1. Incredible ticket to youth. Part 3
  2. Incredible ticket to youth. Part 4
  3. Incredible ticket to youth. Book 2: School Herbarium. Part 1
  4. Incredible ticket to youth. Book 2: School Herbarium. Part 4
  5. Incredible ticket to youth. Book 3: Headmaster. Part 1
  6. Incredible ticket to youth. Book 3: Headmaster. Part 3
  7. Incredible ticket to youth. Book 3: Headmaster. Part 4
  8. Ticket to youth: Two years later. Part 1
  9. Ticket to youth: Two years later. Part 2

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Since the ticket for a month issued to me by this half-mad professor turned into a youth subscription in the course of the action, so to speak, an annual subscription, then I should arrange accordingly. It would be good to beat him, but on the other hand, I felt my own charm of being in this parallel world, and even in my youth.

Some of the questions I have already decided, good or bad, can be shown only by one of the factors of our four-dimensional space - time. The inexorable run of which I felt constantly, but I tried to be a little faster, especially being in some information vacuum - in my time stuffing of information is much higher. Although this can be interpreted positively - my unbroken head absorbed knowledge much better, I remembered quite easily what I was learning in school and at the institute, respectively, and the teachers constantly praised me and gave excellent marks.

Okay, let's go to this intertemporal space worker, maybe what kind of news, and it would be interesting to communicate with the help of the equipment of this inventor with that young guy, who with his mind got into the body of a man 40 years older, that is me. I hope at least he timely performs marital duties instead of me. I go to this eternally disgruntled graduate student, who will soon have to defend his Ph.D. thesis on his incredible topic, and he will become a professor a little later, but I decided to clarify the question of whether it is possible to break through space-time and communicate with . Silently going to the ever-open door, which he almost never closes in his dispersion, I looked inside. He sits at the table, having gone all into himself, on the table a lot of papers, he writes something, screams and mutters incessantly, I listened attentively to him and was stunned specifically by what he heard:
- ... take the triple integral symbolically ... enter the Weyl symbol of an arbitrary operator ... well, well ... acyclic casual chains ... fluctuations of the thermal field ... study of Heaviside's layers for repeated contact ... well, so more ... zeta Riemann function in the complex plane ... connect a thermorectal cryptanalyzer ...

I even got a headache from hearing this incredible abra-kadabra, how they communicate at all, these shifted scientists, as if they are not up to the joys of being in the form of women and sex! Similarly, he is sitting, he is calculating something so enthusiastically, not paying attention to me at all, but he can clean the apartment, but he will not scratch himself. Feeling that I began to “boil” a little, I came closer and gave him a light “bream”, he jumped out of his chair and began to pace around the room, muttering something all over and finally noticed me - progress is evident! Then he stopped abruptly and gave out fearful glances at my fists, that according to the latest calculations he could send me back only a year after the date of the exchange of minds, we can’t talk to my “donor” - all channels “flicker” because of the strongest solar storms.

Well, okay, wait and see! And now I will go for a walk, and then my head ached for sure, he was carrying such a nonsense. Having walked and admired our urban beauties, who were walking along the boulevard, in daring super-mini, opening their legs of varying degrees of harmony, and also reviewing the whole range of their panties, I finally remembered what needs to be done now! Exactly - on October 1, we already had a new head teacher, a rather young lady, she seems to be thirty, not yet married, but as Alla Markovna joked slyly - “a girl in active search”.Why in the active - I remembered! She didn’t end very well in my time - she always opposed herself to the team, fluttered by the will of the gorono from school to school and never got a job anywhere normally and went somewhere almost with a wolf ticket, obviously getting everyone with her gentry ambition - they say her great-grandfather is a Pole and a nobleman.

Well, here I will help her, and already have thoughts. Throwing a touchstone in the form of Margarita, who seemed so “accidentally” went to the head teacher in the office and occasionally advised her to talk with me, they say, this student has a lot of ideas, moreover, she has surprising connections and, despite her youth. In addition, he is the secretary of the Komsomol committee of the school, so the head teacher will have to meet with me constantly, talk - you will not regret! Kristina Andreevna pohmykala-sniffed snidely, saying that who she is and who I am, but still called me to her. Gushing ideas about glorifying her and at the same time and schools, I certainly expected a skeptical attitude towards myself, but I got just boorish. I sat down on a chair, examining her and remembering her fate, and she unexpectedly acted with me, as with an idiot, in a very rude tone of disgust expressed her attitude to the advice of others in general and to my advice in particular:

“So what can you tell me?” Something clever, I don’t even hope. Yes, and what is your name, they told me, did I forget something? What can you advise me? Something so awesome? - here I understood why she did not linger anywhere, the teams simply survived her with such pathos-boorish behavior.

- My name is Israel Zhulfirvinsky Wolf, mother is Ukrainian, and the father is a physicist. Are you satisfied, Madame Sokolov? Unfortunately, unfortunately, Madame, sorry - Mademoiselle, the conversation with you did not work out, pretty Christina Andreevna. But if you want to show off at the end of the year and get the position of director of the school, and even get into the reserve of cadres of personnel, then reduce your stupid nobility. Believe me, you will be better!
And when you have a more minor mood, ”I said, getting up from my chair,“ then we can talk fruitfully and, most importantly, do it! And yet - all this is necessary for you, for you, not for me, like this! Christina, dear, do not miss your chance - I quickly went out, looking at the exit at her eyes, bulging with indignation and open to surprise by my behavior, but she said nothing more - this is already good!

However, after a week the duty officer came into our class and invited me to her directly from the lesson. She behaved more decently, my name and even the middle name already knew very well and we talked at the level. We even laughed a little at my “pseudo”, although I knew that Christina was a secret Seven with a mixture of Polish blood, though she was a pretty beautiful girl, which also prevented her from working normally in the women's team. A little surprised by my knowledge of her previous schools, she suggested that we speak frankly. We sat down at a side table at my suggestion, and I again surprised her, brazenly hugging and holding tight, kissed her lips, and even put her tongue in her mouth. Christina seemed to be very excited, there were red spots on her cheeks, her eyes flashed, but now she stopped treating me disdainfully and, accordingly, should listen to me carefully, forgetting about her honorable aspirations. And when she looked at me a bit dumbfounded, I sat down opposite her and quite energetically continued:

- Write down, dear Christina Andreevna, here's a new notebook for you. First and foremost, by November 7, make a live track on the truck. Then I will explain and we will prepare. Where to get the truck and panels? We will ask the bosses, tomorrow we will go to them right in the morning. We will also give a plan for the arrangement of the school yard to the subbotnik on April 22, at the same time I will acquaint you with your future husband. Then all your surprise and indignation, write on. At the New Year's school party on December 28, we will arrange a New Year's Eve prom ball, it is imperative to invite representatives of the gorono and personally the head. gorono.Well, I will invite him myself, if you are uncomfortable - she was stunned to open her mouth to my statement. I’ll let him know who invented the composition by November 7th and, accordingly, who invented the New Year’s ball. Like this!

- Sasha, how do you know everything and how do you decide. The day before yesterday, I complained to Alla Markovna about you as a class teacher, and she looked at me as if she didn’t find the words and suddenly tapped my forehead, I was shocked. Yesterday I spoke with Margarita, and she arranged for me to obstruct me, they say, if it were not for you, then she is ...

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