1. When everyone is happy with everything. Part 1
  2. When everyone is happy with everything. Part 2
  3. When everyone is happy with everything. Part 3

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jerked open box. Squeezing the pill, she hesitated with water. Suddenly taking herself in hand, she again carefully looked at her father-in-law. Closing his eyes, he fumbled his hand slowly down the pillow. She watched with a glass and medicine in her hand. Several times it was not sobbing, not sobbing, the man often blinked, convulsively turned over on his side, scratched his chest with his nails and calmed down. He did not answer her quiet call, did not respond to a pat on the shoulder. Zlata quietly poured the water back into the bottle, coolly put on her robe and put the now dangerous pills in her pocket. Quickly escaping to her, she returned and just as quietly lowered into the drawer the started plate with pills "from the heart." Looking around and hastily putting everything in order, she took up the phone.

Having calmed the upset wife, who rushed off from work, Lenya went for an ambulance to the hospital where his father was taken. Zlata, however, was left to put in order the house that was trampled by the ambulance brigade and her nerves were upset.

All the staff sympathized with the inconsolable Zlata, who visited her father-in-law, who was broken by a heart attack, every day in reanimation. The hired nurse reported to the visiting children that the patient was mostly unconscious, and if she came to, it was impossible to disassemble her mumble. Doctors at first even promised to improve, but seeing it consistently poor condition, stopped. The son, who was very worried because of his father’s illness at first, calmed down, resigned, as it seems, to the inevitable. Co-worker KP, a healthy man who raped Zlata in the sauna, went to the girl’s office every day and, not paying attention to the timid employees, was personally interested in her friend’s health. He touchingly supported Zlata by the elbow and put his arm around his shoulders, expressing his support and condolences to her, offering any help. Sad, causing universal sympathy daughter-in-law, only alone, could remove the tedious mask of grief from the face. Only the former beloved Vadim did not speak to her, did not sympathize with his passion for new relationships. This was the talk of young female employees who regularly heard his telephone conversations with a certain “Zaye”, “fish” and how they call their mistresses. Some saw him with a pretty young lady. Zlata, without much interest, purely inertial, watched the guy from afar.

The patient became worse, and the children were summoned to him. Fallen spirit Lenya phoned relatives and friends, scaring everyone. Confused, they sat at the bed of the father, fenced off by screens from other unfortunates, without really knowing how to behave. The forgotten wife KP, Leni’s mother, was crying, the son looked around lostly, and Zlata unnaturally kept her back straight. The patient was half-forgotten, briefly emerging from unconsciousness. He watched everyone with a dull gaze, tried to concentrate on his daughter-in-law and turned off again. Zlata diligently averted her eyes from the patient, although no one noticed this anyway.

A friend came in and agreed with the doctor about a visit to resuscitation. He patted Leonid over the lowered shoulders, hugged his wife KP, and settled behind Zlata, leaning on her protruding belly. The girl recoiled, but he laid her hand on her shoulder, finally leaning against him. It was at that moment that the dying man came to himself again and turned his heavy gaze on his daughter-in-law. The fat fellow-colleague immediately started talking about how much they were friends with Lenin's father, helped each other, as promised to look after their relatives, happen what. He smoothly moved from friendship to business, assuring Lenya that, if necessary, he would connect the administrative resource, as his father had done. Then he promised that he would not leave care for her friend's daughter-in-law, taking care of her, left alone, in the city hall. He promised that in the future she would certainly take over the position of her father-in-law, in which he would certainly help her.With each word, he pressed the girl into his stomach more closely, so that she felt a swollen lump in his groin.

Zlata did not know where to go, sandwiched between a talkative official and the stubborn gaze of a “leaving” relative. He looked at the hands of a friend, clutching the shoulders of his mistress, and tried in vain to insert even a word into the stream of speech. The big man, apparently tired of condolence, and deciding that the process of saying goodbye to a friend had been indecently delayed, pulled Gill away with him.
“You know everyone here, let's go, tell the doctor,” he insisted. The girl tried to dissuade that now is not the time, and what to talk with the doctor, but the fat man allegedly did not understand her. The situation became more than ambiguous: the relatives were distracted from parting with the dying and looked puzzled at the whispering couple. A fixed-in-law father-in-law followed them with unblinking, clear eyes, moving his lips silently.
“Zlata, since you need to talk to someone, then go,” her husband said quietly. - We are here with mom ourselves ... The dying followed the departing and closed his eyes wearily.

As soon as they left the office, the official, looking back and not seeing strangers at close quarters, gave the girl a sharp whip.
- What are you, bitch, to play with me decided? Why bold? Have you got a new patron? - he shook her for the hospital cloak. - Do you think I do not have enough opportunities to throw you out of the city hall, and yours is a mess from business ?! Daddy will not help!
Almost without thinking, Zlata grabbed his jacket lapels, laughed softly and, drawing her close, whispered in her ear: - Hit more! Stronger!
He grinned knowingly, squeezed her arm above the elbow and dragged along the corridor.

Behind the door with the inscription "Shower", he threw it at his feet, and she deftly, like the "dad" once, unbuttoned his pants. His fat trunk was sticking out of his underwear, and she hurriedly embraced him with painted lips. Embracing him for an impressive ass, she deeply, to the root swallowed dry penis. A minute later, the oral onslaught ended with a complete victory for Zlata. She carefully licked her fallen penis and tight testicles and rose gracefully. Buttoning up his pants, the official watched in satisfaction with the charming girl correcting her makeup.
- Well, how can you keep from sin? There - a friend is dying, here - you are so warm, you smell like that ... I remembered your gorgeous ass, how did you twist it then ... In general, the devil beguiled! Yes, how successfully lured! - pensively joked inconsolable colleague. - So, let's do this: I will go forward - you follow me. Do not fall behind! - He ordered.
At the attempt of the girl to refuse and stay, he categorically left: - They will manage without you! There is already everything.

Having corrected his tie, he resolutely unlocked the shower door. The medical staff, accustomed to Zlaté for the weeks of visits, watched in amazement at the large male who confidently led her to the exit. The girl sighed with relief when they went outside and she stopped catching on her judgmental eyes.

Leading her crossover closely behind a representative official foreign car, Zlata analyzed what happened. Nothing surprised her. And not outraged. There was only a change of patron, with which she was completely inwardly in agreement. It's easier. Zlata hardly knew the new owner, but she had no doubt that she would get used to him. She did not even jarred that he so powerfully and quickly arranged everything for her, briefly promising some kind of career bonuses. Nothing new. She knows how to be grateful. And patient. Very soon she will learn everything about the new lover, who received her as a friend. Including the weakness of that. She will think about how to do the best ... They parked at a low-cost hotel from those that serve travelers.

At first, the girl moaned and screamed more theatrically, while he palpably smacked her on her bare ass. Smiling dangerously, he pulled a belt out of his trousers and cut the air with an unpleasant whistle. Zlata smiled to him in tune with a risky performance. The first slap made her gasp. She began to rise from the crisp white sheet, but the following blows pinned her buttocks to the bed, leaving no chance to stand up.Huddling into the cool bed, the girl twisted her snake, causing approving remarks of the diverging man. Throwing off the belt, he squeezed her unfortunate ass with his hands and kneaded the tortured halves with pleasure, pushing her hands away.

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