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A slender girl with clear features, beautiful gray eyes and a boyish haircut sat in a car that approached Sveta. Sveta introduced us. Her friend's name was Christina.

- Do you want to sit in the front seat or in the back? - Light asked me.

“Since I'm a coward, it's better to be in the back,” I replied.

- Well, then we went with a fair wind.

The more we moved away from the city, the higher the surrounding hills became. The road then climbed the pass, then descended into the valley. We drove past a white stella with a bronze eagle and the inscription "The Beginning of the Caucasus Mountains". Sveta explained: “From this place begins the Greater Caucasus Mountains. It can be said, we are now driving along the foothills of Elbrus. True, to Elbrus itself from another five hundred kilometers. But the mountains between Bolshoy and Maly Utrish are already quite impressive in height. This is not a flat Taman for you. And at Cape Bolshoi Utrish, modern civilization ends. Further along the coast almost to Novorossiysk is another world without cars, electricity and a permanent population. Except for a few exotic freaks. Soon you will see. "

The highway swerved finally and began to descend to the sea. Last half a kilometer roadside was forced by cars. Sveta hardly found a free parking place. Then we went on foot and went to the pebble beach. The sea was clearly cleaner than in Anapa. The water was so clear that for ten meters all the pebbles at the bottom could be seen. “I already like it here,” I said. “If you think that we are here, then you will be mistaken - this is still only a civil beach. And we need to reserve - this is another two kilometers on a boat, ”she showed Sveta with her hand. Boats were already waiting for us in the surf. Sveta handed money to the owner of the boat: "We are up to the first lagoon."

Typing passengers, the boat departed from the coast and began to pick up speed, sometimes slightly bouncing on the waves and spraying rear passengers. We walked along the coast past the stunning beauty of steep rocky cliffs. Svetlana shouted into my ear to the sound of a motor: “According to local legends, it was here that Zeus chained Prometheus to the rocks for giving people fire. On these rocks a burning bush grows, which flares in the fire, but remains unharmed. ” Finally, the boat turned to the shore. "You see here that place at the cliff where people stand?" This is the Pearl Waterfall - they take fresh water there and take a shower, ”explained Sveta. I went ashore and looked around. Sunbathing on the shore was quite a bit by the standards of the Anapa city beach, and among the coastal trees were visible tents.

Sveta continued the improvised excursion: “Actually, the first lagoon, including the waterfall, is the reserve territory guarded by jägers. Theoretically, it is impossible to rest here, but as you see, the people have adapted themselves to the huntsmen. And now we will go through the forest to the second lagoon. A beach, of course, would be shorter. But there it is inconvenient to walk there because of large stones. ”

The three of us went deep into the forest. The air around was some kind of heady, which I told Sveta. To which she replied: “This is not a simple forest - it is a relic juniper. They say that there is more than a thousand years to one tree. They call him "Lotos" because of the bizarrely woven three trunks and around him local yogis arrange meditation. And juniper constantly produces aromatic oil into the air, which is detrimental to all germs. So the local air is very useful to breathe and nobody is sick here, Juniper on Utrish is considered a sacred tree - if someone picks up a juniper twig, then they will push it away forever. The same is done with those who left a cigarette butt or household garbage. ”

We got to the inscription on a wooden board: “Leave everybody’s clothes coming in here!” For convincingness, someone’s bra was waving in the wind beside a pole.

- What's this? - I was confused.

- Do not pay attention, this is local folklore - then nudist beaches start already, - Christina calmly answered me.

Indeed, the path turned and we saw a naked girl and a guy coming out of the water. A couple more could be seen at a distance. True, some of them were dressed. While I was looking around, Sveta and Kristina calmly took off all their clothes and looked at me. My heart beat with excitement.

- Do I need to undress too?

- This is how you want - it is not necessary to undress. In Utrish, everyone chooses himself - to undress him or not. Utrish is the kingdom of freedom of choice. And here you are in complete safety. Nobody will hurt you here. This is Utrish - the territory of love and brotherhood of sunbathers. Here, as on Noah's nomadic, every subcultural creature has a pair: hippies, yoga fans, sectarians, heathen heathen worshipers, biker rockers and goths. There are those who are called Indians here - of all the benefits of civilization, they use only flashlights and tents. Indians heap on the third and fourth lagoons. There are those who are called civilians - these gas stoves, barbecues, inflatable mattresses, mobile phones and the Internet. Civils are handled mainly on the first lagoon. And here you will definitely meet pregnant women in recent months - they come here from all over Russia to give birth right in the sea. In Utrish, it is customary to greet everyone, and it does not matter whether this person is familiar to you or not. And always greet the phrase "Good morning!" Regardless of the time of day. In general, get used to the fact that there is much wrong in the ordinary world. And the world of each lagoon is different from its neighbors. ”

At the end of the second lagoon, we met a tanning company of young people, among which a tall, stately blond guy of about 27 years stood out clearly. Because of his curly hairstyle and gorgeous physique, he looked like an ancient hero who came down to earth. At his sight, the girls perked up and began to wave to him. He came up to us and kissed Sveta with Christina. “Meet Marina, this is my neighbor Cyril.” Cyril said: “Good morning!” And politely kissed my hand. From his touch to my hand, I just had goosebumps running. It was a very strange and exciting feeling.

- Are you going to the fourth? - asked Cyril Light.

- Yes, away from the civilians.

- Well then, maybe, I will come to you.

- Well, you want - you will find.

When we moved away from the company of Cyril, Sveta laughed: “It seems that Cyril impressed you. Don't be embarrassed - you sure impressed him too. I do not remember him so gallant with a textile worker for a long time. We call textiles those who sunbathe in swimsuits. Oh, look, you're lucky - the dolphins are tumbling into the sea. By the way, in ancient Greece, dolphins were considered divine beings with mystical powers. The ancients believed that dolphins could in one leap reach the sky and become a bright constellation, illuminating the path of ships. So you are now under their auspices. ”

I really saw about fifty or three dolphins fifty meters off the coast, jumping from time to time from the water. They seemed to accompany us. And when we reached the place, at once disappeared like an amazing mirage. Sveta spread a beach cover on a pebble and shouted toward the sea:

"A colorful flock of screaming gulls
The wind and the sea is true.
Frisky legs girls cute
Gently kissing wave.
July morning mist
Za'more breeze will carry away
The memory of the past and thoughts about the future
Were off again.
So I was a little girl,
Woe without knowing and trouble,
Gulls threw bread crusts,
Rushing along the water's edge.
The body is naked, dressed in the sun,
No, did not torment me.
I was glad to open space and charms
Every summer day! ”

- I did not hear these verses. Recently wrote? - asked Christina.

- Just finished yesterday.

- I like.You wonderfully know how to convey your mood in verse.

- So you, Sveta, are also a poetess? - I was surprised.

- Well, suppose, the poetess - it says loudly. So sometimes I indulge in playing words in the rhythm of the surf. But still, the poet ...

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