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Sveta was walking along a forest road. The weather was clear in summer, even a little hot. A sultry vacation in a remote village was coming to a logical end. Sveta decided to go to the forest and take a walk in search of mushrooms. Locals say the white mushroom has already gone, but that's where and how to look for them, Sveta had no idea. Turning off the main road, she left her car in the first islet on the side of the road. Now if someone was from the guide! And even better - bask on the silk sheets under the duvet. And it is better to embrace someone's, hot, strong, seductive ... Do not drag, neither the light nor the dawn, nowhere. Kissing around the clock ... But the rest was coming to an end, but nothing interesting happened in this wilderness. We had to think to go to the cottage to friends, without friends? At least without one friend? Well, yes, she wanted a break from the city rush. But, as it turned out, I wanted to relax with someone. So that someone’s strong muscular arms clasped to themselves on a languid night, caress your soul with talk and warm your hungry body with touches ...

Then she heard a loud rolling laugh in the distance and, looking closer, saw two young guys in uniform. Thoughtful. Anxiety ran through the body with a shudder. After all, here besides her and they were nobody. I didn’t want to get back to the car, and why should she be afraid that she won’t master the two young guys? they seem funny, go, laugh. It calmed. Yes, and boring. You can even meet. I wonder where in this wilderness are young guys? Maybe they came to whom of the grandfathers to visit? She already knew all the young people in the village, and these were clearly not local. When they got closer, she could see them better. One, tall, light, with a long nose and sharp cheekbones, silently listened to the second, against his background a little lower than the boy, who told some kind of story and burst into laughter. Guys are young, 18-20 years old. Both taut. Judging by the pants - the army team. Sveta did not understand - soldiers or officers. Apparently near some of the / h parts. Or what exercises? Very curious to find out the details.

Sveta stopped and waited until the young guys reached her. A thought ran through my head, and she asked if the guys could help her? They came to life, obviously with interest, began to wonder what had happened to such a pretty girl, in such a remote area? Sveta, without hesitation, lied that the car had broken down. Knowingly putting herself in a vulnerable position, Sveta began to flirt with the guys, can they say. so young-beautiful-smart help her? We met. The one who is taller - Oleg, led the conversation in a businesslike way, clearly assessing his possibilities in time, probably among the two of them, he was older in rank. His younger comrade, by the name of Danil, clearly did not mind helping and not returning to the unit, or where they were going. Sveta enthusiastically started telling her fable about how the car began to “puff”, knock “knock-knock” and how she stalled right on the road. The boys got to the car and asked to turn on the car. They didn’t get the truth (the alarm is special, you need to know the lever in a secret place). Svetka, smiling playfully asked, and what, boys, will we do next? To her surprise, they really began to think about what to do with the car. She already wanted them to offer something to her. She liked Oleg. Adventure wanted. Vacation is the same ... It is coming to an end, but there was no adventure ... But he says, we wait, now comrades will come and help. Here it is not far to the village - about 20-30 minutes and we shove a car, and there - call the masters, if we don’t find the damage ourselves. After about ten minutes, three more guys appeared on the same road - the same age, apparently from the same part. Oleg as he looked at them, they say, lingered that way? They began to explain something to him about the reasons for the delay.Similarly, the main was among them. He briefly set the task - to push the car to the village to the house, which Svetlana will show. Sveta went ahead, showing the way. The guys were pushing the car, even though the drogue was down, they still had to sweat. Thinking about how to get to know Oleg better, Sveta came up with a great idea in her opinion.

As a thank-you for her laboring deeds, she suggested that the children take a bath in the bathhouse - after all, they “sweat up” by helping her in such a difficult problem. After the bath, she offered to drink them hot tea.

No sooner said than done. The guys were obviously not in a hurry to return where they were going, apparently they had a reserve in time. With the tacit consent of Oleg - the guys began to help her flooded the bath. Sveta brought them towels, soap, got birch brooms from the attic. And she herself remained in the waiting room - setting the table - brought tea and biscuits with jam to it.

When they gathered at the table all together - she examined them. Petya was of strong build, of medium height and dark hair. Vanya with clear gray eyes, light, broad-shouldered. Third, Sveta was not sure what his exact name was - Mike, weeds, and Pasha. He was talkative, joked a lot, smiled with his big mouth, with big lips, a little stoop. He openly looked at the Light, she liked it. Actually, the other guys looked at her, but she sunk at Oleg, so powerful and stern. Even now he tried to control everything, even though he was visiting.

The guys went to bathe, but Oleg stayed. Sveta asked him if she could thank him in any way. She came up, coquettishly looked into his eyes, stuck on her tiptoes and kissed him. He answered the kiss. His lips were warm and affectionate, chills ran over his skin and wanted to kiss more. He looked at her and said: yes, you can thank me. But you need to thank not me alone, but all of us. Do you want this?

Svetlana broke out a sweat. They did not expect such an offer. Thoughts spun in my head. Confusion, insecurity, fear, arousal ... Stop. Excitation? Sveta remembered the guys, their figures, their laughter, views on her form ... But there are five of them! Such a Sveta has not yet been. Oleg gave light to think. He sat and looked appreciatively at her, at her excitement. Then I began to speak - slowly, assessing her reaction to my words - you can refuse at any time, I will take personal control so that no one crosses the line. But think for yourself, you look great, obviously led us here with the desire to get to know one of us better, but why should we choose with whom? Help the hungry for feminine guys.

After these words, he took her hands in his and began to kiss her lips, neck, eyes, forehead. Gently, passionately, showing how he wanted her. But the rest of her wanted it true. So why should she choose? Let there be everyone. She had nobody for a long time, such an adventure would be a good compensation. She began to respond to his kisses, thereby giving an answer to his question.

If you want to end your gratitude, you say the stop word - say, a horse, he said. Next give me. And he went into the house. Sveta remained confused to sit and wait for the continuation. Her adventures began, she felt it with all her agitated body.

When Oleg returned, he had a package with him. He hung it on a hook and ordered him to go to the bathhouse. She entered. They were all sitting on the steam shops, it was hot. They immediately stopped discussing something that a second ago they were very worried, but now they no longer exist. The body began to be covered with moisture, clothes immediately began to stick to her body.

Oleg began to dispose of. Ivan - come and take off your clothes. Danil help. They approached and silently, began to carry out his orders. The light was awkward, exciting and frankly scary. Not to mention the fact that it is wet and hot. They undressed her gently, stroking her body with her palms. It was evident that it excites them. Leaving her without clothes - the rest began to wash her.Wetting her body - they took the soap and began to lather each part of her body - each separately and all at once. Foam trickled down her body in thin streams ....

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