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Outside the window, it was rapidly getting dark, but the man was in no hurry to turn on the light. He sat in the chair, leaning on the armrest and resting his chin on a clenched fist. He glanced at his watch. It is a quarter to eight - soon she must come ... But she will not come, as she did not come yesterday, and the day before yesterday, and how she had not appeared for four days. The man sighed. The problem is great, she will find another whore, but for some reason her thoughts always came back to that fragile girl of twenty-five with pale silky skin, soft brown eyes, a shock of wavy brown hair casually slung over her shoulder. Their soft waves descended to a small, but elastic chest. From her came a soft spicy smell of sandalwood and barely perceptible - coffee, apparently, in a hurry drunk after work. She came without dressing directly in a working office uniform: a white blouse, a strict gray skirt to the knee and black shoes on a small heel. The man barely noticeably grinned: he forbade her to come in tights, and the girl obediently took them off before ringing him at the door. Always silent, obedient, unpretentious, she did everything as her master wanted, without any questions or comments. And her gaze was so attentive, ready to serve, a look that so excited his whole being.

He still remembered the effort he had to hold back so as not to take it right here on the threshold. As soon as he saw her, he quickly turned away, hiding the mad fire of passion that flashed in him. He retreated back into the darkness of a spacious, little-furnished room with a large, full-wall, densely curtained window, where he had been waiting for her all this time. With a deliberately bored look, he landed in a black leather chair, located right in the center of the room, back to the window, and fixed his impatient gaze at the doorway. She emerged from the darkness of the corridor, and her skin seemed golden in the light of a desk lamp directed at her, standing on a low glass table next to the chair. The man directed the light on the wall in front of him, pointing the slave to her place. But the girl herself knew everything, because she did it not for the first time. She walked to the wall, being in a circle of yellowish electric light. Covering her eyes with one hand, she already unbuttoned her blouse with the other. The man’s tenacious gaze wandered over her body, briefly lingering on the slim, graceful fingers of the girl, who slid down the pearl buttons. Waiting until the slave finally took off his blouse, he momentarily looked at a white lace bra with a pink satin bow in the middle, a pale tummy, a belt of a gray skirt ...

- Turn around. - He threw dryly to her.

The girl immediately executed the order and stretched her arms back to the zipper of her skirt. The man squeezed the skin of the armrest of the chair and leaned forward slightly. There was at that moment in his look something bestial, insane, something so eager to get free. He was not afraid to test any of his fantasies on her, knowing that she would not get anywhere from him.

To incline her to this connection was not an easy task. However, with a certain amount of funds, connections and influence, many issues become quite solvable. The girl depended on him, or rather on the money that he gave her to treat her fiance. And this thought gave him considerable pleasure, possession of the fact that he would never belong to him under other circumstances. It is interesting that she feels, standing there, in the hospital ward, how she justifies herself by looking into the eyes of her lover ... He tried to present: shame, self-loathing, bitterness, pain - and all this for a good cause. The man smiled wryly at his thoughts. He leaned over and pulled a vibrator from the top drawer. Transparent, purple - her favorite color, however, he absolutely did not go to her.However, the man did not miss a single opportunity to tease the slave, to humiliate, crushing possible resistance.

And now the Boss, with a bad smile, looked at the suddenly stiffened buttocks of the girl - her ears, evidently, had already caught the buzzing sound of the included vibrator.

- Come on. - The man ordered.

And this time the slave did everything right: without turning around, she carefully stepped over the gray fabric of the skirt lying on the floor and, not hurrying, moving in the direction of her master. He, in turn, was pleased, watching as the girl's buttocks move with the step.

After waiting for her to come close enough, the man impatiently grabbed the slave by a strip of strings and pulled him tightly towards him. The girl gasped: lace fabric crashed into the crotch, giving her conflicting feelings of painful pleasure. The owner knew that she liked it. Any woman would like a stronger man to take her, somewhere deep in any desire there is a desire to obey. Another thing is that not everyone even admits this to herself. Others only need to push, show, open in them this side of female nature.

The owner did not even think to loosen his grip. With the head of a vibrator, he had already drawn lines on the smooth skin of the buttocks, gradually descending into lace fabric that had cut into the crotch. The thighs of the slave swayed slightly, which did not hide from the man’s tenacious gaze. With a contented, wide smile of the Cheshire cat, the Host loudly slapped the girl on the buttock and, without tearing it from the delicate skin of his hand, he immediately led her up to the bra clasp. One movement of dexterous fingers - and the ends of this uncomplicated part of women's underwear obediently diverge to the sides and fall.

- Turn around. - Sukho ordered the man, putting the vibrator aside, but not thinking to turn it off.

As soon as the girl executed the order, the Master, without wasting time, grabbed one hand at the flirtatious satin bow of the bra and pulled it on himself, not too sharply, so as not to rip off an unnecessary item of clothing, but to make the slave lean over and rest on the armrests. The girl’s face was now very close: scared, one might even say innocent, like a child’s. However, he saw her eyes - and they asked for more. However, the man himself intended to continue this game. Deliberately lazy, the Master caressed the slave's bare chest with her palms, carefully turning her nipples with her fingers, so that in the next moment she would squeeze them tightly, pull herself on, causing the girl to arch and dumbly groan.

- Do you? - He asked, looking straight into the eyes of his slut.

Receiving a weak nod in response, the man let go of the exhausted nipples of the slave and quirked an eyebrow:

- Really?

The girl straightened and lowered her panties. Following the lace fabric, a viscous transparent trickle of discharge stretched. The man who followed this movement grinned.

“Look, you really don't lie.” - He said, slamming slave on the thigh.

Tense as a string, she did not know what to expect in the next moment. However, knowing her master, she did not even dare to move once again, and only humbly waited for her fate.

Satisfied with the result, the man smiled gently, almost paternally, to his ward, and at the same second abruptly introduced a vibrator into it - at once deeply, as far as it would go. Not so much from the rough, as from the sudden penetration of the girl's legs gave way, and she, clutching at the chair, began to slowly sink to the floor. Without hesitation, the man pushed her away so that his living toy fell on his back, spreading his legs wide.

- Whore. - He spat out almost in disgust, pushing his foot humming vibrator deeper into her vagina.

The slave woman screamed, squirmed, trying to somehow weaken the onslaught of the gentleman, but to no avail - it only turned on more and turned on the man.

Finally, the Boss was sick of this game, and he resolutely rose from the chair.With a dexterous movement, he unzipped his pants fly, which had previously restrained the onslaught of the instrument that wanted to be female, and neatly landed on the slave’s chest, thereby pinning the girl to the floor. With a domineering gesture, he took his whore by the hair, forcing her to raise his head, and put his swollen body to the lips of his slave ...

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