was waiting for us. There we were offered to try their wine and alcohol stronger, such as our Russian moonshine. And offering us all this is a smiling bearded uncle of indeterminate age, in general, probably, like many southern people. He smiled at everyone good-naturedly, poured and clinked with everyone, saying some of their national word, such as ours “let us, tremble, bahnem, etc.”.

Either the tested wine started to play in my blood, or we waited a long time while our donkeys were harnessed, but I increasingly looked at this uncle. His brilliant eyes and a playful smile in my direction said that he also sympathizes with me. I stood modestly to one side, sipping white dry, and glanced at it. But then my fantasy turned on ...

Fantasy: he fills my glass again, pours himself a pile of a stronger one and shows you to drink a sign at a drink. I cautiously approach and link our hands with the filled container. We look into each other's eyes. His eyes are smiling, so defiantly and promising. I peer into his face. Like a man like a man, but something in him is so attractive ... We drink. I do not have time to put my glass, as he takes my face in his hands and kisses my lips. Pulls away, smiles at me with a wide smile, not letting go of my face. And I reach for him again, for a deeper kiss. His breath smells like alcohol and tangerines, it makes your head spin. He takes me completely into his strong arms (and the man is rather dense, powerful and, of course, taller than me more than his head) and kisses, plunging into my tongue and teasing ...

Well, I'm already wet, but it's time to return to the ground. Our group is called to donkeys. They are harnessed and shouting with impatience rather to walk. Mentally saying goodbye to the eyes with the object of my fantasies, he smiles knowingly at me.

But what I see. My bearded man comes up to the group crowded around the donkey pen and walks inside. Our guide finally introduces him. His name is so sonorous, strange to my hearing. So much so that I did not remember him. Something like Karakes, Kerasis ... In general, such Kc-kss. Yes, indeed, like a cat. He is the chief of the donkeys, he knows them all not only by name, but also by character. Yes, the donkey, it turns out, still some character! Our Ks-Kss gives us instructions, the guide translates. Well, the main thing is how to turn the donkey, how to make him go and how to stop and how not to fall down from him if he suddenly decides to tweak the weed. To get him to go, you have to hit him with the rump and shortly say, “el-el!”. To stop, you have to pull the reins-release with the word "shoo". That's all in general, we sit on donkeys.

A bearded man looks with his cheerful eyes at me and calls me first. I am modest, but my fucking eyes speak for me. I allow a man to help me sit on a donkey, feeling his big warm palm on my back, now on my hip, now on my arm, and I smile gratefully. He introduces me to a donkey (his name is Fredy) and gives me the reins. Al!

In my fantasy, I wear a light sundress (although I’m actually wearing jeans). A man stands next to my donkey and as if straightens me on a donkey so that I sit in the middle. He strokes my hips from the inside, speaking broken Russian:

- Hug his hips tightly like a lover ...

“I'd rather give you a thigh hug, to be honest,” I tell him back with flaming cheeks.

He looks at me closely, a little rubbing a barbed beard on my neck and penetrates to my lips. But this time more demanding, bold. In general, like my answer to him. His hand is under my hem. Penetrates my panties and, carefully pushing the already wet petals, caress me there. I lean back in his arms, fully immersed in emotions. The donkey feels that something is amiss and is nervously shifting from one foot to the other, giving me a sharper feeling, when the fingers of a man from the pushes of the donkey's back penetrate me even deeper. But my Ks-Kss, understanding my condition, does not allow me to discharge. His fingers leave me, soothingly stroking my stomach and legs.

“But I want ...” I whisper. He smiles into his beard and pulls a small box out of his pocket.

“This is for you, beautiful woman,” he takes out of the box three balls of different sizes, connected by a string. This is clearly a sexy toy. But again I do not have time to give an answer. He gently pushes a small ball at me, followed by another one. “Don't take it out until I say ...” and presses on the third ball, leaving the loop outside.

... In reality, I crawled on a donkey, as if, indeed, there were balls in me. My bearded man was walking along almost all the time, calling out to my Fredi and looking at me with oil eyes. And I frankly looked at him, more and more realizing that I wanted sex.

We drove to the old ruins of the monastery, listened to a short tour, drank water, climbed everywhere. I returned to the donkeys the latest, still eating the sweet mandarin duck. My Ks-Kss, smiling, was walking to my donkey ... with a chair! And where did I get this plastic chair here, among the stones and mountains, so that it was more convenient to climb onto the donkey. Everything is provided, well done! And again, sensitive hands wander around my figure, sitting me on a donkey. And his promising glance, and a playful smile once again awaken only had faded fantasies.

The group returns to the parking lot. Mountain air, alcohol splashing in the blood, the smell of mandarin smelled hands. You don't even smell donkeys, although they walk and shit straight at their feet. Mountains and parched rivers pray for rain. Heat rises from stones and earth. And in me the fire burns. Carakes does not leave me at all, watching me from behind, then looking around. I catch his look. The back is straight, as if I am on a fast horse. Crotch in tight jeans troche on the back of a donkey. Here and there, smooth rhythm, sweet bliss ... And I want to have something harder and more serious.

I get carried away again fantasies. A man does not walk grandly near, but jumps on a donkey from behind me, kisses on the neck and bends forward firmly. I lift my ass, catching his arrogant fingers with the current crack. He pulls balls one by one, slowly and painfully. I am shaking from thirst to be taken.

He bursts into me like a tornado, all at once, so deeply that I scream, causing an angry donkey to churn. And he hatches me, holding tightly to the waist and over the shoulder. Still. Still! Esteeee !!!

... I seem to have made a low moan, looking straight into the eyes of my fantasy object. And looked around. Everyone takes pictures and laughs, noticing anything around. I feel very wet, just flowing. I even worry that my jeans would give me away. Ks-Kss still looks at me knowingly. I modestly lower my fucking eyes and go quietly, trying to breathe evenly.

We arrived back.In spite of the fact that our small group has three drivers, there is again Ks-Kss around me. His eyes are smiling, he puts his hands forward, ...

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