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Gothenburg would send the crew for you and meet you in person. Please come with me.

- Thank you, Mr. ..., - May hesitated, fiddling with gloves in her hands, expecting the person who met her to introduce herself.

She was not from timid girls, but now in an unfamiliar house, in an unfamiliar country was confused.

- My name is Morton, you can contact me for any questions.

“My baggage stayed at the gate ... Morton ... I hope you send someone for him.”

The man glanced in the direction May came from, as if expecting to see the luggage the guest was talking about, although the fence and the gate hid rows of trees.

“Do not worry, Miss Camper, I will take care of your luggage.”

May followed the man to the house and found herself in a large hall, the main dominant of which was a huge staircase that spirals upwards. From the hallway there were two wide corridors, next to the stairs was a closed door. The silent guide signaled May to walk along one of the corridors, and he entered the door, leaving the guest alone. There was something sinister in his cold manners, but he did not seem arrogant and impudent. On the contrary, May his behavior seemed appropriate. Morton performed his duties without being intrusive.

May slowly proceeded along the corridor, drawing attention to the numerous paintings hanging on the walls, statues and vases, and closed doors with unusual carvings until Aunt Esther came out to meet her. Hurriedly, as far as was possible in her condition, she rushed towards her beloved niece and held her in her arms.

“Honey, I'm glad to see you,” she said, now embracing May, now kissing her face, “how is it that we didn’t know about your arrival?” You're so adult and independent, but how did I want to meet you myself. Franc! She turned toward the open door. “Why haven't you been warned?” Come on, baby, come on. You are tired?

Esther led May into a large living room, in the middle of which stood Frank. He walked over to May, took her hands and firmly shook them.

“I'm equally happy to see you in my house, May.” Esther was looking forward to you, I am jealous at the right time.

They settled in the living room with huge windows almost from the floor to the ceiling. The room was expensively furnished, it combined modern fashionable decor items and antique furniture.

May told her aunt and her new husband about how she crossed the border, how she found her way to the estate, what kind of adventures she experienced on the way. During this time, Morton came into the room several times, brought something and carried it away, but May did not dare turn and look. This man was embarrassed and interested in her, and she did not want to show it.

Then she was almost forcibly fed dinner, and then taken to the third floor.

“Now this is your home too, May.” Esther loves you very much and wants you to be there. I will be happy with everything that makes my wife happy. I beg you to call me Frank, because now we are one family. Our rooms with Esther are on the floor below, this floor has been empty for many years, now it is completely at your disposal. I hope you will be happy here.

“Thank you, Frank,” May answered with an incredibly sweet smile.

Frank left May and Esther alone, and together they made out things. After a long journey, the girl was not ready to inspect the house and grounds, although she really wanted to see everything with her own eyes. The maid brought a carafe of warm water, and May washed, then with the last of her strength she changed into her nightgown and lay down in bed, while Esther sat down next to her.

“I'm so happy, honey,” she said, “I didn’t even think that I could experience this.” My last marriage was not a good one, you know. And although his death was a blow to me, she did not make me more unhappy.

- Are you in love, aunt? May asked, realizing that more than anything else Esther wanted to share her feelings now.

“Yes, and very much,” she answered, “Frank is very gentle, prudent.” I thought that I would be bored here, because all my friends were far away, and you were not so long. But in the 3 months that I live here, every day I feel like in a fairy tale. No, he does not sit with me all day, sometimes he leaves, but I look forward to his return, and this makes me happy. But you're tired, your eyes are closing. I will not bore you. Sleep, baby.

- How are you feeling? - asked May, when aunt has already opened the door to the corridor.

Esther turned and smiled at her niece, without answering.

May liked the estate of Gothenburg. It belonged to the Frank family for four generations, although Frank himself was rarely here after a family tragedy. And the estate began to decline. The house was monitored all these years, but the neighborhood fell into disrepair. The garden around the house is dry and overgrown. A month after the wedding, Frank and Esther moved here, and the woman made a lot of effort to update the interior and tidy up the interior garden. She hired two gardeners and personally supervised the work.

Almost all her life Esther suffered from sick lung, the same disease squandered at one time and mother May. In childhood, the sisters lived very close to a cotton factory, and May heard that many workers suffered from fluff in their lungs and settled there. Then Esther, who was reputed to be a beauty, married a rich man, but without love, and after years he left her a rich widow.

Esther's health deteriorated even before the wedding, but this did not stop Frank, his intentions were serious, and Esther was especially grateful for his sincere affection. And here in Switzerland, she did not get better, she often coughed, especially at night. Now she and Frank had separate bedrooms, although, according to Esther's awkward remarks, her husband often came to her late at night.

May read a lot, walked, and also worked in the garden. She conceived of restoring one of the fountains with a flower garden and asked Morton to order some plant details from the capital. Every day, Morton caused her more and more trust and respect. He also tried to please her, without going over the proper framework. For everyone in the house, he was indispensable.

Frank rarely left home; he spent a lot of time in his office, working, sometimes accompanying his wife and her niece on walks. He made a joint breakfast rule. May could not complain about him, but he did not cause her special sympathy. They had little in common, he was from another generation, and she had little interest in him and his affairs. However, he also did not go to her with questions, advice, lectures. He knew that Esther loved her madly, and he took it for granted.

In late autumn, Esther felt much worse, and she began to travel to the doctors more often in the city, then Frank himself took her to Zurich, where she was examined. Then she was advised to go half a year to Italy closer to the sea. Esther was against it, but Frank insisted on leaving, promising that as soon as she underwent a course of treatment at the clinic, he would send May to her, and they would live together at the villa they rented. He also promised to come to her as often as possible. And Esther agreed, she had almost no strength left to object, and May insisted that she should think about her health. Esther was her only close friend, and most of all, May was afraid of losing her.

Winter came, the weather this year was so terrible that May barely left the house and began to feel more unwell. One morning she was barely able to get out of bed, her whole body ached, she ached out her joints. Because of the dizziness, she spent all day in bed, but refused to invite the doctor, despite Frank's assurances. It was raining outside and a strong wind was blowing, and by noon a hurricane began. And the next day she felt better. But the blues did not pass until the end, the nights were restless, waking up in the morning was even more difficult. In the end, the doctor still examined her, but found no signs of illness. He prescribed her sedatives and painkillers in case of migraine attacks.

May remembered her promise to come to Esther, but she was overwhelmed ... Read more →

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