1. Goodbye, Mr. "good guy." Part 1: Irina
  2. Goodbye, Mr. "good guy." Part 2: Marina
  3. Goodbye, Mr. "good guy." Part 3: Anya

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Disclaimer instead of the preface: This story loses all meaning if you remove from it some elements related to age, but despite the fact that the heroes are schoolchildren, they all already have more than 18 years.

It was the hot summer of the last school holidays in our life, we were in St. Petersburg on foreign language courses, which were held on the basis of one of the universities, and lived in a student dormitory. There were few students in the summer, we only had classes in the morning, which means that the rest of the time we were completely left to ourselves. Formally, there was a couple of young teachers from the school with us, but they found the whole group quite adult, and they found things more interesting for themselves than looking after us. 15 people went to summer language school, but I was the only guy from the whole group. And since I didn’t use girls in our school very popular, I didn’t have much to communicate with. But somehow from the very beginning it turned out that my room was practically opposite the room of three girls, to which I now decided to look. And, in spite of the fact that they saw no more a guy in me than in furniture, yet we could chat, discuss classes, the school and this wonderful city, which gave us new impressions every day.

I spent most of my free time with them. If I didn’t want to be alone, we walked around the city, and I listened to how they discuss all the nonsense that usually turns in eighteen-year-old girls in my head. Among them was Ira, according to which I have been preying for more than one year (as probably another half of the school). I tried to invite her somewhere, made presents on the eighth of March and so on, but without success. However, it must be said that she generally had a reputation as a snow queen, and she did not meet with anyone at school. Also, Anya, her friend from another school, and Marina, the bitchy cute girl from my class, lived in the same room with her (I never liked her because of her character, although everyone thought she was beautiful).

I myself was quite an ordinary schoolboy, who considered himself ugly, although over the years I learned that girls liked my appearance. But then I was a clever man, not particularly self-confident, who all the time was forced to communicate with girls who consider themselves to be school beauties. They constantly tried to use me for carrying goods, now in order to feed them with dinner (none of them knew how to cook), then for something else. The reward was a smile, a maximum - a kiss on the cheek, from which I, apparently, had to write with boiling water. On the other hand, they tried to pin me up all the time, especially Marina succeeded in this. I myself considered myself above these attempts to humiliate me and usually did not react in any way, but this did not reduce the number of such antics at all.

Irina opened the door for me. She, apparently, had just come from the shower, since only the towel was on her clothes. My first thought was: “That's because lucky!” The towel was tightly wrapped and allowed to evaluate all the beautiful roundness of her young, but already very well developed body, exposing a significant part of it. Large green almond-shaped eyes, a chiseled face and a small neat mouth. She was my height, but since she was engaged in gymnastics, and even went to some kind of competition, she was very slim and her neat chest was not the second, or even the third size seemed more than it actually was.

My next thought was that this was the end of even the most illusive dreams of mine, because if she is not shy of me, then she doesn’t consider her to be a man.

“Hi, come in,” she said, brushing her fresh, wet, wet hair.Straight and long, the color of a walnut, they usually fell in a smooth wave down her back to her waist, but now, after a shower, she rubbed some kind of tool into them and they looked almost black.

- Hello.

- The girls went to the movies, and I decided that with me enough for today.

I walked into the room, and in the meantime, she sat on the rug between the bed and the mirror, continued to mess around with her hair.

- You will not help me? I usually ask Anya, but one is not convenient.

“Yes, of course,” I agreed, not expressing anything in my voice, but everything inside me finally fell: I am a boyfriend-girlfriend, nothing could be worse.

I came up behind her and grabbed her hair while she rubbed something into the roots. Her smell was delicious! Fresh from the shower, she smelled of pure young female body and vanilla. Since she moved her hands quite a lot, the towel on her was a little loose.

- Does it bother you at all that you are in front of me in one towel? - I asked.

“Pff,” she snorted contemptuously, “and in general, don't look, close your eyes.”

- And I will not think about it, but then I will miss all the interesting things.

- What are you, absolutely gone nuts? No need to stare, I asked you to help, and you ...

She, as always, tried to make me make excuses, feel guilty. But apparently this whole situation, and the events of the previous day, when I literally dragged my bags around the shops behind them, formed into some kind of big offense, which I really did not want to endure.

- What about me? I, by the way, man. And here in front of me is a half-naked girl who is about to stop being HALF-naked. When students build their eyes on a bus, it's so good, and when I look, it's so bad?

In the dorm I walked in light summer shorts and a T-shirt on a naked body. The summer was surprisingly hot, at mid-day it was so hot that it seemed as if the brain was melting with asphalt. She sat on the rug in front of the mirror to me back, and I stood and held her hair. From this whole situation, from her sweet smell and look, I had a wild riser. I was saved only by standing behind her, I blocked her with her figure in the mirror.

She looked at the towel, but her hands were in the hair product and she did not fix it.

- You can not.

- Why so? How long have I been running after you? When you need something, so I am immediately good, but as a date to go, so "sometime afterwards."

She stopped practicing hair, turned her face towards me and said that you can never speak to offended men:

- Because you are nobody. Do not you understand? We ask - you do, and we allow you to hang out with us, but when we return home, we don’t remember about you. You have nothing to stand for and hike. You are nothing.

If before that I was just slightly offended by the general attitude towards me, then here I just boiled over. Why, instead of the usual manipulative manipulations, she suddenly opened her heart, I only found out later, and now I was just covered in a purple veil of rabies. Some girl humiliates me, and not just some, but the one to whom I harbored tender feelings, and which already during the trip, and not only, helped in everything and always. I wanted to make her remember once and for all that you couldn’t treat men like that.

- Remember, you ran after that fool from a parallel class? She told us everything, showed your letters, the whole school laughed, ”she continued,“ You're just pathetic, so you can't.

Something clicked in my head, I just didn’t even know what I was doing. I stood there stunned by this sudden disruption of the masks, red with anger and excited to the limit. One of my hands clenched on her hair, the other I lowered my shorts and, turning my head sharply, I moved my cock up to my size. She screamed more from surprise and misunderstanding of why this her “tame boy” rebelled, but she still did not understand what was happening.

- See, not so nothing.

She wanted to say something, and judging by the expression on her face, it was supposed to be a threat.But as soon as she opened her mouth to say something, I finally turned her to me and drove my dick into her mouth. Her expression changed from angry to surprised. But she did not try to bite me and for some reason stopped trying to shove me away. I, firmly holding her hair, ...

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