1. Chronicles of Jess. Part 1
  2. Chronicles of Jess. Part 2
  3. Chronicles of Jess. Part 3
  4. Chronicles of Jess. Part 4
  5. Chronicles of Jess. Part 5
  6. Chronicles of Jess. Part 6. Finale of the first chapter

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Author's stories in the genre of porn-cyberpunk interspersed with fiction and magic. All texts are written by the author and are his private property. All names and places of action are fictional, the action takes place in one of the closest parallel worlds. Brand names of companies are real, do not ask the author why. No, this is not due to advertising.

The texts are not a guide to action, the author disclaims all responsibility for possible attempts by readers to imitate the actions of the characters in reality. And warns them that this may have consequences. Perhaps - very serious.

The author is not against the distribution of his texts in the erotic and XXX segments of the Runet. But with the obligatory indication of authorship. You can just write: "(c) Adrian Rain," that's enough. And ideally, it is highly desirable to add authorship with a link to this site.



The rain is over. I was sitting on the roof of a two-story ruin, with my legs dangling and staring at the horizon. The air was fresh and humid, clouds reluctantly sprawled in the sky. The weather, in general, corresponded to my mood, so I was in harmony between the outside and the inside. Lightning flashed before, thunder boomed, drops whipped my face, and on top of my head a heavy hail fell. And this, too, was a perfectly fitting illustration of the rage that had overwhelmed me. But the thunderstorm was gone, the track in the headphones sounded. When the rain is gone ...

For which I have always loved the rain - with it you can let go of your most terrible spiritual wounds, it just washes them away. If you are able to know how to do it, you can recover from any shock very quickly. Here and now. I closed my eyes, straightened my breath. He looked deep into himself. And I realized that hopeless longing is leaving.

When you are abandoned, it is always very painful and bad. Because you want to be with your beloved again and again. Enjoy her every step, every word, every glance. Even more unpleasant when you have to throw yourself. Let it be right, let it be "better for both of us."

But it’s very bad when you suddenly realize that it’s just not going to work together. That you will never be happy, even if you try very, very much, change for each other, and make a couple of dozens of sacrifices. Better just not to start. It really will be better. This is the most lousy. From this heart aches almost physically perceptible.

I sighed, tossed my wet hair from my forehead. I was soaked to the skin, but I didn’t care much about it. This was some kind of correctness. As if this was a kind of sacrifice, austerity, which had to be accomplished in order to begin the path to mental equilibrium.

I honestly tried to remember her face. It still stood alive in front of the mind's eye - demanding and confident features. A strong-willed chin, full lips, a turned nose ... In profile, she seemed to be a descendant of some ancient princely family, but her eyes betrayed endless fear. Fear, fatigue, despair, hopelessness. I could never look her in the eyes for a long time, because I felt uneasy. But now I suddenly realized that I could not remember - what color were they? Green? Brown? Absolutely not blue, blue with me, and I would never forget such a correspondence in my life. Well, it doesn't matter. This is a good sign. The first sign of recovery.

Our connection was unnatural, I knew it, we both knew it. We loved each other like brother and sister, although we most certainly were not biological relatives. But at some point everything went too far. I barely stayed on the edge. Balanced on the edge ... It is not known what. But for sure - something very, very bad. Perhaps death. I remember very well the first time she asked to kiss her.She lay in bed, where at first she cried, and then was forgotten with a forced sleep, after a dozen hours of incessant way. We walked for a very long time, then we drove, on the bus, subway, train, bus again ... Then I fed her in my kitchen and said that I was going to bed.

She followed me into the room, and hung over me when I lay down. I absolutely did not perceive her behavior as an attempt to flirt. I wanted to sleep, and more I was not capable of anything. So he behaved very rudely and selfishly - he said that I wanted to sleep. She was offended and sped off. And I, having slept for three hours, went to her to put up.

She was lying on a bed in another room, and she also woke up. She turned away, barely noticing me. But begging for forgiveness was easier than I thought. I hugged her while sitting in bed, and it was very good for us ... Then she said: "Kiss me." I said, like a fool: "In the lips?". She nodded. In this situation it was impossible to say no. Although it would be worth it.

But I haven’t had a woman for a long time, she has a man, although this was the main snag ... I considered her a virgin, she herself said so. Only it was a lie, even though I did not know then.

We kissed, lying in bed. Face to face. I knew that she was wearing nothing under her shirt (her breasts were very small) and stroked her back. I have already managed to forget how nice it is to touch a lively excited girl, hot and passionate.

“Let me take off my shirt,” she said. I still didn’t take it seriously, so I laughed it off. But some time later, I realized that I was not going to let her go from this bed until she became mine. By the time she turned away from me, and I wandered my fingers under her shirt. Touched neat barely protruding breasts, pulling on her nipples, bit his lips with his lips ...

She repeated again about the shirts. I did not refuse, and a couple of seconds later she lay half-naked. From her naked body went exciting heat. She smelled like a living embodiment of desire.

It was beautiful and we both got hotter. I pressed close to her, not doubting that she feels my sticking member, and caressing her nipples, stomach, crawling between her legs with her hands ...

I woke up. The memories were incredibly vivid and exciting. So much so that the erection arose again. I bit my lip. More than anything, at this moment I wanted to meet a new girl, even more beautiful, even hotter ... Ideally, a sweet, but wild, and with a shutdown button. A sort of ideal pipe dream of a sociopathic misanthrope. It is unlikely that such girls exist, because in the end, women are not created for male pleasure, no matter what anyone thinks about this topic.

Suddenly I heard some muffled exclamations below. Three tall strong subjects walked along the street, and dragged behind themselves ... a naked black woman. But.

Men were not dressed in some kind of military or municipal uniform, so there is no doubt - gangsters, seekers of easy money. From their short replicas, I realized that they were dragging this girl to the nearest secluded dead end to do there with her everything that came to their heads. They did not hide, although the street was not on the outskirts. However, not in the center. One of the peripheral towns of Jungle was empty and drowsy, as always after a thunderstorm.

The gangsters could well have been conceived. But I was not going to give them a chance. Not that I was such a great defender, hero, fighter for justice. I am not a very tough fighter at all, especially if judged by my stature. And I don’t really care about people from a high tower. I am separately, they are separately.

But I have a sign. If I thought about something, and fate (that is, I believe in fate) immediately presents me with a vivid and clear illustration of my thoughts, then it is worth listening to her voice. And then, you see, life begins to improve. In short, I siganul from the roof of the house, landed in a very well turned up a bunch of boxes, and put glasses on his forehead.

Here I must say a few words about what I represent. My name is Adrian Rain, and I'm a little magician. Not a sorcerer, not a shaman, not a magician, but a magician. It is still far from cool, just learning.No, I do not have any overalls, he would only hinder. There is a leatherette cloak, but I dropped it to not ...

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