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From the translator: those who came here to read about coercion turn around and leave. unfortunately in tags there is no option “mind control” or “mind control” in Russian ...

I have always loved exploring the forest near our house. We lived in a remote rural area so I had huge spaces for research. I especially liked the deaf, difficult passable places. I liked loneliness. I felt a certain unity with nature and received from this true pleasure. I often came across interesting and unusual finds. But once on a warm summer day, I stumbled upon something truly unique.

It happened in the middle of summer. Vacation ... No need to go to college ... A lot of free time. I decided to go to a small waterfall, which was located in the west in the middle of a wilderness boron, 7 miles from our house. The last time when I looked there it seemed to me that there was a passage behind the waterfall and I wanted to see if that was so.

The day was hot. The air was already hot by noon. Clothes stuck to the body and I wanted to rush into the river, along which I walked. When I finally reached a small lake, into which the waterfall was thrown, I was delighted not to find a single person nearby. After making sure that there is really no one nearby, I stripped down to my bikini and gladly plunged into the cool water. I, with my head down, looked down through the clear water at my body. In general, I liked it. Only the size of the breast, which has not increased over the last year, was a little disturbed, and I was afraid that I would remain as flat as a girl. When I got out onto a rocky ledge right under the waterfall, I lay down on a warm stone, waiting for my long brown hair to dry up a bit.

Looking up, I again noticed that behind the wall of falling water there is a barely noticeable darkening depression, very similar to the entrance to the cave. My natural curiosity made me stand up and start a gentle climb. I had 10 minutes to climb sharp stones. I almost cut my bare heels, but still climbed to the top, breathlessly slipped through the wall of cold water and found myself in front of a small depression in the rock. The hole was not big, I could only squeeze into it. Of course I risked. Who knows what was waiting for me in the depths, I could just get stuck in the narrow twists of the course. However, I really wanted to explore the cave. Squatting, I threw a few stones at Laz. Not having heard the dull sounds of strikes against the wall, I thought that behind the narrow front bridge there was a rather large space inside. I decided to return to the cave, more prepared, and was about to leave when a strange strange smell stopped me.

It was subtle and resembled the aroma of freshly baked cinnamon pastries. He constantly strengthened, and I realized that he was coming from the darkening collapse of the cave. I became very curious. Usually from the caves does not smell like baking. I squatted not daring to leave and fearing to climb inside. The desire to get inside outweighed, but I still doubted, although I had quite a lot of experience in exploring such caves and in general I was not afraid to fall into some kind of pit and get damaged.

In the end, I could not resist and carefully squeezed into a narrow manhole. Inside, the smell of cinnamon increased sharply. He seemed somehow lightweight like a feather, while causing a strange tingling in my head. The deepening went on without tilting, and I cautiously crawled forward, still arguing with myself and scolding me for carelessness. After about 10 meters the passage widened, turning into a cave and I was able to stand up. Twilight reigned in the room, indistinct light penetrated it from somewhere above. I waited a few minutes waiting for my eyes to get used to the dusk and looked around.Inside there was nothing interesting, nor any traces or interesting things, only a wet gray stone.

I turned around disappointedly, intending to make my way back, when the earth left me from under my feet and I began to fall. I cursed myself for rashness. As I could not notice the hole in the floor with all my experience visiting similar caves. The fall continued for a long time, but it wasn’t random I seemed to have landed in a kind of vertical curving pipe that constantly slowed down my fall with my twists. But I still froze in horror, expecting a flash of pain when meeting the ground.

To my surprise, I plopped down on something soft and wet. I could not understand what I fell on; the substance beneath me was warm, gelatinous and resiliently springing like a big bubble filled with gel. I slowly fumbled in this gel, sticky and slippery at the same time. Finally I managed to get on my feet. I buried in the jelly. Behind my back, I felt an obscure movement, something slippery elastically rode along my lower back and my ass. There was a movement of something alive under my feet. I felt like long enough, but thick objects wriggling glide over my ankles, wrapped around his calves. I almost screamed, having decided that I fell into a pit full of snakes. Frozen with fear, I froze in complete immobility, feeling the movement of the worm-shaped bodies on my legs. Unable to stand, I still screamed and in a panic I tried to push the thin wriggling bodies with my feet.

Suddenly, I was literally blinded by a bright flash of light. I thought hopefully that it was the sunlight that some passage opened ahead of me and I could go outside, but then with disappointment I realized that the walls of the cave I had entered glowed. I realized that there was a huge colony of fluorescent bacteria on the walls. Before I could comprehend this incredible thought, I finally saw where I was and what surrounds me.

The entire floor of the cave was covered with a waving carpet of worms. Some of them were small and thin like a pencil, others reached a length of 30 centimeters and a thickness of 3 centimeters. They were dirty white and continuously oozed with thick translucent mucus, the smell of which I sensed in front of the cave. I can't describe the cold horror that filled my belly.

The sight was disgusting to nausea. But soon I began to feel that the disgust was slowly receding. It was replaced by a feeling of pleasant tingling in the whole body. This usually happened to me when I was very excited. In my head, everything was mixed up, fear was replaced by an incomprehensible, languishing disgust with inexplicable pleasure. The smell strangely agitated my mind, drunk and enveloped. The situation was terribly like a horror movie. Even if I forgot about worms, I was somewhere deep underground without hope of getting to the surface. I realized that most likely I would never get out of this cave, but oddly enough this thought did not cause me any trepidation. I didn’t care. I realized with unexpected clarity that nothing matters, only a strange pleasure from the kind of crawling worms and intoxicating scent that they published.

I felt a weakness in my whole body. I wanted to lie down on the floor. Suspended, I thought that the worms did not seem to harm me and I would be safe lying down. I was drowsy. I slowly lay down. Before I could do it, the worms began to crawl towards me. They slid over my half-naked body, leaving glittering sticky spots of mucus on my skin. I felt ... well. Really good. As if she lay under the hands of an experienced masseur. Every wet touch echoed in my body incomprehensible languor. I sighed when I felt that I was more and more relaxed and had completely forgotten about the terrible situation I was in. More and more worms crawled toward me, and soon I was completely covered in a lively stirring wet-damp carpet of flexible bodies.

Soon they began to show curiosity.One of them, squirming, dived into my armpit, the others also poked into my body as if exploring its curves and hollows. Soon enough, one of them slipped into my bikini panties. A warm sticky body wriggling crawled across my pubis and pushed into the crotch. I felt ...

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