1. Stupid pampered glamor kitty
  2. Stupid spoiled glamor kitty. Part 2

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- Well, Sokolova, why are you silent? I listen to you, tell me.
Katya Sokolova, the most fashionable and popular girl in the faculty, was beautiful and charming. She knew about it and was very good at using her advantages.
- Why bother, Gleb Nikolayevich? so I spent several nights on this essay, - she made a mournful grimace and charmingly puffed out her lips, - it seemed to me that you are in a hurry to go home. Too late. If you are so interested, you can read my report at home. She smiled again and handed the professor with a pink cover with rhinestones to the professor.

"A stupid generation ... Brazen, overdressed and stupid to despair," the professor took off his glasses and rubbed his nose tiredly.
Strange, because he is not old. He himself is separated from this youth by some 15-16 years, but why did it seem like a decade and a half this is a real gulf separating his generation from the present one? "They don't want to know anything. They are only interested in endless parties, clothes and promiscuous sex "Of course, he could understand them, not so long ago he was young and carefree. But specifically in this case, here and now, in the image of the glamorous Kati Sokolova, all this was terribly frustrating. Her long manicured nails, vulgar bright makeup, it is not clear that : whether she forgot ode s pants to this T-shirt, whether it is in fact a dress heels ... like a prostitute and microscopic shiny handbag, which will not fit no book!

- First of all, Sokolov, stop typing something in your phone and remove it altogether. Secondly, a trash can behind you, spit out the gum. You are at university with a teacher, not at a party with your friends. Third, take this supposedly your essay. You will not get credit.
He got up from his seat and was about to leave. Katya was clearly dissatisfied, and with her whole mind she said “what a bore you are.”
“Gleb Nikolayevich, you must give me credit,” she turned on her plaintive tone again.
- Have a conscience, Katerina. Not only that, for the fourth time this semester, I specifically stayed at work because of you, you have enough audacity to once again be late for a retake, stick an essay that you didn’t even do ... you didn’t even bother to read it !! and then you say that I owe you something! - he was seriously annoyed.

- How many? - dry Katin voice interrupted his indignant thoughts.
- What...
- If you want money, tell me how much. I think we can agree, - with these words, she opened her tiny handbag and took out a small pack of foreign bills. On her hands sparkled fashionable jewelry. With a flick of her fingers, she counted a few pieces of paper and threw them on the table.
“I need this stupid fool of yours,” she became serious and there was not a trace left of the silly antics.
- Well, you know!
In principle, Gleb and before offered bribes and, frankly, sometimes he took them. But why the offer of Sokolov was offended to the depths of the soul. Painfully arrogant, she did it.
“Tomorrow morning we will meet in the office of the dean and I will raise the question of your dismissal,” his voice sounded strictly and categorically. He put on his glasses, got up and headed for the exit.

Suddenly, Kate snatched the keys from him, ran to the door, locked it and squeezed the keys in her hand, blocked Gleb's road.
“No, Gleb Nikolayevich, please,” she turned from a sly fox into a hunted mouse.
Lock the door was a spontaneous idea. And now she looked at the professor in her confusion, who in turn looked at her in surprise.
- Sokolova, what's that tricks?
- I can not go home without offset. Parents think I already got it.I told them that my gradebook in the dean's office — she almost cried — they gave me a new car! And if dad finds out that I lied ..., - Katya burst into tears.
“A spoiled doll,” thought Gleb, “She and tears go. Such a pretty face, ”another thought flashed after her.
He even felt sorry for her for a moment. But he did not want to go on about. He returned to his seat, sat down on a chair and decided to wait for her to calm down. Sooner or later she will have to open the door. In the end, such children's antics do not last long.
Katerina stood at the door, sniffing. The mascara smeared a little and it gave it an even more touching look. After a few minutes of silence, she realized that the professor was not going to pity her.
He just looked at her and waited.

“Maybe ...” she began hesitantly, “maybe then we can find some other compromise?” - Kate took a couple of steps forward. She wanted to say it as sexually as possible, but still some notes of despair slipped into her voice.
Gleb understood what she was talking about, but was not surprised to find something to say. Outwardly, he remained calm, but inside his heart began to pound like crazy. "He ??? ... And she ???", - of course, he often allowed himself to fantasize about Katya Sokolova since he saw her when she came to the first course a couple of years ago. But now Katya is here, and in front of him she seems to be taking off ... What is ???
Katya came very close to the seated professor. She looked worried, and yet she was taking off her panties. He did not see anything, only how black lace underwear slips from under her mini.
Gleb sat numb figure. Beauty Katya was so close. He could smell her and he heard the excitement pounding in his ears.
“Professor,” she said only.
- Katyusha, what are you doing? - it was impossible to invent a stupid question and question, but this is the only thing that Gleb could say.
She, cautiously, as if afraid of something, spread her legs and sat on him. It seemed to Gleb that now he was like a virgin boy hypnotized by what was happening.

"It is impossible," he told himself, "I should not." It is not right. I am older, I am a teacher and must stop all this immediately. ”
Through the clothes he felt heat in the place where she was sitting. Her hands wrapped around his neck and stroked his head. She kissed him gently on the cheek and felt how much he reacted to it.
Katya, for all her empty-headedness, was still not devoid of ingenuity. She knew that now there was an internal struggle inside the professor. After all, he was a man of high moral principles, and as if he did not want to, he most likely will first invite a girl on a date before having sex with her. She hoped that he would stop her now, set off her credit and drive her out of harm's way out of the audience.

But he was silent and did not move. His dick in pants was long hard. Swaying back and forth, Katya herself began to get excited. Gleb Nikolayevich was a handsome man, tall, slim, green-eyed. (Especially for eroticspace.infosexitails.org) But she had never before perceived him as a sexual object. Firstly, because he was under forty, and secondly ... He was too right or something. Katerina also attracted the "bad guys."
But sitting astride her teacher, it seemed to her that she was dominant in this situation. And this inexplicably excited. He looked into her eyes and seemed to want to say something, but for some reason he was silent. She gently touched the lips of his mouth and Gleb unexpectedly for himself answered her with a kiss. He was long and sensual.

Suddenly, Gleb pulled away and raised the girl to his feet.
- This is wrong, Cach. You can not do it this way. You are young and beautiful ... Very beautiful, - his gaze rested on her chest, - you are an intelligent girl. You do not need to sell your body for the sake of some worthless valuation.
Kate thought “There is. Now he will sign, ”but at the same time with this thought she became sad. She was dying to chase her away.Their kiss was so affectionate that she needed nothing more at that moment except for her professor.
He stood ...

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