Chapter 1

One of the usual days, I returned home from work. Down in the subway, I sat in the corner of the last car. It was quite late, because there were almost no people in the subway. I fell asleep as soon as the train started moving. My sleep was tender, I heard when the stops were announced, and when the train slowed down. But suddenly a phenomenon incomprehensible to me for these circumstances arose: it seemed to me that I was cool below the belt, but after the coolness, I felt the warmth of touch. At first I thought it was a dream. Having considered the situation, I decided to quietly, with one eye, to see what was happening. To my surprise, this was exactly what I felt - I had my pants unbuttoned, panties lowered and that gentle, smooth and attractive hands caressed my dick. Incredible! Without fear that I will wake up!

I quietly, imperceptibly looked at the car. At the end of it, two girls sat and, looking at what was happening to me, laughed and whispered. I still could not believe that this was true. The girl who caressed my machine so hard, smiled and began to caress me with her tongue. Most likely, her smile meant that she noticed my awakening. Oh, this feeling when you enter a warm humid space! How good, but now I was worried about something else: the last station is soon, and I feel so good. Suddenly the girl stopped, took out a napkin, dried off and began to dress me.

Before the train stopped, she leaned over me. Sensing this, I abruptly opened my eyes. Looking straight into my eyes, she whispered: "Shy, it's time to leave the train." Her face, her voice, facial expressions, mmm, she was created to seduce. I just lit her, I wanted her, I wanted her body and soul! The train stopped, she boldly and passionately left the car, and I, as if under hypnosis, followed her elastic, smart ass. She turned round, again she smiled temptingly: both she and I knew that I was in her power. We left the subway, she turned around and held out a hand. She had money in her hand. I was confused, stood, silently and puzzled looked at her. “Sweetie, as I understand it, you are going to visit me, as it is late at night, then with an overnight stay, what do we do all night? Go buy us a drink, and while I’m going to the pharmacy, we’ll buy covers, we’ll meet at the pharmacy. " Damn, emotions to the limit! Until now, the head does not fit! My main source of thoughts became a member. I ran to the nearest store, bought a bottle of wine and a bottle of champagne. The night promised a lot of emotion and pleasure.

When I came to the pharmacy - she went out, smiled and we went to the side of her house. We went into a dark alley and went to the entrance. Got up The apartment was gorgeous, it seems she earns a lot. “Settle down, and I'll go take a shower” - having said this, she went into one of the rooms. For some reason, the first thing that occurred to me was the path of departure in case of a husband or someone else.

Chapter 2

I quietly began to look at the photos that lay on the cabinet next to the sofa. I hung up clothes with the thought that I would not find men's things and not finding anything, I relaxed a little. The door opened and she went out. I sat on the sofa. She walked into the living room, in a thin robe, with wet flowing hair, stood in the aisle, leaned on the door frame, lifting the edge of the robe shyly smiled and asked in a protracted voice: "Do you want me to lean on the doorjamb or go to the bedroom?" It was very sexy! The temptation was above all, all my thoughts were occupied only by her! I desired. I felt the heat of my lips and my pants began to stretch. I tore off my shirt and moved toward her.

Not having time to hug her, my heart began to beat so hard, as if it was beating in my throat. My hands shook. She inhaled passionately and started kissing my neck. Oh, it was a foreshadowing that she was going to take the initiative, but I was not opposed. She abruptly sat down to me and pulled off my pants.She took out my swollen end and began to suck it up like a candy. That was the last straw and I splashed it right in my mouth. Sensing this, she stopped, licked her lips, and laughed softly with the words: "In the subway you lasted longer." I was not taken aback and decided to return the location. I took her in my arms, carried her into the bedroom, threw her onto the bed, pulled off the robe and began to gently kiss her sexy legs, rising higher and higher.

Chapter 3

Above and above the cherished point. She relaxed and began to make sounds of pleasure, her moans more and more turned me on. I started to lick her pussy. She seemed furious, her neighbors probably heard her moans. After a while of my efforts, finally, she shouted: “Yes !!! Yeah !!! Yeah !!! ”She stood up, pushing me with her hands, turned her back on me and stood up with cancer, telling me:“ Take me as a dirty whore, so that it hurts me! ”Oh, what feelings I experienced then, it was just indescribable . I'm so wound up! I fell in and abruptly entered it. The groans were interrupted by the sounds of clapping when I fought on her tight ass. She began to shout “Quick, faster !!!” And the long-awaited surge of emotions, the explosion of the eruption into space, the brain in the cut. We simultaneously moaned a victorious blast.

