1. The writing. Part 1
  2. The writing. Part 2
  3. The writing. Part 3
  4. The writing. Part 4
  5. The writing. Part 5
  6. The writing. Part 6: My favorite aunt

Page: 1 of 3


I entered PED (Pedagogical University). I was attracted to journalism a long time ago, but here’s the competition ... I didn’t go through with it, and I had to urgently look for a suitable replacement option. A teacher of Russian language and literature — that was how the chosen specialty sounded in a hurry. In the group I was like a white crow. A lot of different girls and me. I do not know why, but my affairs with the individuals of the opposite sex didn’t add up, although what is simpler? Almost like in a ditty: "... eight girls one me!".

Like all my friends, in my circle I boasted of “victories on the love front”, although the real success in this field was insignificant ... In fact, none! Only a couple of times I felt the breasts of my “girlfriend” through a thin turtleneck, and once I ran my hand over the buttock, covered with panties, which climbed under her skirt. Although this was enough for me to get up! And the punishment in both cases was fast! I got a hand and "weaning from the body" ...

So this sort of explosive mixture: a virgin - with a great desire to correct this shortcoming; and an underground onanist who spends time on the internet watching adult sites is furiously jerking off on what he has seen.

— 1-.

Every year at school, a teacher of literature and Russian language, Maria Semyonovna, forced us to write an essay with the stupid title “How I spent my summer.” And this September was no exception. True, now the assignment came from the senior teacher of the Russian language department, Elena Ivanovna, which did not change the essence. This is a second year student! Literally on the first school day, it was announced to us that by “the greatest permission” for the next couple, we should provide her with a “essay-report” on the above topic. And, like last year, for some reason, she only looked at me. The girls from the group smiled, it seems, zuboskalya, and I firmly appreciated, as if for the first time seen the figure of a teacher and I liked her.

- No, of course, it is far to Aunt Katie, but ... - I decided, - in bed she must be good ...

And when I returned home, I took a clean notebook and, opening it on the first page, wrote: "How I spent summer". Put a bullet and thought. The events of summer flashed before my eyes, and without thinking, I began to write almost mechanically:


“Wheel overshoot and the flickering of vague streaks outside the train window lulled to sleep. I fell into some kind of prostration. I didn't want to think. I wanted to howl from impotence and melancholy. I went to visit ... On a visit to my mother's sister for two whole months. And the most interesting thing is that I learned about its presence as recently as a week ago ...


It all happened not suddenly. And I was to blame for this myself. As my mother said, I got in touch with a bad company and now, instead of relaxing with friends in the city, “the link is like Pushkin to the village”! All this was decided in just a few days. Only a week ago, having passed the session, I made plans for the summer in a well-known city with my friends, and now I am on the train to the very heart of our great Motherland - Siberia, to relatives in some kind of wilderness ...

- For correction! - said mom.

- You should consider your behavior in peace and quiet ... - said the father.

Only one consolation. I am traveling alone, alone. Without escort. It so happened that I had never traveled far alone, except for a summer camp, but this is clearly not the case! Initially, the mother had to accompany me to the “link”, but as usual, something happened at work and she could not go. My father was also busy and they decided to confer, send me on my own. It was my first solo train ride and even so far away. If you change the reasons that prompted me to be in this line-up, I would be beside myself with delight ... And so ...moved like a dull Decembrists in the distant century, but with all the comforts. On the way, my mother collected a huge bag of provisions and a backpack with my things.

And she also burst into tears on the platform, and in shame I did not know where to put my eyes. My trip was supposed to last about three days. The guides were ten times notified that they would meet me, but they instructed me as if they were a little hack so that they would not misbehave and behaved well. Two days have passed. Today, at about seven in the evening, I was supposed to arrive at some kind of station, where the stop was only at the request (my request!) And the first meeting with my mother's sister was to take place there ...


So, I arrived. I was met by a woman very similar to my mother, only ten years younger.

- Oh! And how are you like your father! - It was the first thing I heard - just as slim and attractive, - she seemed to me with a longing, she said.

I was kissed, put in a car that turned out to be a rather old UAZ. They are also called "pills". Why, I do not know for sure. Perhaps because they used to be used as ambulances. By the way, she turned out to be an ambulance, and my mother's sister, Aunt Katya, was a doctor. She herself sat behind the wheel, and I settled down beside him, and we set off. An old car cheerfully swallowed kilometers, and I kept answering and answering the questions asked by my aunt. Not to say that it was a highway, but at least almost the whole way we drove along the asphalt, and only at the very end, when we drove through a small house, in twenty the village went a dirt road. Aunt Katya said that they and their daughter, who are six months younger than me, live in the former forest range. There is a big house, there are sheds, where, as I understand it, there is a living creature, a big one, and even too much, as I learned from the description of the garden and, of course, the bath.

- Do you like bath? - She asked, without ceasing her endless monologue, almost not interested in the answers.

The animals and the vegetable garden ... for me and Lena, was the name of my cousin, who suddenly appeared at my place. And it will have to be twisted together, because she (the aunt) spends the whole day traveling - heals the sick.

“But the places are here ...” Aunt Katya choked with pride. “Such beautiful ...” she went round the pothole. - Not far there is a river, which is full of fish. Near the forest. Rather taiga! Sea cedars and trees, in which a lot of mushrooms and berries, but also easy to get lost. And of course full of all kinds of beasts: elks, foxes, wolves and even lynx with bears.

I listened silently, imagining how hard I would be. And about the animals decided that it is so scary ...


We arrived at dusk. We were met by a tall, but some kind of non-folding girl. Lena introduced herself to me, looking attentively. I called in the answer just ran over her figure.


Once, long bursting with curiosity and childlike spontaneity, I asked my mother:

- Why do some babes have big ones like you and others have little ones?

She was very embarrassed and began to explain to me about some genes, their influence on the formation of the body and other nonsense. Of all the above, I learned only one thing:

- In our family, these same genes are “very large” in size and that is why all women of our family have big breasts.

- How are tits different from breasts? - thinking, I asked the next question that interests me.

- This is the same thing, just different names, but it would be more correct to call them breasts ...

I also tried to ask a few provocative questions that were pawed by friends in the courtyard, but the reddened mother seemed to cut off:

- When you go to school, everything will be explained to you there ...

At this "lesson" of sexual education was over, and I, having received a trifle on ice cream, ran to my friends in the yard.


Much has been forgotten, but this conversation, for some reason, is stuck in the memory, and, seeing large and large forms in any women, I always remember the “big” genes ...

So - Aunt Katie's breasts were very big! They were even more mother's, as far as I could tell, despite the fact that she was a younger sister. Even Lena, who was younger than me, ...

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