Hello, your Fox is with you again. I allowed myself to arrange such a small vacation so that I could return later and tell something else from my life. Hmm ... Something in my throat is dry, I'll go drink something ...

From the author: as I said earlier, the story is Fox stories, and the cinema is from Keslegeit's cinema, so do not confuse. Still, although it is too late, but I warn you: Furry Content is contained in all my stories, since I am a fucking Furry and I can’t do anything about it. And in my imagination only such creatures have sex and perversions. No one else is in my city (not in the one I live in real life, but in the fictional one) ... What am I making excuses for here? All claims - in drugs or comments.

So, I got my throat wet and I can finally tell you about my adventure in the Damon Forest. Let's start!

Damon Forest. Forest measurement Damon. Strange place, to be honest. It is easy to get lost in it, even just by going into it. There are asphodels in the forest (briefly about them - in the story of Dragon Apartments), who live for their leader, griffins, which actually turned out to be winged demons of Damon, as well as plants that have a rather bad reputation.

I gathered there once. To change the situation, of course, but at home only a TV, where they show the same thing every day. What am I talking about?

Having collected the standard marching set of the demon (tent and firewood), I went to this forest. It’s not so far to go: first to the portal in my house, leading to PokeWorld (calm down, there will be no stories about it), from there to the portal to Damon. Then from the city center, in the direction of the forest just five minutes and here it is - Damon Forest. Upon entering it, immediately heard the rustling of bushes and leaves - this asphodels lurked, followed. Ignoring them, I went further into the forest and soon went out to Lake Damon. I was located near him: he pitched a tent, made a fire. Then, I swam in the lake, and when I returned to the tent, I discovered that someone had stolen my T-shirt. There are several options: either asphodels have lured me, or gryphons ... Either those plants.

Wishing to return my favorite T-shirt, I entered the forest again. I had to look both under my feet and on the sides, which was unusual for a city dweller like me. Looking to the left, and completely forgetting about the stalks on the ground, I stumbled and plopped onto the leafy carpet of the forest. The bushes rustled, branches creaked somewhere, and something moved under the feet. It clasped my legs, and then dramatically pulled them.

"Damn, I ran into the perverts," I thought, trying not to move.

The stem pulled me to a huge flower and placed right in the center. There I was tied smaller stalks. Small, but strong, as they say. I could not move, not because I was tightly bound, but to get rid of it easily.

The plant pulled one of the large stems closer to my ass. I stood and did not move, did not even turn around. Only tightened his buttocks, hoping to delay the inevitable. Then pulled the second large stalk, sitting in front of my tied mouth. A trifle began to move, tightening my tights together with my underpants, as well as opening my mouth. The stalk was so close to my mouth that I could reach it with my tongue.

Liznuv stalk, he began to increase in thickness. Half a minute passed until it became quite large. The stalk began to slowly enter my mouth, and all I had to do was just not to bite off a decent piece of it. When he came in half, his "friend" moved near my ass. He began to try to penetrate it, but could not. Out of desperation, the stem was gaining momentum, and I kept squeezing my buttocks, just not to enter. A sharp jerk ... and this stalk enters my full-length ass.

- Auch! - I cried, clutching his lips to the stem near the mouth.

Feeling inside of me, Rogue began to fuck me with his stems. The stalk in the ass increased, making me hurt a little.From this, I jerked my legs whenever he entered me. The stalk in the mouth maintained its former pace and did not rush, only occasionally entering a great depth. A strange feeling arose when the plant pulled the third stem.

"Where are you going to poke him, flower?" - I thought, seeing nothing, because of the small stems. I wish I hadn't thought so.

When the stalk in the bottom increased the speed, the third pulled closer to my penis. I felt the foreskin being pulled back, the head touching this stem. He began to poke at the member.

“What are you going to do?” - I thought again - “Really ...”

That is what he did. When the stalk in the bottom abruptly entered me, the third began to try to enter my dick. First, the tip, then a little more, and then the whole “tip” of this stem entered.

- Aaaaaaa! I shouted in pain, getting the stalk in my mouth even deeper than usual. I almost vomited.

The stalk in the bottom accelerated and grew stronger. I blinked from the unbearable pain in the penis and anus. In the end, the stem disappeared, filling me from below with its juice. The stalk in the mouth slowed down, giving the stalk in the penis a higher priority. The pain intensified, as this snake increased and accelerated. Something began to flow in the penis, but what? My sperm or juice of this plant? The stem stopped, and the plant continued to fuck my mouth. The plant felt that it was time to release the juice, so it desperately penetrated very deeply into my throat. I felt the familiar bitterness - the plant "finished" in my throat and pulled the stem out of my mouth.

There was a feeling that I was a vat for the Rogue's juice: the anus was burning from what had been experienced, the stem in the penis was not going to leave for a long time, and this juice was splashing in the stomach, causing heartburn to my throat. But that was not all.

One of the small stems wound around my penis, which made it even more painful, and began to masturbate them. Oh, that was something with something. It was both painful and pleasant. In the eggs, which are nehily so increased, Gurgle's juice gurgled, mixing with my seed. One push, the second - and the stalk larger joined the execution of my member. It increased again, causing the little stalk to stop. The big one again fucked me into it and again put juice in it, which made my eggs bigger. Small began to masturbate faster, and when my orgasm was approaching, the plant abruptly pulled out a large stem, which caused me terribly pain, and why I quickly brought my orgasm closer, subsequently pouring over the field of this flower with sperm, which became very much due to sap.

When the last drop of sperm fell on a flower, the libertine embraced me with a large stem and put it in the lake to relieve my pain and rid me of my juice.

Fact: The cold water of Damon Lake relieves pain quite well and helps the demon's body to break the juice of the Rogue into simpler elements. Most of the time, the lake absorbs the rest, the rest is absorbed into the demon's organism, making it more invulnerable to diseases.

I immediately felt better. Looking out of the lake, I saw my things perfectly folded, and on it was a sheet from the Lecher. It was his gratitude, for showing patience.

Whatever they say about this plant, and even though it fucked me without pity, I still appreciate him. After that day, I sometimes purposely stumbled over the stems. Subsequently, we became good friends with this plant.

As they say, that's all, my friends. My story is for you.

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