1. Laboratory work. Part 1
  2. Laboratory work. Part 2

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minutes the long-awaited bell rang, and this torture was over for everyone. Until the evening, before my eyes, a picture of Sasha raskoryachivshayasya under her desk, her legs spread apart unnaturally wide and white panties, surfaced. I was sorry that at that moment she was in pain and resentment, but I could not help it ...

* * *

Laboratory took place on schedule - exactly three days. This time it was already rain on the street for days, it was overcast and dark, since this occupation in their group was, as usual, a double 7-8 pair. Actually, it was still an hour before the start of classes. That is why I pushed the thick blinds on the windows (there were no other curtains on them) and turned on the light.

Even at that time, we had computers at the university — the Iskra EC-1030 — a huge, heavy gray box with a Yutsuken keyboard and a black and white “bell” monitor. We didn't even have a mouse! And really - why do programmers need mice ?! But, nevertheless, fearing for the safety of all this invaluable computing equipment, the administration in this class set a metal door with a huge electro-mechanical lock and alarm system, and bars on the windows, and this is despite the sixth floor!

All the time, while the laboratory work was going on, there was a terrible hum in the classroom from the fans of the very “Iskars” and the hubbub of student voices, trying to shout it over. I was constantly asked questions, asked to come up to one computer, then to another. I honestly carried out my duties and taught my players to program numerical methods in Turbo-Pascal version 6.0.

There were far fewer computers in the classroom than students, so there were two or even three people behind each. Sasha also sat not alone, she had a girl with her, - I will not say that she was stupid, but ... she did not have enough stars from the sky, and, it seems to me, not only in my subject. By the middle of the class it became clear that they could not cope with the task in time. By that time, many had already shown me the results on the screen and, having received approval from me, were going home. The partner of Sasha, having shown a fair amount of pofigism to the work and indifference to her friend, also gathered and left. By the end of the lesson, there were only a few people left, including Sasha, who apparently decided to take this Gauss method into a penny!

When the bell rang, four students remained with me: Sasha and three guys who were sitting at the same computer and still could not find an error in their code. They asked if I would let them all linger for a bit to complete the work. I still needed to check the control two other groups by tomorrow morning, and I didn’t want to drag them home, let alone check them out there, so I agreed to sit for another half hour or hour with them.

I did checklists. The guys mumbled among themselves. According to their voices, I began to guess that they were about to win their “hydra” and show me the result. So it came about ten minutes later: they quickly got together, went out, slamming the door behind them. Sasha continued to sit and only once asked me to come up and suggest why the program loops, I advised her to use a real variable with a mantissa of higher capacity, after which she came to life, in her eyes that same joyful shine appeared. I was already anticipating the imminent completion of the working day, especially since the controls were almost over.

We stayed in this computer class with Sasha together, when suddenly something happened that I subconsciously always feared most of all, going into here - the electricity went out! I was not afraid of the dark, of course, and even not because computers could fail due to an incorrect power off ...I was afraid of the power failure because it is possible to open this damned lock on the door even from the inside only with the help of electricity! And there were no spare options, except for scrap and a sledgehammer, but they were also not available to me.

“Ay-ah! ...” the student cried out only.

“That's it ...” I automatically picked up.

- My program! She began to work! I just wanted the spaces to align the output text and add comments ...

- Do not worry, turn on the light, and we will find your program on your hard drive, it will not go anywhere - I reassured her.

But with the girl began almost hysterical! She, like a child, whimpered and collected in the bag scattered in the process of working pens, notebooks, some kind of leaves, alternately dropping it all in the dark ... I myself felt sorry for her to tears! I was not ready to honor her work on parole, without even seeing the results, but to finish everything for her myself! But everything was de-energized ... I, too, grabbed a pile of student works at the corner of the table, left my things in my briefcase, fastened it and put it on the floor. He went to the panel and lowered the switch, so as not to forget to do it, and at the same time turned off all the lights in the audience, which already did not work. Then he stood by the window, throwing the edge of the blinds behind his back and began to look out onto the street ...

- And now how to open the door? - They asked me from behind.

- I am afraid that so far nothing! ... - I sadly stated.

- And the key can not be? - the prisoner asked with timid hope.

- The key can, of course, but only from the outside, from the inside in any way! And no one has been outside for a long time - look at the clock ...

- And how long can we wait?

- I hope not long! Look, take a look - not only our building, the floor of the district without light, must quickly be repaired.

Sasha came up and stood next to me. I moved a little to the middle of the window, making some space along the window sill. She stood up just like me; now behind both of us, we both had the edge of dense blinds, creating some kind of illusion of a closed space. Only now I heard that she was still sobbing with annoyance at the almost completed work that had sunk into oblivion. I simultaneously admired her persistence and mentally felt sorry for her. It would seem that this is why she has this Pascal, Gauss and all his numerical methods? But no, - finished off, got it! ... Itself! ... Well done - respect!

- You do not worry about work, I will credit you all! You may not even come to the reporting lesson, I perfectly saw that you yourself did everything, - I tried to cheer her up.

- Thank! But still ... so sad! - from the left side I heard her sobbing again.

We both stood in the dark facing the window, leaning our hands on the edge of the window sill and watched pedestrians running clumsily through puddles, passing as they sprinkled those very puddles, sparse cars, how threshing rain continued, and how dwelling houses were plunged into darkness. .. Only street lights for some reason burned. A few more minutes passed in silence ... I didn’t know what to say, my last phrase again made the girl cry, but I didn’t want her to cry at all! ..

I do not know how I decided on this, but the next moment my left hand lifted from the window sill, stretched to the side and sank down on her left shoulder, then slipped below and hugged her. The girl did not throw off my hand and did not even move. I felt her palm warm through the fabric of a thin sweater. She kept her hands on the windowsill, only slightly changing their position. The next minute, shifting from foot to foot, she slightly shaken in my direction, and so she remained standing, not increasing the distance to the former. In response, I also took a quarter of a step towards her. As a result, I stood in a half turn to her and a little behind, now my left palm was hugging her already in the elbow area. Sensing the proximity of the support, she limped a little and clung slightly to me. I felt her full-length next to me: my right arm, back, ass, thigh, and even our lower legs were touching now.

- You live far away? - for some reason I asked.

- Twenty minutes by trolley bus ...

- I am also twenty ... only on foot.

- In this weather, there is no desire to walk anywhere! - She stated.

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