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has prepared. By the way, under it still turned out to be a bra, which means that panties once had a place to be. Well, I took it off, although I was carrying it with this ill-fated fastener. The fact is that I was looking for her on the back, and she was infected, was between the cups, duck still and it stuck.

Whatever it was, but her bra flew in the same bowl. And after another fifteen minutes and pantyhose. Damn almost broke them off, but nothing happened. After that, he began to wash her, he was not impudent, but he acted firmly, to wash like that. By the way, washed with a sponge. For an hour I otter her properly, from all the dirt that stuck to her. Unless I didn’t wash my head, and I don’t know how to wash off cosmetics, so I left it. Barely pulling Lubino body out of the bathroom, all at the same time soaked, doused both with sweat and the moisture that was on it.

Wiping it well, leaning against the wall for convenience, and turning it at the right time. After that, he also picked up his hands, and carried him to her bed. Although with one hitch. I had to temporarily sit down Luba attacked, at her own door, as she was locked with a key. Returning to her belongings, I found her keys in a fur coat pocket. And he completed what he had begun, laying her on the bed, and covering her with a blanket.

Next, returning to the bathroom, and tried to somehow bring in the divine form of her clothes. Realizing all the hopelessness of this venture, he spat on it. In the place of this, I just laid them on a chair by Lubin’s bed, then he would wake up and let her decide what to do with it. He himself also went bainki, after all the second hour of the night, after all. And quite a while, turning awake, he fell asleep.

In the morning I was woken by a scream, this is my neighbor, she squealed in her room. She is in black swearing all the white light, making noise in the furniture and, as it seemed to me, she even broke something. I did not want to get up, but I had to calm her down, after all, this is not our apartment, but problems with the hostess, we have nothing to do. I quickly put on my shorts and a T-shirt, and I headed towards her.

And opening the door, I almost caught some glass jar with my forehead. Only the fact that this same bank broke somehow wrong did a little calm Luba. Although not for long, when she saw me in the doorway, she pounced on my person with fists. Although I did not give myself long enough to seize her hands and lift them up, thereby completely disarming this beast. Yes, Lyuba did not fight anymore, but now she began to cry, bitterly and in the dead. I even had to let her go.

She roared for a long time, while she buried herself in me, using my T-shirt as a handkerchief, wiping off tears and snot. When Lyuba did calm down a little, I asked her what kind of grief and tears. She looked at me so surprised, and issued the following, "Is it not you?" At this point I began to wonder. And gave out how I had fun last night, carrying her drunk on her hands, how I washed her, how I put her to sleep, how I tried to do at least something with her clothes. And all this time she was looking at me, not believing, or reluctantly believing in it.

After that, I asked her where she was getting so drunk, and who could bring her home, almost lifeless, and still so tacky. Of course, she tried to remember, but she didn’t really care. She remembered only that they went to the club by almost the whole group, then dances, cocktails, again dances, and again cocktails, and then failure. By the way, she finally completely calmed down. And taking advantage of this, I suggested that she put herself in order.

At the same time pointing to a large mirror on the door of the cabinet, which reflected both of us, in full growth. I'm wearing shorts and a raw t-shirt, already raw t-shirt. And she was all tattered and with smeared make-up, and one thing more, she was still without clothes. That is naked, and only now she saw it and realized. And of course she pushed me away and hid from my eyes, behind the closet door. The one in which the glass door we were now looking, while all blushing. As they say to the ears flushed))

But in order not to embarrass Luba, I went to my place, changed clothes for a T-shirt, and then into the kitchen, and actually began to make us breakfast. By the edge of his ear, he heard the latch click in the bathroom. And in about half an hour, when everything was ready for me, and I had already eaten my portion, my neighbor joined me. Wearing sports pants and a little baggy t-shirt. She tried not to look me in the eyes, and indeed in my direction. After breakfast, she ran away to her, having stayed there almost until the evening. I did my own business, milling one of my own programs.

Only at five o'clock she knocked on my door. Barely audible, but extremely persistent. With some reluctance, but I turned away from favorite things. Shouting insistent neighbor that she may enter. Luba shuffling her funny slippers with rabbit ears, entered. I just looked at her with small things, and noticed that she was wearing her white robe and her hair braided in a long braid. Although I did not attach much importance to this. My neighbor, shuffling her slippers, walked over to my bed and sat on its edge.

For some time there was complete silence, well, except that Lyuba rustled a little, with her robe, and I clicked with the keyboard. Having sat so little, I felt a keen glance at myself. And turning to meet his eyes with a neighbor. She stared at me so intently that my back chills ran. In order to clarify the reasons for such attention, I asked Luba a fairly simple question.

He sounded like this, "Is there some reason why you are here?" She did not know what to answer, although a little bit wrong, she did not know how to formulate it. And for a long time and painfully silent, every now and then she was crumpling her robe. Then, breathing heavily, and rubbing the handle a little on the handle, as if warming them up for something. And the next moment opened her robe, I'm not kidding, just took it and opened it. And under it is nothing, only her smooth skin and seductive curves and bulges. In short, she was naked.

From this I have and my jaw dropped. No, I'm the guy who managed to see different things, and I've already seen naked Luba too. But so suddenly, it was a little too much. But I still asked the very obvious question, "And what are you for?". These my words embarrassed her more than her own nudity. This was evident from the way Lyuba's ears flashed bright red overnight. And you know that I liked it, and I already vaguely understood the reasons.

Therefore, the next question I asked with a small hitch, "And how badly do you want this?". She was silent for a minute or two, although the absence of an answer tormented her. But she did give the answer, and it was obvious, judging by her rapid breathing. And naturally, it was "very, very, very strong." Hearing the answer, I gave her the command to creep up to me, and she performed it.

Sitting on the floor, at my feet, she looked at me from the bottom of the top with such lust that my cock began to stick out the fabric of the shorts. But I did nothing to give him freedom. Waiting for the fire in her eyes to flare up stronger. And he did flare up, and she pressed her scarlet lips to my cock, right through the fabric of shorts and panties. Sucking it into your mouth, along with a cloth, leaving a wet mark on it.

Doing this for a couple of minutes, until I grabbed her by the very scythe, and did not pull it away from me. Rising to his full height, and still holding her braid, he pulled off his shorts with his underpants, finally giving my overexcited member long-awaited freedom. It doesn’t shine in me long, at least 18 cm thick, but I can well boast with its thickness. Such a club 7 or even 8 cm in diameter.

Of course, Lyuba had already managed to take it into her mouth, albeit after a couple of layers of fabric. But now, live, looking at him point-blank, and just a few centimeters from his mouth. In her fantasies, he probably already deep inside her mouth, or even neck. Well, I did not disappoint her, and immediately began to sink into her open mouth. Doing it slowly, slowly, pushing her scarlet lips with a massive head, moving deeper. Sliding along so helpfully substituted tongue.

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