1. When everyone is happy with everything. Part 1
  2. When everyone is happy with everything. Part 2
  3. When everyone is happy with everything. Part 3

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the hypermarket was far away from their area - Zlata mechanically noted.

Standing by the window, she watched as the groom leaves the gate. KP's heavy hand lay on her waist, and with a friendly smile she turned to her future (as she dreamed) relative.
“You want to please me?” So you promised to Lena, right? Zlata was embarrassed, not knowing how to respond.
- No need to answer! We do not disappoint him? And each other, right? Having stroked the stringed back, he pulled her close to him, and the girl, confused, not knowing how to react. Pulling her face to his, he intently, a bit down, studied her, waiting. She fastened herself with all her strength, afraid to move and blink. Then she lowered her eyes, which caused a contented smile on his face.
“We have time, but you shouldn’t delay it,” he said, leading her up the stairs.

In the large bedroom, Zlata first froze like a wooden bed near a large bed, then silently undressed under the mocking gaze of a man.
“And what does such a beauty do next to my son?” Probably very much in love? - ironically suggested KP, running his finger on her bare arm. Naked, big, he sat in front of her on the bed, legs spread wide. - I already begin to like you. Come on, try! Trying not to peer into the hanging between his legs, closing his eyes, Zlata somehow just squatted down, took a thick organ in her hand and froze with it. One thought turned hard in her head: do not let him suspect how bad and disgusting she is. She sighed, lowered her eyelids and opened her mouth.

While she clumsily licked and sucked dick, the man patronized her gaze at her efforts. He placed her hands under the dangling testicles, so that the girl held in her hands the whole hardened organ.
- Enough! For the cause! - He ordered, raised it and pushed to the bed.
- No, on all fours! - pointed out to her, intent on lying on his back. She knelt awkwardly on his knees, he pulled her to the edge, fell in behind her and ran his fingers along the crotch. Trying to moisten her, he rubbed his plump lips and, without waiting for a response, he pulled something and smeared them. Zlata tried only not to tremble and not to show fear. And in no case be admitted to anything.

She felt how he stretched her folds there and rested against her with a wet organ. It hurt. Unwittingly she jerked. Several times pushing into it, he still suspected. Turning it to yourself:
- First time? Maybe you drink? Zlata shook her head. He re-opened it, strongly stretched delicate folds, poked there with a finger, forcing her to bite her lips, put in the head of the penis and began to push. With another jerk, he plunged deep into her, she only sighed. He stopped, rather said that the work was done, and evenly, even with difficulty, slid into it. The pain immediately let go, and she was seized by a lazy indifference. For quite a long time, a man pulled her narrow bosom onto a bloodied organ. He breathed loudly and tried to grab her hair with his hand, but short locks slipped between his fingers. While firmly clinging to her tight buttocks, the man shivered finely, she resignedly rested in the almost unwrinkled bed.

Coming out of it, he lightly slapped on the bulging ass, and she slowly got up.
“Show me,” he turned to her and launched his fingers into her crotch deep between the lower lips. Being in deep apathy, she could not move or twitch. Having examined his hand in the light, he a little theatrically led her from her shoulder down through her chest to her stomach, carefully watching the quivering nipple. She stared dimly at the pale brown intermittent footprint.
“First blood tied up ... Come on, keep warm!” - pushing her to the bathroom.Washing away her juices, glancing at her, motionless, said significantly: - Reasonable behavior. We will please Lenya, otherwise he is worried. Watching her dresslessly dressed, the businessman said to her in the back:
- I hope your wedding will mark the beginning of our mutually beneficial cooperation. And yes, grow your hair! This is not a request. After a few minutes, a car arrived.

- And we all talked and completely forgot about the kitchen. They didn’t even get there ... So somehow you yourself, young people! - briskly taking grocery bags from a slightly alarmed son. He looked inquiringly at Zlata in the eyes, and, taking herself in hand, she calmly confirmed:
- K.P. asked about my family. Let me help...

Quite naturally, they lay down together in a spacious spacious bedroom and just as often made love for the first time. As before, she masturbated with his hand, and with difficulty he inserted the penis into a still aching hole. She sighed from a slight discomfort, he apologized, breathed noisily into her face, walked a little between her legs and finished soundlessly, immediately rolling away to the side. He was not heavy, bony and almost did not give her any concern. I did not ask anything, kissed him and soon fell asleep. They talked about the wedding in the morning; Lenya warned that everything will be at the request of his father.

Father and son discussed the future of the young:

- I do not mind that you live here with me. A lot of places, you do not constrain me.

- I thought ... we will have our own apartment. We once discussed with you ...

- Things are not as good as we would like. In the future - maybe for now - no need. My business is to offer ... Or are you ready to pay for your life by yourself?

- Well, we're learning ... And we counted on a honeymoon trip ...

- Refer to the bride family, maybe they will pay your ... love?

- Uh ... I guess they do not ...

- I know that they can do a little. So - while here. I plan to refuse the services of a housekeeper. I hope your beauty is not lazy?

- Zlata to get out ?! I don't even know how to tell her about it.

- This is the way and reason to discuss your future life. Bring her ... let's see the calendar ... yes, perhaps, on Friday night.

- Dad, I have a pool. Zlata and I wanted ...

- You have time to swim, what are your years. I do not hold you, swim! It will be useful for her to know what and how much we will spend on the celebration. I think she has a head on her shoulders.

- Dad, you're just like mom. She also insists that Zlata is smarter than me.

- Not so bad. Wait and see.

Carefully watching the not too clever tongue of a girl licking his swollen penis: - You have a good influence on your son. He thinks about your future life. For once, for someone other than yourself! But I like what you think about her. You get more efficient! Putting his hand on her growing hair, he pressed it to his groin, and she let a thick penis into her mouth. He slid along his tongue and propped himself on his throat. She looked at him fearfully, he instructed:
- Be patient! I will only see how deeply you can let him in, and, clasping the fingers on the back of her head, leaned forward with her hips. With a short jerk, the dick moved forward and backward in the throat, making her gasp and pour over tears. Suddenly the penis left the throat, pulsed on the tongue, and her mouth was filled with a viscous liquid. With an expression of bliss on his face, the man slowly released her head. Holding her shoulders, she did not allow her to stand up and stared intently at her face, until she guessed and swallowed everything.

Oddly enough, she was not too disgusted. Unpleasant, uncomfortable, but tolerable. She herself was surprised that so quickly and easily he mastered her mind and will, inspiring the idea of ​​complete submission. He somehow guessed her aspirations.
“You want to stay here, right?” I was not mistaken? After a moment she nodded.
- While you're on the right track. You do not regret anything? We understand each other? After an affirmative answer, he sent her to the shower, and later finally asked about family wealth.

From discussing wedding expenses, Lyonya skillfully wriggled, giving this privilege to her with her father. At the table of the expensive restaurant Zlata with her parents, KP was long awaited.Finally, having arrived, he reservedly greeted his parents, cordially embraced the girl and, sitting her beside her, ... Read more →

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