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At the same time, her hair touched my hair, sometimes I even felt her breath and the smell of her hot face. Then I began to accidentally touch her knees or hips with my own, she did not try to pull away, on the contrary, her movements became gentle and as if slowed down as soon as my body began to feel the warmth of her legs. I spent a long time looking into her clear eyes, admiring the delightful long eyelashes that protruded in all directions, like the sun, and the thin lovely lips of a delicate pink color. She answered me with long, enchanting looks and a light, barely noticeable smile.

In the evening, I came to the local bar in the hope of having a little fun and, if you're lucky, to see her. I saw a girl at a table surrounded by her friends. Dasha was in a delightful black dress, her back was almost noticeably naked. On her feet were black shoes with heels, her hair was beautifully tucked away, and her eyes framed the lovely blue shadows that so fit the gray color of her eyes. The girls obviously had fun, they laughed every now and then, slowly sipping local cocktails. The sight of my lady in such an elegant form has dismayed me! More than anything, I wanted at that moment to fall to her shoulders and back, to cover her with kisses. I did not immediately approach the girls, wanting to make a surprise.

After a few minutes, the slow dance began. I realized that we should not miss the opportunity. Barely restraining, I found myself at the table with my beautiful fairy. To pay attention, I timidly put my hand on her bare shoulder. In surprise, she turned around in fright and I saw the familiar painful look of a girl

- Let's dance? - from the excitement of my eloquence, only this word was enough.

She just nodded back, got up from the table and gave me her hand. I took her away from the table, so that the curious glance of her smaller friends embarrassed my lady. I impatiently pulled Dasha to me, hugged her with both hands around the waist and buried myself in her hair. In response, I felt gentle hands on my shoulders, a sweet smell of perfume and hot breath. Passion devoured me ... I pressed my feet harder against her soft thighs and stomach, my hands stroking her half-naked back. Her breathing became even more frequent and hotter, the girl was excited with each of my stroking, with each movement of my leg, slightly penetrating between the ajar thighs, strapped in a short dress.

For a minute or two we slowly chatted with her about all sorts of nonsense, we spoke to each other through the slow dance music. I calmed down a bit, but suddenly, Dasha hugged me even tighter, practically glaring at my back with her little claws. She pressed her hot cheek to my cheek. My head went round, I instinctively moved my palms down and squeezed her resilient young ass through the dress. The girl in response pressed her groin to my pubic hair, as if trying to run away from my indiscreet hands. From surprise, her head threw up a little and I heard a barely audible, blissful groan: "Ahhhhh ..." My member immediately reacted to the magic of the supple female body, he gently pulsed and rested his stake in the soft girl's belly.

In my head I heard a heartbeat that was not inferior to the beat of the drums of that slow ballad. Beyond my desire, I slightly pulled away from the girl and looked into her gray eyes. Her lips quivered with excitement; having felt my movement and my view, she gathered her strength and answered me with a bold look, full of passion and love. For a second or two, I surrendered to the depth of her transparent bottomless eyes, then abruptly fell to her thin, compressed lips ...

My nose touched the tip of her nose, she lowered her gaze and began to respond to my kisses.She was blown away with passion by her passion, but Dasha was clearly embarrassed by the views of her friends, who stared at us, crumpled by the sight of her classmate, who was clinging to the lips of their teacher. Her lips caressed mine, the girl breathed heavily and often, her eyes almost closed with passion, but her teeth remained clenched, inflaming me even stronger, not allowing me to fully enjoy the caress ... With difficulty standing, I pulled away from the girl and buried myself her hair, unable to endure this sweet torture. She hugged me, a little weak; we both tried to catch my breath, my hands slid over her back, I felt her chest rise, full of girlish hopes and fears.

The dance, meanwhile, was ending. I realized with horror that now I would have to leave the arms of a charming girl. Trying to find a way out of the situation, I asked Dasha: “Can we walk, breathe fresh air?” The answer was a light kiss on my cheek. I took her by the delicate fragile wrist and pulled to the exit. After a moment, we hurried along the asphalt path, slightly chilled by the night's freshness. We walked in silence, I held the girl’s hand in my hand, admired her face, beautiful figure, and listened to the sound of her heels in unison with my heartbeat. She looked down, I only sometimes squeezed her hand, then she squeezed her in response.

We walked like this for about a minute. Finally, I saw a bench on the side of the walkway. I pulled Dasha toward the bench, she dutifully followed me. I sat down on the bench and impatiently sat Dasha on my lap, pulling me towards me with both hands. The girl hugged me passionately and clung to my chest, as if trying to wrap herself in me. Again I felt her breasts, the warmth and softness of her ass, with one hand I hugged the girl for the semi-naked back, and the other - gently stroked her glossy knees.

For several seconds we sat in a daze, like a statue of Rodin. Suddenly Dasha started, again languidly looked into my eyes and fell to my lips. The sweet torture resumed, she again kissed with compressed lips ... Again my head was spinning with passion, I pressed her head with all my strength to my lips ... I kissed the girl aggressively, almost biting her lips, sometimes my teeth touched her teeth and suddenly ; oh miracle She put a warm palm on the back of my head and her lips opened up supple! So I already feel her hot wet tongue! God, what a bliss! Dasha closed her eyes from happiness, I squeezed her knee with all my strength, barely restraining myself from going higher ... The girl fumbled in my lap, my dick gently pulled her elastic buttocks through her summer pants. We were both somewhere in another world. I realized that a little more and I would fuck my student right on this bench, and her inarticulate moans said that she was ready to surrender to her teacher right here ...

Suddenly, she nervously pushed me away, jumped up from her knees, pulled me by the hand with the words: “Come to me!” Obeying my lady who turned into a lustful female, I quickly went with her in the direction of the girl's room. A couple of minutes that seemed like an eternity to us - and in the twilight of the corridor, Dasha is trying to open her room with an old brass key, leaning over the keyhole. I gently pressed against her ass, pushing a hard cock between two tender girl's buttocks. I put my hands on her satin shoulders, kissing Dasha's neck, then the beginning of her back. Not wanting to feel my penis more strongly, not trying to free myself from my embraces, the girl abruptly pushed her ass back, pressing down on my pubis with one buttock, then the second. I almost cried out in surprise.

Meanwhile, the hostess managed to cope with the lock, we found ourselves in her room and she sat down on the edge of her bed, waiting, waiting. For a while, I enjoyed the romance of the moment, the look of an innocent girl in an elegant black dress, halftones and half-shades from her body, the silhouette of her face against the twilight window, the shape of her shoulders and arms, which gave a girlish indecision and slight fright from those sweet pictures that yourself this second sweet Dasha.For a moment, I was embraced by affection, I gently hugged the girl from behind, jumping onto the bed, pressed against her hair and took her hands in both hands. Our fingers crossed and she gently squeezed them pressing down on the phalanxes as a sign of humility and love. “Dasha, what a seductive and beautiful girl you are!” I whispered softly in my beloved's ear. In response, she threw back her head, took a deep breath, looked at me with wet eyes ... Read more →

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