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unclamp one finger on the hand, allowing the penis to pass on. When at the base of the penis there remained three Ankyne fingers, I felt the “ceiling” in the pussy. Anya exhaled heavily with a moaning cry and leaned on me - a member completely filled the vagina. At this moment I made sure that Anya was right - the feeling was exactly the same as in the towel. Only there inside is much wetter and hotter, and stenochki more mucous. Ani's vagina tightly wrapped my cock tightly, as if really sucking, which is why I involuntarily tried to raise my pelvis towards my pussy.

- Soooo ... So, three fingers left ... If one finger is about 15 millimeters, and your member is 180, plus the polish is free ... Uff! That depth of the vagina ... aaaaa ... mmm ... this ... about 12 centimeters, - Anya made complex calculations with particular gravity.

I picked up Ankina ass, "adjusting landing." The head of the penis strongly rested against something. I frowned that from pleasure, then from the dense compression of a member by a pussy. Anya noticed my grimaces:

- Your head "kisses" with the cervix. Mmm ... she-aaa ... is the gate to the uterine cavity itself ...

Anya made an effort, dropping below the member. I felt the head of the penis stretching the cervix. Here, a little bit more ... And the member entered to the end. The ass "landed" on my thighs, and our pubic hair intertwined ...

Anya, bending back and hanging on my neck with outstretched arms, made a loud, prolonged moan of “victory”:

- Ooooooooooo ... My God !!! ...

That's all. Anya and I just lost their virginity. We. Together. So strange ... It always seemed to me that this moment should be bright, colorful ... The greatest event of youth is entry into adult sex life ... But in practice it happened somehow ... ordinary, or something ...

A member was very tight and tight, I could not even move, afraid to make Anya hurt. Anka began to smoothly move her pelvis to the sides, trying not to lift herself.

- See? Ahhh ... Pubic hair is needed to reduce friction between the genitals ... Are you also pleased so?

My thick blond hair caressed Anin pubis. All my shame of pubic hair disappeared somewhere, and I remembered the phrase of the hero from the movie “Don't Mess With the Zohan”: “Women like it when there is a lot of hair ... It's soft and pleasant.”

“Mmm ... let's start, perhaps,” Anya firmly took hold of my shoulders and began to move slowly.

I kept Anya behind the ass, sometimes stroking her wide hips. Anya began to tell:

- So, an important part of the female reproductive system are the ovaries ... Mmmghh ... Where eggs are formed ...

Anka tried to restrain her feelings and tried to speak as smoothly as possible. But her face showed that she spoke through pain. I felt so pitying for Anya that I involuntarily embraced her around the waist, wanting to pull her close, but Anya was decisive.

- Mmm ... The ovaries communicate with the uterus through the fallopian fallopian tubes ... A-aha-ghm!

Ankhi moaned out of Anka, and the thighs trembled. I hugged Anya and pulled me close so that she could sit down and rest. Anya knelt and landed ass on my thighs, so that the member is completely plunged into pussy. My teacher hung on me, almost choking. Every breath was accompanied by a powerful rise of the chest and a hot exhalation.

Having come to a little to herself, Anya sat down more comfortably and started slowly moving again. Apparently, the first pain subsided ...

- So here. Remember, we talked about the appointment of secondary sexual characteristics? - Anya asked confidently.

- O. Umm ... yes ... This is a big breast, a mature female ... A lot to fuck and stop ... There, kids ... - I mumbled in embarrassment, looking to the side, occasionally squinting my eyes on Anya's chest .

- Right. So, in women, the ovaries work cyclically. Once a month, out of them, roughly speaking, Anka sharply kissed me on the lips and continued, - ripe eggs come out. This is called ovulation.

- There it is like! - I was inspired to study after a sudden kiss.

“These eggs get into the fallopian tubes, moving into the uterus ...” Anya stopped, slid off the penis and put her hand to the upper part of the pubis.

I already caught my breath from such a turn. Anya mysteriously quietly continued:

“And if in the near future, before or after ovulation, a woman had sexual intercourse with a man, during which the male released millions of healthy, mobile and tasty sperm cells into the vagina,” Anka licked her lips and swallowed, “these sperm will float through the vagina into the uterus from there to the fallopian tubes, and meet there with the coveted eggs ...

Anya tightly pressed against me, buried in me hardened nipples. Our faces came close to our foreheads, and Anka completed the topic:

“But only one, the most spermatozoon, while all the others flow out, die, or get lost, will be able to fertilize one of the best egg cells. This is how a new life is born ...

I was at the limit. Anya's big brown eyes and her touching smile finally broke my training spirit, and I completely surrendered to the irrational feelings of love. I kissed Anya tightly, hugging her even tighter. So that her boobs flattened my chest !!! My God, Anya, I adore you !!!

Anya escaped from my sucking embraces, firmly stood up, spread her hips wide, deftly aimed her dick in a slit, clutched at my shoulders with both hands, and “jumped” ...

The first 30 seconds, I did not understand anything. Only felt crazy hot friction member and frequent Anina exhale in time with the "squats." We stared at each other’s eyes, and I was afraid even for a second to miss Anin’s gaze. It was an absolutely empty look. Apparently, the entire consciousness of Anka was concentrated in the pelvic region, concentrating on the sensations of the vagina, the rhythm of the thighs and breathing. The person simply "turned off".

I grabbed Anya's waist, imagining that it was me who was pushing Anya with my hands, which amused me a little.

Having accelerated the pace, Anya put her hands to her head, gathered her hair in a ponytail and turned her head to the side. Anka knew that I adore this hairstyle, and in this position I can see her perfectly. Anya's chest jumped up amusingly, and the “ponytail” with a lag was shaking to the beat. Annie wrapped her hands around my head and approached me, very slowing down. She looked pointlessly into my eyes, her mouth wide open and breathing heavily, sometimes moaning. And then the thought came to my mind: how stupid it looks from the outside! With a silly expression on his face, in a silly pose went groaning and jumping. Every time I watched porn, the actresses there looked just as silly, and it amused me. I always thought: how is it in reality? And now I see this stupid expression on my face. But I like it. There is nothing wrong, it is quite a natural process. I love Anya, and no need to be shy. I just enjoy a special conversation with her. In some magazine I read that sex is the only thing where you need to turn off your brains, but just do not forget about contraception and about timeliness of protruding, and then “s ex makes babies ;-)“. And then the thought came to my mind: how stupid it looks from the outside! With a silly expression on his face, in a silly pose went groaning and jumping. Every time I watched porn, the actresses there looked just as silly, and it amused me. I always thought: how is it in reality? And now I see this stupid expression on my face. But I like it. There is nothing wrong, it is quite a natural process. I love Anya, and no need to be shy. I just enjoy a special conversation with her. In some magazine I read that sex is the only thing where you need to turn off your brains, but just do not forget about contraception and about the timeliness of protruding, and then “s ex makes babies; -) ". And then the thought came to my mind: how stupid it looks from the outside! With a silly expression on his face, in a silly pose went groaning and jumping. Every time I watched porn, the actresses there looked just as silly, and me ... Read more →
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