“By the way, my name is Alena,” she said breathlessly.

“I am __,” I replied, chuckling.

And she followed me laughing. There was silence, we fell asleep without drinking any wine or champagne.

Chapter 4

Morning. I woke up to the sound of laughter. I was alone in bed. From the hallway came the feminine laughter - it was not Alena. I decided to wait and listen for what was going on. It turned out to be Alyona's friend, who had wandered into her house in the morning. I looked at the clock hanging on the wall in front of the bed, and thought: "Hmm, what a morning, the twelfth hour began." For a while I was listening to what friends are talking about. As usual, about all women: “Who? With whom? What? ”, And what's new in boutiques, but not words about me. At one point, when they were sitting in the kitchen drinking tea, I dropped my mobile phone on the floor. Alena's friend, Vika, who had passed by to get the tile from the bag she had left in the living room, reacted to this noise. She opened the door to the bedroom, saw me on the bed and abruptly closed the door, running with a cry: “Alena, who is this?” - a voice came from the kitchen. I stood at the door with an expectation of what she would answer.

“Come to me tonight and find out,” she replied.

“Hahaha, I see,” I thought.

Alena knows that I listen and does not want to tell her when I am with her. It's a shame, but I'm so interested. I got dressed and went into the kitchen. I did not know how to behave, maybe Alena did not want to share with our girlfriend what we had. I was silent. I poured tea and the girls continued the conversation. I sat and thought, and of course I studied a girlfriend. High, slender, fourth breast size, short French haircut. She was wearing a blue mini skirt and a thin white T-shirt, through which a bra showed through. Very spicy bra, rather even very sexy.

I got up and asked Alena to move to the hallway. Asking for her phone number, she refused me, asked to forget her address and explained that this meeting was a one-time. In the end, she put me out the door.

Well, well, I was not mad and drove home. But then it turned out that everything was just beginning.

Chapter 5

I arrived home at three o'clock. He sat down on a chair and thought about it when a mobile phone suddenly rang. The number was unfamiliar, I picked up the phone.

A feminine, rather familiar voice asked me to go down to the porch by hanging up. It was very strange, I was dressed and shod, since going home, I did not have time to undress. Jumping up, I quickly went downstairs, where there was no one but a boy of ten. He came up to me and handed me a piece of paper with an address, immediately running away. In addition to the address, the paper indicated the time and signature: “a familiar stranger”.

I was as if in a detective series. It seemed funny to me. But this game did not appeal to me. I went home and, having rested, cleaned myself up. I took time off from work that began at six in the evening.On a scrap, the indicated address was not far from me, I went through it, not knowing what was waiting for me there. Reinsured, I took time off from work. I waited for seven in the evening.

- Well, everything is now six o'clock, you can go, - I thought, and went out.

Chapter 6

I arrived and, standing at the door at the entrance, did not know what to expect.

“Maybe some holiday today and friends are joking? Hmm, I thought.

Okay, was not. I knocked on the door. My duratskaya habit, never use the call. The door began to open slightly. At that time, thousands of ridiculous options flashed through my mind: “Who is behind the door? What do they need? Maybe this guys are teasing? Hmm, maybe some admirer? ”Hmm, this moment made me nervous.

So, the moment of truth. An absolutely unknown girl opened the door for me and invited me in. Now I'm definitely confused. What to think? The apartment twilight, not a soul. A quiet melody plays in the background. Finally, the girl began to talk.

- Frankly speaking, we are strangers. But I was told about you by Vika, who learned the address from Alena. She recognized her passport, which she found at night in my jacket. My name is Roxana, and I would like to spend the night with you. Only sex without obligation, she said.

Of course, I was not against it, on the contrary, I was even glad. But I was embarrassed by the fact that I felt like a whore on call.

Only I was going to express my indignation as she tore off a sundress. It seems that moment seemed to me the most chic of the whole week. She was seven times, ten times, fifteen times more beautiful and sexier than Alena. I just passed out. She conquered my imagination and will.

Then it's somehow difficult for me to even tell. I'm her, and she fucked me half to death. It is something. Woman beast, the goddess of sex. She is passionate, hot.

“Oh, Roxanne, how good you are,” I thought.

And what do you think!? She did even worse than Alena and Vika. Exhibited at the entrance at two o'clock in the morning, saying at the same time:

- Want to sleep? Go to my friend who lives two floors above.

But that's another story.

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