1. In captivity of (not) desire. Part 4
  2. In captivity ... Part 5: Bitch
  3. In captivity at Stervy. Part 6
  4. Captured by love. Part 7

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When I finally woke up it was already far over lunch. The sun shone brightly on us. Filled with morning excitement, I lowered Olga between my legs and gently spread them apart. Slowly and almost imperceptibly, like a whiff of wind, I touched her outer lips. I covered her pubis, tummy and inner thighs with light kisses. Gradually, Olga began to wake up and moan sweetly from pleasant sensations. I dug a kiss into her bosom, running my tongue around the clitoris, and kissing her lips with my lips, as if they were ordinary lips and an ordinary kiss. When Olga finally woke up, she began to stroke my hair and move my hips towards me.

- Yes, yes, love. Kiss me, I'm so good. So good lord.

Olga whispered words of love to me and squirmed her hips. So we lay a few minutes or hours, I lost track of time, completely dissolved in her pleasure, until she pressed her lips against my thighs, twisting the bridge and screeching from pleasure. For a few seconds she was shaking in my hands, until she calmed down and fell exhausted on the bed. I pulled myself to her and lay down beside her.

Recovering, Olga watched me warily. She waited for my reaction to her recognition, so early for our relationship. I hung over her, and spreading her legs, slowly and carefully inserted into her penis. I pressed against her neck and whispered that I loved her. She looked into my eyes and smiled. Relaxing and trusting me, she hugged me with her legs and began to gently squeeze me with her gut. We started slowly and carefully, dissolving in the moment of unity, but gradually the passion overtook us and we began to move faster and faster. I then squeezed her hips, then wrapped her skinny ass, lips, tongue and teeth caressing her neck and shoulders.

Caressing her ass, I was getting closer and closer to her anus. Licking my fingers, I drove, first around him, then put two fingers into it and began to twist them.

Feeling that she had relaxed enough, I stopped and pulled my dick out of her. He glistened in her juices and was all wet and hungry for flesh. I grabbed Olin's butt and lifted him to facilitate access to her ass. Having secured her in a more or less comfortable position, I introduced my penis into it until the very end, without hurrying, but without stopping.

Apparently in this position I was able to reach especially deeply, because her eyes opened from pain, surprise and pleasure. I froze, waiting for her to get used to, but Olga herself began to move under me. Still cautious, afraid to hurt her, I gently moved in her, enjoying the narrowness of her backside, admiring her tense muscles, and the glare of the sun on her face, from which she constantly tried to hide.

Olga began to caress her clitoris, and, closing her eyes, whispered how good she was, how deep I got to her and begged me not to stop. Clutching her pillows with her free hand, she threw her head from side to side, her vagina, and after him the anus began to throb in her orgasm, rolling on my penis in waves. I groaned and allowed the light familiar to Olga to fill myself and illuminate everything around us.

Later, when we lay beside her, enjoying the remnants of the shine, I could not understand, as I could not see, her beauty, her sincerity and a pure soul. Not hiding behind a mask of disguised contentment, not tainted by hypocrisy, not closed by countless taboos imposed by society, she herself looked at the world with her own eyes. She measured everything by her standards, not being afraid of mistakes, not looking for them, but not shy. And her measurements said that I am a good person. And I believed that I could find salvation in her and her love for me.

Olya was a tomboy: she thought with her head and said what she thought. Played sports, played football and loved sex in all its manifestations.And I preferred to act with cunning and other people's hands, maintaining good relations with everyone. But even with himself he could not have sex without a suitable emotional attitude. She was strong and independent, courageous, and I am weak, indecisive and feminine.

I didn't just like Bitch. She and Olya had a lot in common: lack of restraint, love to speak everything directly, passion in bed ... but as far as Olya it was natural and pure, so much as the Fidget distorted all this and scattered it. Yes, and with Stinky I had common features: the ability to survive, mean nature, but it will not save anything, and I found my life preserver. What a pity that all insights come to us so late.

Having settled, we got up, ate and decided to give, to know about ourselves at work. Bitch screamed as usual, though unusually loud. But I did not begin to listen to her and just hung up. Enough I will not be her slave again. Olya filled me with light and power. I hugged her and said that I need to step back on business. The anxiety reflected in her eyes reminded me painfully how I also ran away after our love last night and how sad it ended for me. But this time I do not run away from her, but to her, and our happiness.

I reassured her that I would be back in a couple of hours so that she could rest and get ready for the evening. Reassured, she just smiled and kissed me on the track.


I went out and could not believe that I had lived for so many years and did not see how beautiful the world was. Truly, there is no heaven in heaven. Paradise was always inside us, and we were not expelled from it, we drove it out of our souls and hearts, stuck in petty offenses and mercantile values. But I found it. My paradise is called Olya, Olga, Olenka, her light illuminated me and blessed, and this can not be an accident. This is my chance for forgiveness, my chance for redemption - and I will not miss it. Previously, I was led by the calculation and unmet desires, and now love, and I can not lose.

I went straight to the police. At another time I would say that this is utter nonsense, but now I was sure that everything would be fine. Having found out the name of the district police officer that I need, I went to his office. He sat alone and, when I entered, looked at me in surprise and asked what I needed.

How well he plays, as if he doesn't know me, I thought.

“I’m talking to you about my aunt’s death.”

- Aah, it's you. And I wasn't sure I recognized you correctly. Just recently I watched this case, did you come to report some new detail or ask about something? Only I'm afraid I have no news either.

- Yes. I would like to discuss with you how to make the case quietly closed, and how could I thank you for it? - I issued at once, a fatal phrase.

He looked at me and slowly thought. Then, on his face, as if some thought appeared and cleared everything up. He touched his chin and beat his fingers thoughtfully, then looked at me incredulously. He got the case out of the table and began to read, at times he looked at me and opened his mouth in surprise. His figure seemed to exude surprise and incomprehension. I did not understand his behavior.

Finally, having stopped reading, he leaned back, took out a cigarette and began to smoke.

- Wow, Yevgeny Borisovich, so what kind of person are you? But I did not believe this shibzanuta at first. I even expressed it to her for distracting me from my work with my maniacal ideas. And here it is, how does it really mean?

- I must say, young man, that I didn’t like your aunt’s business from the beginning. Sleeping pills, traces of your prints on it, I’m not talking about traces of a long and brutal rape on your aunt's genitals.

“But this is exactly what turned me away from the thought on you.” Well, how could you rape her for a long time so that she didn't turn anywhere, didn't tell anyone? Anyway, my nephew and aunt: I could still believe in murder, but that a nephew could mock at his aunt for a long time, who sheltered him and helped? Not! I did not believe it.

- We had traces of sperm, but I decided not to even check for compliance with you. I just did not fit in my head like this - it turns out in vain. How many ...

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