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It was in July, the height of summer in one of the many villages on the banks of a huge reservoir. Here, under the shade of trees hanging over the water, onto an old bench, rooted deep in the soil, and brought three classmates.

“I don't want summer to end.”

Lisa said it as if it was already the end of August and soon she was going to study again. She lazily leaned back on the bench, widely spread her legs rested with heels into the ground and gave the scorching rays of the sun a deep cut on a summer blouse. Short shorts covered their tanned legs just a little bit. And through a wide cutout on the chest of an already transparent blouse, there was a neat chest hidden under small patches of a swimsuit.

- All the same, it's cool that Vadik's parents bought a dacha here. You can lie like this all week and do nothing - it's a buzz.

Lena was sitting on the left side of Vadim, who clearly did not follow what was happening and just watched how the branches of the trees sway from the light breeze coming from the sea. Lena had more appetizing forms, was a little taller than Lisa and unlike her she was practically not sunburnt. Tan did not stick to her and this only emphasized her femininity.

Vadim seemed to wake up and accidentally put his hands behind the backs of the girls.

- Buzz, you say. Vaughn - Vadik in general in raspberries.

Lisa smiled and playfully looked at Vadim.

- Let's go swimming until the sun has set.

Vadim abruptly stood up and ran toward the water, bouncing on the sharp branches and stones on the ground. Jumping into the water, he turned around and watched the girls who did not even have time to move. So they looked at each other, they said something to each other and just started to get up, as the top of their swimsuits was on the ground.

- Vadim, what ... how did you do it?

Lena screamed hastily picking up things and covering her juicy white chest with her other hand.

- Sleight of hand.

Vadim shouted in response. And he noted to himself how opposing and at the same time sexual can be two completely different girls. Lisa with her slim tanned body, a small neat chest and tight ass and Lena with snow-white skin, big breasts and delicious round hips.

There was never any romantic relationship between them; rather, they were long-time friends since high school. They lived in the same yard and spent most of their time together. Their parents were well acquainted and agreed to spend part of the holidays together without any problems.

- Here and swim now alone.

The girls frowned and sat down again on the bench, something that was tinkling to itself. Vadim felt something revived inside. He often used to stare at the roundness of girlfriends, stare at their butts, sometimes even pinching them as a joke. But now he clearly knew what he wanted. He wanted both girlfriends at once. In his underpants, it became cramped and he tried to distract himself by fully concentrating on swimming.

- Yeah ... Vadik we have what we need.

- What are you talking about, Lisa?

- Are you blind, did you see his body? And how he looks at you, I thought he was ready to devour you.

“I thought he liked you better.”

“Have you ever wanted to have sex with him?”

- With whom, with Vadik?

- Well, who else? I tell you, he wants you, I saw his eyes burn. When we went for a walk yesterday, he just looked at your ass.

- Well, I just can not just

- So with her Sergei could, and with our Vadik do not want?

- Well, this is different, I met Seryozha, he gave me flowers, and in general, what a difference to you. Even if she wanted to, we are just friends.

“You know that I love various kinds of stuff most of all, and here such an event is planned, I will not let you slip away from me so easily.”
With these words, Lisa took Lena's hand and placed it on the inner side of her thigh. Held her a little lower and buried between her legs

- If you want I will arrange everything, just imagine how he can fuck you.

- Well, Lisa! Again your priests.

Lena pulled her hand away so that Lisa's hand was right between her legs. The thin fabric of the swimsuit freely conveyed all the curves of Lena's tender body. She immediately felt a very pleasant touch and a slight shiver ran through her body. Lisa just smirked.

- What are you doing here?

Vadim shouted enthusiastically. I have long guessed that both of you would not mind having fun together. Vadim feignedly smiled and gently pushed Lisa in the shoulder.

- It's time to get together, and I want to eat.

Lisa went ahead gracefully wagging her neat ass, and Lena in Vadim followed her. Vadim could not tear himself away from this exciting picture. He was saved only by sunglasses, which it was time to take off, because the sun was already setting. So he had seen enough today, that seemingly ordinary pictures caused keen interest and developed imagination.

When they reached the little girl's house, they immediately went to change clothes, and Vadim decided to walk to the garage, which was used as a place to store provisions and other things during the summer season. It was already dark outside and the girls had to turn on the light. There were no curtains on the windows, and Vadim, coming out of the garage with a bag of groceries, involuntarily stopped, and a small smirk appeared on his face. The girls walked completely naked around the room and crawled about in their things, trying on and posing for each other.

Lisa ran from the closet to the mirror, then wearing a short sarafan on her naked body, playfully showed her bare ass to Lena. Then she bent, choosing things in a suitcase, revealing the elastic ass in all its glory. Lisa’s whole body was clean shaven and had a dark brown tan. Only a few light stripes Passed through the hips and pubis, especially emphasizing her smooth pussy. Lena, for the most part, stood sideways against the window, leaning against the window sill and the light of the lamp emphasized her outstanding body contours. Her big breasts with high nipples, her thin waist. She aroused no less than Lena.

Vadim remembered the wet pants, when it became much closer. And outlining a suitable clothesline, Vadim threw off a towel, took off his underpants and, with long standing races with a standing member, rode across the yard to hang up his underwear. Returning to the bag of food, he heard the window open with a creak and a cheerful squeal of girls rang out of the room.

- Oooo.

The girls applauded for, and Vadim hurriedly threw a towel and walked into the house.

After a little preparation for dinner. Lisa and Lena changed their clothes and laid the table. Vadim helped cut salad and poured wine. There was a lot of wine and excellent quality. Grandfather Vadim lived in the South and each year brought a new batch.

- Let's eat soon, I'll show you my secret place.

Vadim said gestures showing that you need to move the spoon faster. He really wanted to get out into the fresh air as quickly as possible, because on a summer day a small house was heated and to be in it and in truth it was very difficult. Yes, and in a hot atmosphere, alcohol acted especially quickly, but I did not want to get drunk like that.

- Yes, I do not want more, said Liza, drinking another glass of wine

- Me too, let's go already, it's too hot here

Vadim went out into the courtyard and wandered through the entire section to the old barn. The girls followed him. Going to the door of the unsuspecting building the girls protested.

- Are you crazy? We will not go there. Where did you decide to drag us? We could sit on the veranda well.

Lisa had already turned and was about to go back, pulling Lena behind her, as Vadim grabbed her hand and dragged her into the dark barn.

- Have I ever deceived you?

With these words, Vadim resolutely stepped into the darkness, dragging the confused girls behind him.

The room outside looked completely small, with a low roof and dilapidated walls. Inside almost in complete darkness, in the rare rays of light it was possible ...

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