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This is my first story, so please do not judge strictly ...

This is a story, only the author's imagination.

A little bit about yourself. My name is Ivan. I am 24 years old. Nothing fancy, dark hair, normal slim body.

Let's start in order, it was an ordinary sunny day and we walked with friends around our wonderful city Peter. He didn’t stand out in any special way, if it weren’t for the one ad that we took from the pretty girl near the metro, there was an inscription on it * Come to the casting of a new unique reality show * and under the inscription were two beauties with a microphone and a camera. My friends and I laughed and forgot about this leaflet.

The next day was rainy and boring. I was sitting at home and did not know what to do, I decided to wash things and came across yesterday’s piece of paper with the announcement, I did not turn a lot about it, but I wasn’t there and reached for the phone. To tell the truth, I am not a supporter of such things, but for some reason curiosity got the better of it, and even the sexy girls on the brochure attracted the eye.

When I dialed the number, I got on a robot that offered some services, I already wanted to hang up, but then I heard a cute voice that said on the other end of the line:

- Hello.

- I am about the casting, I took a brochure from the metro and decided to find out in more detail.

- Yes, I understand you. Casting takes place in two stages. The first qualifying round will take place in 4 days.

I wrote down the address, said goodbye and put down the phone. I was not really going to go, but I did not throw out a piece of paper with the address.

And now, after 4 days, I stand in a crowd of people who crowd in front of the entrance and wait for their turn. After 2 hours, my turn came. I went into the office where 2 men of 35–40 years old and a pretty woman of 30 years old sat at the table. They asked questions that I answered without thinking too much, as I decided in turn that all this was not for me and judging on all the shows that go on our TV, I do not fit under one format. Then they gave me a form with some questions and said, filling out, give to the woman at the reception. I filled it out, although I found the questions somehow ridiculous, almost all of them concerned sex and different inclinations in sex, with the output I gave the form and left ...

About 3 weeks have passed since the moment of the casting, I forgot about it and forgot to think about it, but one day my mobile phone rang, a number that was not familiar to me was displayed:

- Hello.

- Hello, is it Ivan?

- Yes

- My name is Lisa, you have been casting for the show, and I would like to congratulate you, you have passed the first qualifying round. The second round will take place in 3 days. Write down the address and time. I was not taken aback much, but quickly came to my senses:

- Yes, wait a second ...

Writing down the address and time, I plopped down on the sofa and lightly fucked, because I was a simple guy, as it was the first round of selection. Thousands of thoughts rushed through my head, well, since it all happened that way, it would be stupid of me not to go and learn everything in detail. 3 days lasted like a fog, I did not find a place for myself, but then this day came, I got ready and went. Arriving, I wandered for a long time, looking for the right address, finally I found the right house. The building was modern, glazed, and next to it stood a heaped cars. I was not much embarrassed, but it was too late to retreat, I entered, at the reception I found out where to go. Rising on the elevator, I went to the right floor and was taken aback again, I thought to see a lot of people, but for some reason there was no one on the floor. I thought that I had mistaken the floor, looking at the sign, I realized that no, this is the floor I needed. Having decided to find out what was there and how, I went to the office. Carefully knocking I opened the door. It was a regular office, nothing extra, a table, a sofa, a couple of cabinets and chairs and the same door opposite the entrance. At the table sat a man of 30-35 years old, in a good expensive suit and filled out some kind of paper. He looked up at the sound of the door opening. I was not much confused, but got ready and asked:

- Sorry, I think I was mistaken by the cabinet, I'm here about the casting, but apparently this is not for you.

- Oh, no, no, you were not mistaken. Pass, sit down on the sofa. My name is Konstantin Aleksandrovich, but you can call me just Konstantin or Kostya.

- Ivan. I introduced myself.

Sitting on the couch I was not a lot nervous, I imagined casting not much differently, but what I saw made me panic. Konstantin rummaged in some papers, took out a folder and read something carefully in it, I sat and did not know where to put my hands and generally how to behave, it lasted 5 minutes, then he spoke.

- Ivan, you showed not bad results on the test and according to its results you are very suitable for us, so let me immediately get down to business and explain to you the essence of this whole show and what will be required of you.

- Good. The only thing I could squeeze out of myself.

- And so let's take it in order. This is not a simple show, it will not be shown on TV, it will only be broadcast on the Internet, its main focus will be sexual relations. And he fell silent.

I didn’t know what to answer, my thoughts were confused and they didn’t want to believe what Konstantin had just said. He broke the silence.

- Do not refuse immediately, in two neighboring offices, my colleagues sit and they will describe the subject of the show to you in more detail and decide how much you are ready for it.

- Good. I answered again. He pointed to the door to the right of the sofa and invited me to go. I got up and followed him on cotton feet, we entered the exact same office, but a young man of about 25 sat at the table, though not in a suit like Constantine, but in a regular sweater and jeans. Konstantin presented it to me as simply Max.

- He will ask you a series of questions that will determine whether you are ready for the show. Said Constantine, put the folder in front of Max and went out.

I stood in the door and did not know what to do.

- Sit down and do not be nervous so, everything will be the way, you are very lucky, not many have passed the first round, but you are lucky. He winked and began to read the document which Constantine left him.

I sat down on the sofa and looked out the window, because I did not know where to look.

- Maybe drink, relax. With these words, he went to the closet, took out a glass and poured whiskey, and handed it to me. I got up, hesitantly took the glass and drained it in one gulp, not wrinkling much, returned the glass to Max. He again began to pour whiskey.

- Just not in one gulp, but you will get drunk and you will not be able to answer, but we do not want this. He winked again and moved back to the table. I returned to the sofa with a glass, sat down and began to sip whiskey in small sips.

He started asking questions, they were all connected with sex, what I love, what I don't like, what kind of sex I prefer, what girls I like, whether I am ready for experiments and whether I am ready to embody my fantasies, asked how rich my sex life is, is there a permanent girl, have i been sick with venereal diseases, are you ready to be tested and everything like that. I answered without thinking too much, but the truth, my brains after whiskey didn’t calm down much and I wondered why I should lie, I answered everything as it was. When he finished asking and writing, he got up and came out pouring himself a whiskey, slowly sipping half, he returned to the table.

- Well, not bad, not very bad. You know, I need to consult with Konstantin, but I think that you are suitable for us, wait here I will be back soon, you can pour yourself more whiskey, if you smoke, cigarettes on the table. And he went out. I was left alone, quickly finished my whiskey, poured myself another cigarette and took a cigarette.

Thoughts finally cleared up, it began to reach me that it was just some sort of porn in the live broadcast on the Internet. But I did not have time to think out, the door opened and Max entered, I put out a cigarette and returned to the sofa. He sat down at the table, thought for a second about something, but quickly came to his senses:

- I consulted with Constantine and he, too, supported your candidacy, which means that you almost passed ...

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