1. At work
  2. At work. Part 2
  3. At work. Part 4

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- Let's continue on what we stopped, Elena Georgievna, - Alexey nodded to his pants, - Do you mind? He asked me.

- Do you want to stand, or will it be more convenient to spread me on the table?

- Come while standing? - I suggested to Lesha, - his mouth, my ass!

Lyosha nodded, watching Lena unbutton her blouse and free her small breasts on the move, unfasten her fly and throw out another flaccid member with the eggs and bend down to him, playing with eggs ...

- good huesoska! - breathed out Aleksey, playing with the hair of a woman’s head, working on his cock.

Standing on the side, I see the head of Leshinoy fucking disappear in the mouth of a fifty-year-old hoesoski, and the dimples tell me that the process has begun. Elena Georgievna sucked on straight legs, helpfully bent at the waist and giving me her neat ass, which I took advantage of, lifting her skirt, gladly noting that Lena is in stockings (I don't like tights). After pulling the panties off my ass, I gladly slapped on such a familiar ass.

“She knows and loves it,” my hand went down below, Lenka obligingly spread her legs, and I patted her encouragingly on her wet snatch, feeling for the clitoris, “I’ve been using her mouth mostly lately. And in the pussy of her regular lover fuck.

- Working point? - Aleksey asked busily, moving Elena Georgievna's dick in his mouth.

- Alas no, he says that since only the ex-husband drunk her drunk ... I tried, but with my ambal you can break her ... screaming, but she has the makings ... she loves a finger in her ass when I pussy, - and I put in a sucking Elena point a thumb, loudly slapping her on the ass to relax.

- Nothing! I have all women with a broken point ... And you will, - He patted Lenka on the head ...

Two men discuss aloud a woman, raskoryachennuyu between them, dressed mouth on dick, with a finger in the ass. By the shivering ass of Elena Georgievna, I realized that her situation was also aroused. Lesha, it seems, also imbued with the moment:

- Spread!

And now I feel like nimble female fingers unbutton me jeans. Having lowered them along with the cowards, Lena rewarded my dick with the first kiss (well deserved, because the idea of ​​using it in two bows belonged to me). And now I feel the dick hot humidity of her mouth, her agile tongue circling around the head, fingers pulling the eggs ... Kaif!

- Pussy push apart! - Lesha clearly intended to pull Elena Georgyevna, who was bent on the standing member she had treated, the hand from my eggs disappeared and I saw that the woman who continued to suck me helpfully stretches her ass in front of her - and a little lower ... more ..

Tolchek, and my dickhead, resting on Elena's neck serving me, made me understand that Aleksey successfully planted in her framed pussy.

- Well scored! - he happily grinned, - it can be seen flowing for a long time ... pussy is good ... and narrow, like a girl's - are you rarely fucked? ... or by nature?

Slap and rare but powerful shocks began processing our official whore.

- Rarely! ... Usually, like Sasha ... in her mouth ... - Elena squeezed her lips again on a prick (she knows that I like it).

I admired the view of stretching myself for the fuck of a woman that opened up before me. He took out the phone and took a couple of pictures for memory: the chick sucking at me stretches itself for the second, fucking her man. He handed the phone to Lesha and he took a couple of shots from his perspective.

- That's right, Sanya! - Alexey slammed Elena in the ass and left her, - a photo session and then on the table ... to the workplace.

Having straightened up, and having seen, in my hands the telephone set on her, she reddened:

- Well, Saaash ... well, please ... it is not necessary - but at the same time she diligently held her skirt up her waist, showing in the frame slender legs in stockings and a smoothly shaved cunt, and an unbuttoned blouse and a tattered up bra, with exposed protruding breasts, completed the picture ...

- A photo for memory, - Alex got up close and hugged, - Elena Georgievna, our official fuck!

- Well, why are you so ...

- Bra taller, a blouse on the shoulders, a skirt a little higher, legs wider ... more ... even higher skirt, and then the pussy is hard to see ... well ... the handle on the dick of Lesha ... the head bent on his shoulder. .. smile, take off ... again ... Come on, now you have me too.

- The second handle on the breast, closer to Sana'a head ... we look into the lens ... a little smile, - Alexey continued my business, - how can I switch on the video ... yeah ... I found it.

At hand, I felt Helena's shoulder quiver, pressed her closer, feeling the trembling of her whole body. I patted her on the shoulder, making her understand that everything was fine, and she pressed herself closer to me, as if searching for shelter, but did not let the dick out of the handle, and diligently lifted up her skirt in front of the camera.

- Meet Elena Georgievna ..., - Alexey began filming on video, - now he will tell you what has already happened and what she is going to offer us ... I ask you, state!

- Well, first Alexey Vasilyevich kindly offered me to suck on him, and when we settled in the office of Vladislav Vladimirovich, my boss, and I began to suck, Alexander Alexandrovich called, whom I often suck, and who sometimes expresses a desire to fuck me ...

- Fuck decent, - I interrupted her, - and such as you official fuck fuck.

- Yes, of course, - our beginning porn star recovered, and my hand felt a shivering intensified, but now it was clear that it was a shiver of excitement, - sometimes, when she wants to fuck me, as it suits him ... Here ... and they decided to fuck ... excuse me, fuck me in alone on the desk of my boss. They already half-fed me, I sucked them one by one, and for the first time Alexey Vasilyevich visited me, and it seems that he liked my pussy ... oh sorry ... my pussy.

Her breathing became completely intermittent ... the handle was no longer just squeezing, but prying my dick ... her excitement was clearly growing ...

- Now we have a photo session, and then they want to spread me on the table and use them alternately ... excuse me ... fuck me in the mouth and cunt ... pull on two bows, right?

- Good girl! - Alex continued to shoot, - prepare yourself a place on the table.

I podrachivaya, watched with a smile, as Elena pushed aside some papers, freeing the corner of the table, holding the skirt with one hand and casting glances at the phone lens removing it. She definitely liked what was happening, and I was struck by her boundless gullibility, and instant confidence that we were shooting for ourselves and this would not go beyond the three of us ... and I thought, knowing her and Lesha, that she was absolutely right in her confidence .

- How do you want me?

- A lot and often! - Alexey laughed and turned off the phone, - let's go to the corner, so that it was convenient from two sides ... to the back ... and give me a shower, he fell a little after the shooting.

He stood at the table, waiting for the mouth of the busy Elena. I walked to the other edge, looking at the woman sitting on the table fidgeting. Placing her ass in front of me and stretching her legs, she brought her face closer to Alexei’s half-formed dick, but before taking her mouth to them, Elena looked in my direction, watching as I tried to stick a prick to her juicy, flowing hole:

“Are you comfortable, honey?” - she played ass, giving me the opportunity to choose a comfortable angle and height.

- Feet a little lower, - her cunt is conveniently located opposite my dick standing, I put the head, feeling the hot moisture of her cunt - You are clever, dear!

I smoothly plunged to its full length, into its oozing humidity ... sliding back to its full length, ...

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