1. From the memories. Part 1
  2. From the memories. Part 2

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Dear friend, if you read this story do not be angry with me, I do not brag in front of people in any way, I just hope that your example will help many families with similar desires, I hope you will understand and will not keep evil.

On a fine Saturday morning, I got up early, my friend Kostya invited me, I guessed why I bought condoms the day before.
- Great. - we shook hands. - Where is Olya?
- Still in bed. - Kostya waved his hand inviting the room.
here I was for the first time, a large room with a balcony, the entire right wall was occupied by the Soviet wall, cluttered with various dishes behind glass, books into the center barely got into the TV which I helped bring a month ago, the sofa and chairs were on the left, the old Soviet sofa was supplemented with a modern spring mattress and probably now represented a glorious trakhodrom, Olga slept. Lying on his stomach, Kostya sat down on the edge and threw back his blanket revealing her bare ass, in a whisper he invited me.
- You can touch it.

I went here this morning knowing what to expect, that is, I assumed, hoped that today would be, from this all morning I suffered from a riser, and eggs hard from sperm delivered discomfort and I could only think about one thing.
Kostya nodded, I put my palms on her ass and closed my eyes and began to enjoy the warmth of her skin,
I was fond of her ass, her smell, her form, I wanted to snuggle up to her face and kiss, these curves, I looked at Kostya, he nodded, sleeping Olya is so cute, I instantly freed myself from embarrassing clothes, and again began to stroke her ass Kostya also let down the extra families. I got condoms, but Kostya shook his head.
- She's allergic to lubrication, come on.

Once on top I tried to enter a member, but it did not work, wetting the head with saliva, I repeated the attempt, overcoming an obstacle the head of the member got to where it was hot and very humid, time after time, with every push I drove it deeper. Olya was covered with a blanket, only her ass was exposed.
Kostya drove a member across her face and Oli's lips.
- Kostya ... - Olya said sleepily when I inserted into her narrow pouched vagina at the very eggs, her ass rose a bit and I felt more comfortable, I jerked it with sharp jolts. Oli's mouth opened, and Kostin's member rushed into him, Olya managed to make several sucking movements before she came up with a sense of what was happening, her eyes opened wide for her husband, she made a weak attempt to get up and see who was behind her fucking, but Kostya restrained gently pressing her head against the pillow, not stopping to fuck for a second.
- All is well baby, do not worry, this is Pasha.

Olya arched even more towards my dick, bent strongly otklyachiv ass. The cock not clamped with feet now walked more freely, Olya moaned with pleasure but she didn’t stop sucking, Kostya, of course, didn’t hold her, he stroked her head, enjoying the blowjob and the sight of our intercourse.
- Liu-y-bi-i-th. - Olha whispered pulling a member out of her mouth for a second.
- that sweetheart. - Kostya leaned toward her. I have weakened the onslaught.
- Let him finish in me.
Kostya looked at me with a smile and nodded. I resumed my movements
I was already on the verge of holding her ass, I fucked her with all my strength, Olya did not suck anymore, on her knees she bit the pillow and squeezed the sheets with her fists. her.
inside her pussy was suddenly very wet and hot.
- Yaaaaaaaaaaaaa. - announced the room, Olga finished. Cuddling up to her, flattening her soft buns, trying to shove as deep as possible, I began to shoot cum into her hospitable pussy.

- How nice Bone, I feel how he ends. - Olha whispered while Kostya kept kissing her face. From the experienced orgasm Olya fell to the side, sweating, often breathing, she still looked incredibly desirable.Covering his wife with a blanket, the bone rose.

- Let's go drink coffee, let it rest. - Kostya went to the kitchen as naked, thinking a little, I still put on my underpants and went after him. Looking over my shoulder, I looked at Olya again. in the kitchen, the electric kettle began to make noise.
I drank a hot, strong drink, naked Olya passed by the kitchen into the bathroom, the water rustled.

- Listen, and nothing that I finished in it? - not the best way to break an awkward silence.
“You heard her asking for it, but don't worry at all.” In fact, you are the first for whom she asks me, Kostya smiled. - Eat cookies.
Olya came out in a bathrobe
- Let's have breakfast, you're probably hungry. - she leaned over and kissed her husband.
Kostya looked at his watch.
- We still have a couple of hours while parents come to the cottage.
Olya put the griddle to warm up.
- Pasha will you scrambled eggs?
- I will not refuse

Frankly, I did not eat breakfast at all and was very hungry now.
the hostess took up cooking, smashed up the broken eggs, and the finely chopped sausage flew there. I watched without stopping
- Ol, show your ass.
- What for? you have already seen.
- Well, Ol. - Kostya did not let up.
Olya with her free hand pulled the edge of her dressing gown exposing a gorgeous ass, Kostya immediately stood attached to the back of his wife directing the penis between the legs, kissing her ear began to whisper something to her making ambiguous movements.
- Kostya let's eat first, stop. - Olya seemed to be indignant, but her humorous tone was felt, she twisted her ass not nearly without embarrassing me.
- You are a wonderful couple.
- And then. - Kostya turned and winked, walked away from his wife and sat down in place, his cock was now standing upright.
- Where are the parents?
- Some sort of junk drove to the country. don't worry, father usually calls when he returns, otherwise it was a precedent, I thought his blow would be enough.

Olga laughed probably remembering that case.
Scrambled eggs on plates.
- Parents, of course, do not know about your hobbies? - throwing another piece I asked.
- Of course. My darling daddy's folder, he worked all his life at the plant, Soviet upbringing. He will probably beat me personally if he finds out. Then innocently everything turned out just that Olga found naked, she loves to naked to flaunt when there is nobody. So at that time, too, I went out of the bath, and then my father. Well done, of course, he didn’t say anything to me, he probably decided that it’s young, now he calls every time even when he’s coming back from work.
Olya crouched between us, she also began to eat, with her free hand she, listening to Kostya, began to touch my dick through her underpants. Having finished not so long ago, he quickly got stronger, while she got into the panties, went down to the testicles and began to stroke them gently.
- What are you doing there, perverts. - Trying to seem serious Kostya looked under the table.
- Oh caught. - Olya laughed. but did not remove the hand. - Okay, eat, the dishes in the sink, leave me to go preparing for the continuation.

Putting the dishes in the sink, we moved into the room.
Olya was waiting for us, standing on the bed on all fours in a schoolgirl costume, she beckoned us, wagging her booty.
- At school, I dreamed that two adult uncles would fuck me, I often masturbated thinking about it and still flow from those fantasies, do not make me wait - She blurted it out in one breath, it was not easy for her to see.
I came closer to her and put my hand on her ass, holding the dress up, making sure that she was without panties, her neat, nicely smelling pussy was so attractive. Having breathed in her scent, I started to caress her every now and then by nuzzling her anus ring.

having caressed a member of her husband Olya saddled him moving slowly, her skirt hid all the most interesting,
Olya leaned over to her husband, raising her skirt.
her finger began to spin around the ass,
Pasha, you can insert my ass if you want.
- Of course I want.
- Just take the grease under the bed, - Kostya still worried about the integrity of his wife.
Olya continued her slow movements, until I put a shiny head from the grease to her hole, Olya froze.
I used to have no anal sex experience, so ...

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