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“Faster, faster, otherwise we will leave without you,” Mishka shouted from the side of the bus.
Run was uncomfortable. The backpack on the back, the guitar in one hand, the bag in the other and all this did not want to resonate and bounced completely individual rhythm.
Well, the last 50 meters are covered and I am already on the bus. The old keyway slammed the door and gnashed the gearbox, set off.

On the road, we were already the second day. We are our group of students of the metallurgical course of the Polytechnic Institute. This time only our faculty went to the hay in July, the rest was harvested in August.
On the first day we left at night by train to the district center, and today by bus we go directly to the collective farm.
In the morning, going down to the platform, I remembered that I did not take Mendeleev’s liquid, but the survey showed that it was not enough for my friends and comrades. A minute to think and together with the belongings, I had to rush to the fishery, which, however, ended in luck.
And here we go further. Bear and Dimka, my two best friends, have already cleared my place.
Someone shouted: “Sanya, play!”.
"No, I will not play, the Komsomol will not allow me!"

Komsomol we had Andriya Lupu, yes, that was her name. She was Romanian by nationality. After the War, her ancestors moved to Moldova, and then, during the advancement of the party line and the rotation of cadres, her father was appointed secretary of the city committee in our city. The daughter also followed in the footsteps of the parent and was more involved in Komsomol activities than she studied. Although, I must pay tribute, she was still smart and capable. Andria looked amazing, pitch black hair, which she braided into a tight, thick, with a fist braid, reaching to the waist. Her features were regular and thin. The figure of its creator is also not offended. Tall, slim, with a long neck and proud posture. In general, the goddess!

However, her character was not as angelic as her appearance. She was a tough and demanding girl. She said - cut off.
As a freshman, we had a quarrel, after which I called her exclusively for Zalupu, and she included me in all possible detachments, committees and other entities of the Komsomol organization. In response, I tried to ignore them and took a real part in them only when I received a beating from the manager. the chair. And it is absolutely clear that every forced communication between us was accompanied by barbs on both sides.

- And you, Aleksandr Petrovich, choose a more decent song, the Komsomol will not object, otherwise you are only the gatekeepers to sing, you know, Andria pinched me.
- Eh, what do you think about me so badly, to comrade Lupu? - I answered rhetorically.
She did not even know what I had prepared for her a “surprise”.
Once, I heard her talking to a friend. They discussed favorite movies. And among the banal, beloved by all Soviet citizens films, she especially noted “Songs of the Sea”. It was a joint Soviet-Romanian film, where a wonderful song sounded. I found her tex and learned. And now this moment came when it came in handy to me.

And I sang with a guitar:
To the long-awaited guitar
I'll quietly cling
Carefully and carefully
Throne string
And she will respond,
Kind filling
You and me

The whole bus was quiet. Previously, no one has heard this song from me, and some have not heard it at all. Andria sat wide and in amazement looking at me. She did not expect. Yes, this is what was needed! It even seemed to me that a flush started to play on her dark face.
It's time for the chorus:
From dawn to dawn,
From dark to dark
Speak of love
Sing, guitar string!

All my attention was paid only to her. She, who had never shown weakness before, simply turned away and pretended that she was looking out of window through indifference. But she could not hide her excitement from me.I was proud of myself.
Masha clung to my shoulder and did not even suspect that this song was not at all her. We met with Masha for a month already. For me it was quite a long relationship. I never experienced a lack of female attention. High, handsome, athletic, the soul of any company, and besides, with all the carelessness in behavior, I studied superbly. The girls wrote out notes for me, occupied a place in the dining room in the queue, in general, I felt like cheese in butter.
The brakes squeaked sharply and everyone who was not holding tightly enough to the seats and handrails, carried away by inertia, flew forward. That was how our arrival at our destination was marked.
The next half day was spent on putting in order the barrack, unloading goods and various utensils from the truck following the bus.

In the evening, according to tradition, under a canopy, which replaced the roof of the canteen, and even the canteen, this is a field military kitchen, and in one row there are banquet tables arranged in an ingenuous way, a feast was prepared. On the table got everything that only we had ourselves. All that we did not have time to eat on the road and not gone. The girls, who were determined to work in the kitchen, had already managed to cook something fresh.
It was already dark, electric lamps were burning under the canopy, but still, there was a twilight sensation. Viktor Tsoi shouted hysterically from the barrack “A star named the sun”, and at the far end of the field canteen I sang songs as I went through the strings. This evening, exclusively about love. Masha, it seemed, never got out of my shoulder. Around, who were on the grass, who were squatting on our heels, our boys and girls, who were more interested in such songs now, and not the protest of the Kino group.

Vodka also came in handy, which I so successfully managed to buy at the station. Someone else took out a few bottles of wine. In general, the evening went on as usual. Of the teachers with us, only our mathematician, Savelich, was to be in the field, but he will arrive only tomorrow, something happened at his home there.
Andria, of course, was appointed responsible for all of us. When she approached our company, the guys hid alcohol. Not out of fear, rather out of respect for its authority.
Andria all the time circling around, pretending to be engaged in some important matters. He will ask someone where they put the posters, then he will bring a teapot as if we needed it.

So we sat under my songs for at least two hours. The people are already pretty drunk, and I'm tired.
- And let's go go swimming, - suggested Dimon.
- No bathing, what are you, and if someone drowns! - shouted Andria.
- Yes on, drink and relax already, - I handed her a bottle of wine.
“I don't drink,” she replied, lowering her eyes.
- Folder zagruchaet?
Apparently, it was her Achilles heel.

She took the bottle from me and, without taking her eyes off mine, took a few big sips.
All in response began to applaud, hoove and cheer her up.
She returned the bottle to me and silently, trudged along to the river with us. On the way, I gave her a drink a few more times, she also silently took the bottle and took a sip. Masha still hung on my shoulder. It was noticeable that her presence Komsomol strained. And it was not at all in her status.

Having come to the river, the guys immediately took everything off their pants, and rushed into the water. The girls were hesitant in indecision. And only two of them followed the lead of the guys, went swimming in underwear. I sat down on a fallen tree and watched the guys frolic noisily in the water. Masha again annoyingly clung to my shoulder, it seemed a little more, and bruises may appear.
- Andria, are you therefore not bathing? - I asked. This was the first time I called her by name.
“I’m without a swimsuit, I won’t go,” she replied and began to draw circles on the sand with a pretty leg.
- And how are Sidorov and Malyshkin weak?

She stood for a minute ... And then, she took off her dress over the top, remained in shorts and a bra and went to the water. The moon was bright in the sky and in this light it was gorgeous .... Read more →

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