1. Gray mouse. Part 1
  2. Gray mouse. Part 2

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The restaurant was not expensive, I can afford myself better, but Elvira was dragged along here. Claimed that I want to be closer to the common people - lies. She stupidly wanted to get some new brunettes and a tight wallet. Moreover, the wallet is, apparently, me.

Maybe it was fatigue and accumulated stress, but this silicone doll infuriated me. Her cherished tricks, arrogant commands to the waiters, contemptuously pursed lips, glances full of excellence ...

See all that she is great! Sucked on the car, earrings, necklace and ring. Good girl! Spreads her legs like a professional gymnast. Huge tits, sorry not real.

- And this fool also speaks to me ..., - Elvira rubbed something, but I passed by ears. In her monologue there was so much mat that the rest of the visitors began to look back at us, and this, by the way, is a family restaurant. Though I managed to finish off a bottle of wine, I didn’t have time to lose my sense of shame.

“Sorry,” a gray mouse sat at the next table in sad solitude, a woman of about thirty in cheap baggy clothes, brown hair tied with an elastic band, forming a tail. No style, no external data - dullness. - Could you, stop swearing.

- What? - Elvira cast a contemptuous look at the woman. - Do you even understand who opened his mouth, mymra? Get out of here before they throw you out.

The woman blinked in confusion and looked around for support, but the other visitors suddenly remembered their dishes and buried their noses in their plates. Elvira continued to go broke.

- Have you seen yourself? Punt and rogue! Of course, I understand that this is a cheap eatery, but to let such ...

“Listen,” the woman’s voice trembled. - I am a teacher, I have a normal salary and I can afford to eat in a restaurant.

“Yeah, you just can't afford a peasant,” Elvira chuckled, she suddenly grabbed a glass of unfinished wine and threw it at the woman, who only gasped.

The unfortunate tears came out, she rushed headlong away.

“Sorry,” the manager approached our table. - You made a scandal, the woman ran away without paying ... Pay for it and leave.

- What!? - Elvira was clearly ready to continue. - Yes, you go in ..

She shut up. I stood silently and poured the remains of wine from the second bottle on her head.

“I'm tired,” I throw at last, leave money on the table and go out. Behind again, screams and screams, but I don’t care, this fool just got ... Even good sex is not worth it.

There was just so much alcohol in me that I fell into a gloomy, even evil mood, when all women were fools, men were goats.

And then there was this gray mouse under her arm turned up, she sobbed near the entrance to the restaurant and was clearly going to return to pay the bill.

- What are you worth? - melyan dumb led aside, I honestly do not know how to drink.

- Have you decided to apologize? - this fool suggested uncertainly.

- Did I insult you? - brazenly breathing fume.

- No, but...

- Then out of the way! - I take a big step, hit my foot in a puddle, bounce off to the side and crash into a pole. Strong women's hands save me from falling, this Mother Teresa is trying to keep me on my feet. Hurt yourself. But now Elvira will also jump out, then this will start ...

I take myself in hand as far as possible, and with an imperious gesture I stop the taxi. A woman helps me to settle in the back seat, and when she starts to back up, I grab her in an armful and sit next to her:

- I decided to help - escort to the house.

Dictated the address to the taxi driver, brazenly hugging the hushed woman. She is frightened, confused and confused. The driver, having received a large bill, is racing like the wind. Half an hour and we are on the spot, although we were going to the other end of the city.

We got out and the car drove away.

- What about me back? - confusedly asks this virtuous fairy.

- Should I care? - I clarify roughly, she lowers her eyes and pauses, but does not leave, and meekly helps me get to the house.

We pass the guard post, take the elevator and find ourselves in my apartment. A woman is impressed - an elite house, five-room apartment with a chic repair. Ha! Yes, I poured money here ... I poured a lot.

Heck! I got drunk to the extent that I forgot my promise to myself - to not drive whores into an apartment. Too much of me here is expensive and memorable things. And just do not want to litter all.

“I'll make tea,” the woman does not leave. - Let's help you lie down.

“Aha,” I allow myself to be brought to bed, and I begin to feel it unceremoniously.

- Do you allow yourself? - she breaks

- Why did you come here? - I reasonably ask, intoxicated with alcohol. - Do you have a husband?

- Not...

- Is there a lover?

- Of course not!

- Want sex?

She blushed, lowered her eyes.

I calmly felt the small chest and flat ass, strongly interfered with clothes.

- Undress.

- Listen, I'm not going to ...

It was here that I began to grow fierce. By trezvaku would never allow myself:

- Listen to me! - raise your voice. “You're alone in my apartment, God knows where.” In this luxury house they know me, but you do not. I am the master of the situation here. So be an obedient girl ... Undress!

“You don't dare,” she backs away to the door, staring at me fearfully with huge eyes.

But right - I do not dare. Let a drunken fool, but not a rapist.

- Well, and Wali, - contemptuously give the go-ahead hand. - I wanted to do you a favor. Live on without a man. Ridiculous!

I hear the door slam, I close my eyes. Well, and evening. Maybe call Jeanne or Angela? Both models, figures ... mmm ... Only requests from them. Again, all this glamor, Ponte. Got sick ... After work, I want to relax, and these sluts just pull money, for some reason I think that since I am the director of a company, I am rowing with a shovel, but I do not do anything myself. Fools! How tired I am ...

With some surprise, I hear the door slam again, only this time much quieter. Uncertain steps and gray mouse enters the room again. Returned.

- Undress - I do not ask too many questions.

Like a robot, she pulls off her blouse, slowly begins to unbutton her blouse. Her bra is crappy - cheap, old-fashioned, and it also cuts into the body. It turns out that a small chest is still present.

She froze, staring uncertainly at me.

“Completely,” I say firmly. - Skirt, underwear ... Shoot everything.

How hard she undressed! In the eyes of a serious struggle, hands are shaking.

What are her panties! Horror! This is generally from what century?

So, what is here with us. I approached her and began to study. The chest is small, but there is. The woman shuddered when the two elastic hemispheres appeared in my palms. Ass flat, thin thighs. Pubis not shaved, overgrown with stiff hair.

Not much.

I slowly unbuttoned my fly and pulled out a limp member:

- On knees.

She shuddered, looked at me with horror.

- Never sucked?

- Not...

- You will study, let's faster.

- I do not want.

- I do not care, then I decide how and what to do. You will have to try very hard and please me so that I agree to deliver it to you.

The woman knelt, but hesitated, gathering her courage. Her trembling fingers timidly touched my cock, there was something pleasant in it. Her insecurity made me feel great.

Finally, she decided to take in her mouth. Wet lips closed on the purple head, hot tongue carefully began to explore the sensitive areas of my body. The woman closed her eyes and slowly caressed me.

“Suck,” I said. - Work not only with your tongue, but with your lips.

She shuddered, as if only remembering my presence, and complied. There was no experience, skill, too, blowjob ...

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