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Maxim ... When he shot a scumbag raping a young girl, he did not think that a military tribunal was waiting for him. But it turned out that he was the son of a general. After killing him, Maxim signed a death sentence for himself. The lawyer, hired by Maxim's friends, only threw up his hands:

- I can only achieve life imprisonment, at best. You see, Maxim, the girl testified that everything was by mutual consent. According to all the materials of the investigation, you brutally shot the son of the general on the basis of personal hostility.

Maxim was sullenly silent. He was well aware that his impulsive act, the desire to save an innocent girl, killed him. Several court sessions were held as if in a fog. All the arguments of the lawyer were broken about professionally fabricated evidence, witness testimony, expert opinions. Tomorrow, Maxim, a former military officer, will be sentenced ... Deadly.

A few hours before the court session, a man in civilian clothes came to Maxim’s cell. A man in a strict suit, with a tenacious gaze and bearing of a military man. He silently looked at Maxim for a few moments. Maxim also silently looked at the visitor.

- Maxim, you are not a fool, you understand that a fat cross is put on your life, - the stranger stared at the guy at close range.

Maxim was silent.

“I have a suggestion for you,” pause again and unblinking eyes.

- What? - in the voice of Maxim slipped indifference.

“If you accept him, you will avoid the execution,” as if not hearing Maxim’s answer, the stranger continued.

- You are joking? - Maxim started up.

- How can I avoid execution if everything is already decided?

- Shut up! - the visitor has sharply interrupted the guy.

- Here are the papers. Read it. If you agree, sign each sheet. I'll come back in an hour.

The man handed Maxim a thin folder and left the camera.

Max just sat for a few minutes, not believing that he had a chance to survive. “What is the price of my salvation? Can it be better to die right away? ”The boy broke off his gloomy thoughts and opened his daddy. As he read, his eyes went round. Throughout his entire military career, he had not even fleetingly heard of anything of the kind. He was offered to participate in an experiment on the effects on the male psyche of torture by female caresses. It was supposed to be a teaching tool for female students of the secret division of the military medical academy.

“Fuck !!! Your mother !!! ”- Maxim’s thoughts did not take the read information seriously. But the “secret” neck on paper made him believe. “I want to live. If there is a chance, then you have to grab it. And there it will be seen. “- Max decided, signing the documents.

Exactly an hour later the stranger returned. Maxim did not wait until he asked about the decision.

- I agree.

“I didn't doubt you, Maxim,” the stranger allowed himself a shadow of a smile on his stern face. - Get ready and go.

- What, so right away? - surprised by a guy

“Don't ask any questions now,” the man snapped at him hard. - Follow me.

- Yes! - in - the military clearly answered Maxim.

From that moment on, his new life began.

Before the military academy we drove in a dull-toned car, silently. In the empty corridors, too, followed in silence. For all the time, the stranger did not consider it necessary to introduce himself.

Opening one of the doors, the man turned to Maxim and invited:

- Come in, then they will tell you everything, show ...

The man walked away, passing the guy into the room, and closed the door behind him.

Maxim was looking at a large bright room with huge, full-length windows. On couches and armchairs, covered with light beige leather, sat different people, men and women.

- Come in, sit down, - a pretty woman of 50 years approached Max. - My name is Elena Vasilyevna. Soon we will begin the lecture.

- I am Maxim. Nice to meet you.

The woman smiled at him and went to the table across the room.Max sat in one of the chairs, looking at the crowd. “It seems that it was not just me who made such an offer.”

- Attention! - Elena Vasilyevna loudly attracted attention.

- Now I will explain in detail for what purpose and under what conditions you all ended up here. Please do not interrupt me. All questions you can ask after I finish. Natalia, distribute pens and notebooks to those present.

The assistant quickly fulfilled the request of Elena Vasilyevna.

- So, you all received an offer from our representative, being in a difficult and sometimes critical life situation. As you already understood, the contract is unusual. But it is not final. After a thorough medical examination, some of you may be eliminated. Those who pass the selection will be a practical tool for medical students. At once I will say that the experiments will be from the sphere of psychology, sexology and related directions. When our Academy conducted research on the effects of sexual torture on the human psyche. More detailed instructions you will receive after inspection and distribution to a certain group of students. You will live on the territory of the Academy, they will provide you with everything you need. At the end of the experiment, you will have the opportunity to return to normal life, but only in remote areas of the country. You can also stay at the academy and continue to cooperate under other conditions.

The woman explained many more nuances, told about secrecy and payment.

- Now the questions. Ask if something is not clear.

All were silent, digesting what they heard.

- And now we can refuse the offer? - asked one of the girls present.

- You can. But you will erase the memory and return to where they pulled out.

- Any questions?

Everyone was silent.

- Then let's go for a medical examination.

Elena Vasilyevna went to the exit, and all those present were drawn for her. Maxim came out last.

Elena Vasilievna accompanied everyone to honey. block and gone. A series of tests and examinations merged for Maxim into one long tiring procedure. At the end of the survey announced who and where distributed. Maxim was identified as a practical tool for a group of female students from the faculty of sexual psychology.

“Lucky, you will not say anything,” Max grinned to himself, following to the residential sector of the academy, where he would live for the next five years.

The officer accompanying the experimental group showed the houses:

- Here you will live. The dining room in that yellow building. Now I will give away the keys with the numbers, on the houses the same numbers. Find each your own. Everything you need is there. In an hour, you will receive clothes of your size, a schedule of experiments, a daily routine, and other instructions. Dinner at seven. Please do not be late.

The officer handed out the keys and left. Max got the house at number 7. The small house consisted of a room, a bedroom, a mini-kitchen, a bath and a toilet. Simple furniture, a minimum set of home appliances, all toiletries. “You can live. “- decided for himself Maxim lounging on the bed.

An hour later, they brought things and a bunch of different instructions, schedules, and once again reminded me of dinner. Max decided to make out things after dinner, and now he looked when his participation in the experiments would begin.

It turned out that tomorrow morning he will have to be a dummy in theoretical studies. Deciding that tomorrow and see everything, why think in advance, Maxim went to dinner, took a shower and went to bed with a calm soul.

In the morning, when Maxim had already taken a shower and had breakfast, the attendant came behind him.

- Good morning! I will take you to your place of work, then you will go there yourself.

- Good. Come on.

Maxima followed the attendants to the educational buildings.

- You in the third building. Ground floor. 123 audience.

Entering the audience, Maxim was surprised to look at the picture.

The huge room was divided into two parts. One was ...

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